You foreigners consider yourself a superior race. But you are dilusionary. Gaijins:
1. smell
2. have a low iq
3. lack politeness and a sense of honour
4. Are ugly with their huge noses and disgusting oily skin
5. Are violent and aggressive and prone to rape
In the eyes of a Japanese, you're not much different from a nigger. And don't come to Japan. You're not welcome here.
White Gaijins are like niggers compared to the Japanese
Japonooooooooose whamen luv my big whyte cock. Literally build for BWC muh dik.
The best thing about Japanese girls is that their pussies taste like vanilla cupcakes.
Lmao stfu chink, Asian “men” aren’t even men, you’re a joke lol
That's great! but know that we killed almost all of your high-t, strong willed males in the war... You and your weak peers should be thankful to us that your got to breed at all; since your genes were the only ones that your females had access to. Besides, look at your suicide and birth rates. Some great people you are if all you do is commit Sudoku and jack off to hentai. That also means your economy is gonna collapse if you don't hire non-Japs to take the work; because you're certainly not doing enough. So, when you're begging for help in the sea of low IQ South Asians immigrants that're going to be taking your jobs,a and later, your land, just know you're on your own.
Japan is the white ethnostate pol dreams of having.
took trains in tokyo,kyoto,niigata and kobe
the japanese smell is something else,like a punch that takes your breath away
take a shower in the morning you retards
They take showers at night. Had a jap gf stay with me. She would not shower in the morning.
Have sex at night and pass out then in the morning shes got cumsnatch walking around with oily hair.
“White” ethnostate with clits for dicks lol
Did someone confiscate your israeli passport?
t. english teacher
Are all white people that obsessed with dicks?
Look up the suicide equipment they still had at the end.
Burgers were never going to take japan so you had to fake the nukes.
Another retarded nip thinking every Gaijin is from Europe or Americas. Anyways:
1. Yes, we smell good.
2. Yes, we have lower IQ, but we compensate with creativity and leadership skills unlike your entire nation of social recluses and self-loathing outcasts.
3. Some people do, but again, you retards keep generalizing. There are people from outside Japan that show more respect and sense of honor than you nips do.
4. You think we're all shitskins and niggers?
5. You nips were the ones that raped entire Asia, especially Korea.
>In the eyes of a Japanese, you're not much different from a nigger. And don't come to Japan. You're not welcome here.
Never planned coming to your shithole island inbred nigger nation anyways. I'd rather visit South Korea and enjoy being around with much friendlier people that don't act like assholes towards tourists that spend money in their country.
P.S. learn how to bait, retard.
Based Yank nukes the monkeys yet again. Chill out lol you killed that yellow piece of inferior shit
We split atoms over your cities yellownigger. Don't make us do it again.
JETards will soon all get to go home
>implying the Japanese are smart
They are as dumb and clueless as the inbreds we have here. They know nothing about anything and can’t even function like normal humans, they are the true NPCs (except for kansai people) >inb4 but muh Japanese IQ scores
OK chang we'll take back cars, planes, trains, modern building techniques, the scientific method, modern medicine, and pretty much the rest of the modernity; you can keep Nintendo and go back to your sandal wearing mud peasant life style.
Based Stalin.
Why did you adopt all our technology and social structure?
Some bridges are just not meant to be built.
Quoting a literal Jew to insult a Japanese flag simply for making an anti-immigration thread on a politically incorrect board. Sad and many such cases. Anyway whilst I don't agree that white tourists are in any way shape or form even a millionth of a fraction as bad as the hooting and hollering roving packs of American negros in the States or the West Indies blacks we get here, nor do they behave as badly, smell as bad or act as impolitely, Japan is 100% in the right for their "xenophobia" and castigation of non Japanese in their own country.
Because taking from others without saying "thank you" is the bedrock of their culture.
Well, if you little boys won't come out of your bedrooms who's gonna fuck all those yellow knocked kneed buck toothed bitches?
