How do I immigrate to Sweden? I tried of being locked down I want to be free and Sweden is free.
How do I immigrate to Sweden? I tried of being locked down I want to be free and Sweden is free
Put on blackface and show up at the border. The state will give you a free house and a blonde QT wife.
Since you're already a mutt just claim to be a refugee and they'll take you in straight away.
in 2009 it used to be you just turn up in sweden and burn your passport, back then the waiting period for a home was about 7 years so I didn't bother applying.
years of waiting in a virtual line while they are putting muslims priority
>Be brown person
>Claim to be oppressed refugee
>have red carpet rolled out for you
This language seems hard to learn.
It's actually very easy and one of the simplest languages for English speakers to learn. The hardest part is the fact that definite articles are included at the end of nouns, but you get used to that within a week.
Thanks I think I will be Swedish in no time! Pic related it's me.
>implying you HAVE to do that
just half-ass at them in Danish it's like a 3 month job to learn and it's basically the same language. Also it's far more effective at getting a point across than hearing Swedes constantly correct you with badling bullshit they learned in grade school
>Moves to Sweden
>Killed by random grenade thrown through window
rape someone
Unfortunately I have blue eyes, I'm tall and I have a high IQ. Impossible for me to LARP as anything but the offspring of an SS family.
As an invader of the shitskin persuasion, you usually don't even have to learn the language anyway.
I’m there, but I want BBC
Are (((,they))) locking down Sweden yet? What's going on Lars?
NAME: user
DOB: JAN 1st 1899
Looking very Swedish, good sir! Just change the t-shirt for something more progressive like a refugees welcome t shirt or a I love Muslim semen t shirt.
just speak English
i lived in sweden my whole life, never been grenanded
You have to suck a lot of dick
No weed stores...
I love being in D*nes heads. We waste no energy on you while you waste your life away on us. Really goes to show who the master and the servant is.
we are now in the timeline where sweden is the cool guy. I can barely keep up with all these plot twists.
>puts grannies in prison for posting naughty opinions on social networks
>Haha you roasting the fuck out of us makes us the winners
Sweden I like you guys, please stop committing national suicide
I believe it was Ronald Reagan who said, "Sweden is the last bastion of hope and freedom." He then proceeded to burn the American flag behind him.
You'll find less niggers in Nigeria.
you dont lol
t. immigrant
Day of the røde pølse will come soon, Sven.