Why are Indians so unpleasant? Even African niggers are a lot more chill and cool than Indians. They have a strange combination of superiority and inferiority complex. Always trying to be better than you but chimping out from the smallest thing. They are always passive-aggressive and cringe. What causes this!
India hate thread
I can't seem to recall Finland having a lot of poos.
I've only met 4 in my life. They were all horrible and unpleasant people. What causes this?
>Even African niggers are a lot more cool and chill than Indians
Now this is just pure slander
what is dr tedros doing in india? where are his glasses
I love Indians. Hard working and polite.
They were probably Brahmins, they have a degree and see themselves as gods when really they are just slightly more pooed versions of us
>t. ass blasted fin who got cucked by a indian
They could also be sex tourists, yech. Honestly I don't think Indians (in the West anyway) are bad as Pakis. Both have this jitterish "follow the big guy" tribal nature to them though which can get extremely toxic real fast. Indians aren't as bad as Pakis here though. Some Indians are as soulless as chinks though and literally set their daughters on fire and shit. It's a real mixed bag India
So is it only Brahmins that have this aura of unwarranted self-importance?
You really have to be a Pajeet to delude yourself to think that a Poo-bro has ever cucked anyone.
Remember if they are migrants they have been essentially taught to try and push you around because they won't get in trouble for it being little golden boy minorities.
Gawd, wish they'd stop posting their desi shit all over jewtube.
All indians have an arrogant nature. They Wuz Indo Aryans and Indian Empire but then Anglo stoled it all. Tbh, they're not insufferable cunts like Afrocentrists.
Wherever they move, they poo the locals. Only hire their own, etc. Only so many are Brahmin class.. doctors, etc. Lots are ghetto merchants. Oy, vey.
They were migrants or students. I can't lie, I was severely thunderstruck the few first time a unfortunate looking brown noodle-armed manlet tried to act superior to me. It is simply not behaviour that you expect.
Some of Indians have that especially a lot of Pakistanis. They see it as manliness we see it as being a megafaggot. If you meet Sikhs you will see they are pretty based generally. A Sikh saved Polish kids in the UK being bashed to death and got in hospital defending them from people with metal poles. A Paki Muslim would have just watched from his window laughing maliciously.
First thing in the morning, what do I see?
A pile of shit staring at me.
I close my eyes, I step away.
No matter where I go, there’s no getting away.
Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo.
Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo?
I step out on the street. What do I smell?
Shit that’s stinky to high hell.
I hold my breath, I step away.
But everywhere I go, there’s no getting away.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.
Shit, not shit, this shit, that shit.
Let’s see now. Let me check.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.
Take a deep breath. Ayuk!
Abhi hoy, Abhi hoy
Boltho kya,
Abhi hoi
Bolta kya
Bolta Kya
Iski uthooth
Take the poo to the loo.
Take the poo to the loo.
Take the poo – we got to do what we got to do – to the loo.
Take the poo – we got to take the pooh to the loo – to the loo.
Take the poo, we got to take the poo. Take the poo, we got to take the pooh.
We got to, got to, got to, got, got, got, got, got.
Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo.
Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere.
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, there’s that poo.
Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo.
Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo. Let’s take the poo to the loo.
Poo to the loo. Poo to the loo. Poo to the loo.
Just immediately talk down back to them. They've been taught to think you're docile you'll do nothing to them, that's why they also roam in packs (remember the follow the big guy thing). If they see you do the same back especially if you have some mates with you they will scurry. Give off the aura you will fuck them up
It is true though. I’ve definitely spent time with some fun, but retarded, African niggers.
While I've negative experiences with blacks too, I can't deny that they are more chill than the indians that I've encountered so far. Blacks might be retarded, but at least they are chill.
I think I've got the game plan now.
How was your experience with Indians in your country?
What made you hate them?
>I think I've got the game plan now.
India is an example race-mixing, semites, persians, indo-aryans, mongols, abos.. oyu name it. the original melting pot before Brazil & Burgerland.
This is what a race-mixing results in.
Everything has been said in the thread already. Learn to read.