I agree with OP.
>2. Yes, we have lower IQ, but we compensate with creativity and leadership skills unlike your entire nation of social recluses and self-loathing outcasts.
This sounds like ultimate cope. Anglo-Saxons are not that far behind Japan in IQ, but we are lower than them broadly and that "compensation" with "leadership skills" and "having a soul" means NOTHING when we're being demographically replaced in our own lands, something that isn't even on the radar of possible societal disasters in nipland. Japan's only problem is their plummeting birthrate. If Japanese betas would just find the gumption and the backbone to fuck their women rather than shipping them to the Congo for a gangbang porn shoot their country would have no pressing or urgent issues at all.
thanks for sharing Davido
IQ doesn't matter. It doesn't completely measure person's overall capabilities. There are useless human waste with high IQ that contribute nothing to society while there are countless people with average IQ that do.
As long as it's not too low and nigger-tier, it doesn't really matter.
Yeah, but guess what? They'll still be Japanese by a super-majority. And we'll still be a wog infested rainy, dull, depressing shit hole full of Paki rape gangs and nigger criminality. So, kind of sets some perspective, doesn't it?
Plus while Chinks do have higher average IQ, white people have higher percentage of people with very high IQ.
It's not just an anti-immigration thread though is it? If it was just stay out of our country we don't want you than that would be fine, but we've got this shit skin getting all high and mighty on his betters.
Doesn't matter. I'm not arguing against nationalism, I'm arguing against some shit skin saying we're like niggers to whites. I don't recall the time niggers showed up on Britain's shores and pulled us forward 800 years in technology, do you? Europe is a light upon this world with no equal.
It’s just fun to point out how biologically castrated asian men are compared to other races. You’re so docile and physically weak, you’re basically women lol no wonder white girls don’t respect you
I married a Japanese woman.
deal with it..
imagine getting nuked lol
The IQ thing is their only cope, meanwhile white IQ is close to asian, but physically they’re like children compared to whites and blacks
I’ve been to japan many times and low your country because it is too different and gives me pleasure to see something unusual.
But there are some cases I can’t comprehend how those traits can be matched with high iq.
All men’s self esteem of men in Japan consist of how much they are paid. If they are poor try are poor they behave like slaves respect authority and not an argument. When you discuss something with Japanese their strongest argument is a reference to opinion on this matter of a famous person
Second, Japanese can perform boring and idle task for whole life, working 7 days a week.
All Asians are npc insects which are capable only to copy and repeat stuff. I don’t know where it derives from the myth about Asian high iq.
Filthy race traitor. Instead of bringing up the next generation of white people you choose to have mutts with an inferior people.
Please, everything coming out of China is fake: from their GDP down to IQ figures.
And bugmen are like niggers to Anglo-Saxons. Do you have any idea how much crime is done by gooks, chongs and nips in the UK? A visit to nearly any fucking nail or hair salon in a city will reveal to you some scheming bugman's money-laundering operation. They are also big on brothels.
damn this thread got a bong seething out of his mind
>Meme country that's dying off because it's population is so socially incapable they either commit suicide or simple die Virgin thinks it's better
How can a race that's in the process of offing itself by natural selection be superior?
Cope. I don't care what you're arguing against. You made the claim that the UK and white people are superior to the nips for "x" reasons but the only thing that matters is demographic integrity, something we are losing whilst Japan is not. So who's really losing? Who is really superior? Clearly not the fucking bongoloids with rainbow police cars and dancing NHS nurses as our birthrates plummet and our government imports our nonwhite replacements.
I think it would have been more impactful if I had mentioned that my grandfather was the guy in his platoon who burnt gooks alive with gasoline when they didn't come out of their island spider holes.
If he were commenting on the racial purity of our nations then fine, but that is not what he was doing. Zimbabwe is also fairly racially pure, that doesn't mean I'm going to accept some nigger trying to act superior either.
i fuck your women more than you do