So you support capitalism and fight against socialism. But how much is your own capital?

So you support capitalism and fight against socialism. But how much is your own capital?

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Which capital are you talking about exactly? Human capital? Relationship capital? Brand capital? Knowledge capital? Credit line?

I have six gorillion in capital.
I buy and sell soviets, they are great puppet masters of orthodox jews. Then the orthodox jews control the masons. Then the masons control corporations.

by blackmailing a handful of soviets, i get control over wide swaths of the means of production.

Fuck commies. Fuck jannies.

I don't necessarily support capitalism but fuck communism

You're all useful idiots to the bourgoise capitalist ruling class.

Money that work for you, that is the essence of being capitalist

A true capitalist doesn't need any money. Brand equity based joint ventures suffice. No liquidity required

The bourgeoise capitalist ruling class are useful idiots to people like me. Communist larping at the street level keeps those useful idiots in power.

If you mean usury then you're talking about (((capitalism))) which has nothing to do with value creation focused capitalism. In fact the same usury (((capitalism))) financed both sides of the major wars and (((Bolsheviks))) as well


>people like me
Who are you?

OP is a faggot and so is anyone who bumps this thread after this post

"Capitalists work communists, to keep us in a false dichotomy. But Hitler was no longer having that, kicked every heeb from the habitat"
-Mr. Bond

work with*
forgive me Mr. Bond for the typo

So how much is your capital? Post exact numbers ITT

Literally doesnt exist, the four major political denominations in Europe are in order of power, Christiandemocrats, Socialists, Liberals, Populists.

All are capitalistic

>All are capitalistic
No, capitalism is just a made up word, to label everyone who isnt a communist, it isnt real, will never be real and it distorts politics.


I work for a strategic communications group out of San Francisco.

Well you see, he has become a god, user

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Read smth, at least Wikipedia

>Read smth, at least Wikipedia

If you cant not explain why everything thats no communism is somehow capitalism, then you have no business using that word.

Its not real, it it will never be real.

Communism is a clear and coherent set of related ideological belief that share similar traits, capitalism is not.

You cant go around and claim that Socialism and Liberalism are basically the same thing, they are not.

What exactly do you do? How are the bourgoise useful idiots for you?

Not everything, feudalism is not capitalism

I won't give away trade secrets. I simply make sure that a handful of soviets and other talking heads say exactly and only as I instruct. What I instruct them to say often passes right through them unchecked and down to my intended target. Some time later an intended effect occurs.

This is magic. I puppet the useful idiots (You) using dark magic.

So how much is your capital that works for you?

>Not everything, feudalism is not capitalism
Feudalism doesnt exist either, Monarchies, Aristocracies, Republics existed, not Feudalism....

You are doing the same thing, lumping together a bunch of dissimilar things together.

>So how much is your capital that works for you?
No idea what you are even trying to ask with this sentence.

You know if you want national socialism we'll be down for that but you have to leave your jewish bullshit at the door komeraden.