Poo bros are hugely unpleasant people and the least bro-tier. The power ranking goes: Europeans > Japs > Blacks > Chinks > Arabs > Indians. You might not like it, but this is universally recognized as true. FIX your behaviour, instead of complaining. It is classical Indian behaviour to complain about ''no u'' when they in fact are the source of their problems.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
Also pro-tip : rope yourself
Most of the Indians here have got an eye on Finland, and when I mean most, I mean MILLIONS.
25 years down the line, you'll see what I'm talking about.
better learn to cope, or take the ROPE!
This is another classic Indian behaviour. You try to conceal your red-hot seething madness by pretending to be laughing.
Why don't you fix your behaviour
Stop seeking acceptance from sub species. Also, arabs are always worse than poos.
all the indo aryan states are shit expect for few of them
Shut the fuck up you Mongolian rapebaby pigskin. You've met 4 Indians and proceed to stuff a billion others under the same bracket. Fucking flat faced moron. How about you grow some brains instead, or better yet, stop being a fragile little snowflake who got cucked by some Indians and instead of standing your ground, slunk away like a defeated pussy bitch to make a thread on a fringe anime forum instead. Pathetic.
I hate pakis, and I'M a paki. So many are insufferable cunts, I think the UK should stop taking in so many.
>This is another classic Indian behaviour. You try to conceal your red-hot seething madness by pretending to be laughing.
>Why don't you fix your behaviour
noone is reading that fgt , try harder though
Shitskindian poos from mostly southern part of India are smelly, disgusting, midget, disrespectful, ugly, pathological liars.
Their superiority complex comes from their mostly hidden inferiority complex. Shitskindian poos know that they're nothing but slum-dwelling australoniggers.
They have no manners and their culture is just mashup of whatever foreign invaders and conquerors brought into their subcontinent.
As for the whiteish-looking Indians, they usually look decent and act well, I have yet to see non-shitskin Indian acting like a retard in public.
buttmad mudslime detected
the only people who hate indians are paki mohammedans
Then what are the good states?
Gujarat to Kashmir seem to be the prettiest and more chill. Probably because desert/wilderness can only fit so many Indians.
OP's just mad he saw pajeet holding hands with an aryan woman
No shit. Why do you think so many Paki's want to leave Pakistan? It's all the Pakistani's.
>t. Poo
>What causes this
Low IQ
>Literal irrelevant shithole
>Copypasting the retarded MUH WHITEZ RACE meme.
>Even African niggers are a lot more chill and cool than Indians.
Don't you Finns get fucking zoomalis? How the fuck are they chill? They are the worst.
MH and goa are literally dravidian sc/st states
stfu faggot. we are indeed intellectually superior to you inbred cumskins. that's why we're taking over IT and engineering jobs in your country. whitecucks are inherently weak, stupid and lazy with an unbelievable superiority complex. like, bitch, you work as a table clerk in the company that I own, and you think you're superior to me? bitch ass beta faggots
Hows brampton treating you pajeet
Cry more shitskindian swampnigger.
Seriously though, what's with that confidence for someone who's been cucked by mass media?
I've encountered Indias, they literally smell like shit, look like shit and have cringe shit culture and taste. They eat with their hands like the subhumans they are, use a spoon you dumb fucking nigger.
lived in UK which is filled with pakis and poos. most disgusting people in the world. look at the males, the accent, the way hindi sounds. yak. also worked with indian tech students in germany. same thing they stinking lazy grotesque manlets.
chill the fuck out. You're litterally just outpricing and underbidding most of the local workforce by at least 20%.That's why you're getting the jobs. Hint: You'll never get the leadership.
sikhs are mega cucks. if a white whore is being harassed by niggers, a sikh would try to intervene, a paki would watch the fun, but a true bihari like me would join in.
Does your brain even work, gretarded shitskindian swampnigger?
Imagine a warm diarrheal cramp in your colon. Try being pleasant when that feeling is constant.
honestly though, I need a source for this.
I don't know.
stfu pakistani bakrichod faggot. does sucking white dick and condemning your own brothers feel good to you? no self respect, only pathetic virtue signalling for the white man. Fuck you and fuck cumskins.
d and c thread.
indians are kind of awkward, but they're alright.