/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3315 - CCP Virus Editions

► Detected: 2,351,338 (+20,572) ► Died: 161,275 (+1,228) ► Day: 101 (-12:51:01)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 8.7x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,451 strains have been sequenced —


Spain tampering with death toll, ignoring regional officials

Virus rampages body from brain to toes

Vaccine would be first vaccine against coronaviruses

Antibody tests not accurate, might detect common coronaviruses

Virus causes chronic damage to cardiovascular system

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

20% become critically ill with hypoxia or respiratory failure

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

17 year old teenager dies in South Korea, coronavirus suspected

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

Over half of China shuts down: 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

Spain buys Chinese rapid tests, only 30% work

402 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
1,047 new cases and 25 new deaths in India
256 new cases and 17 new deaths in Japan
117 new cases and 50 new deaths in Italy
683 new cases and 25 new deaths in Washington state
149 new cases and 4 new deaths in Nebraska


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So, you guys think that when this is all “over”, will China suffer? Will manufacturing be move to other countries?

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How is our boy doing?

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Rate my PrEP boys

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Fatty Apocalypse in Mississippi.incoming. We're reopening the state in 8 more days.

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nice trips.

China will be held accountable, just wait till every normie in the world is either directly or indirectly affected by the ping pong plague. They will demand revenge

I wanna fuck Bill, I wanna lick his ass

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This means 90% NOT 60% of the population needs to be infected for herd immunity theoretically, IF antibodies against the virus actually work

Happy to oblige

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Only 596 UK deaths today
It's over

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no voluptous goddess gf to roll around with during the quarantine.. hold me brehs, i-i-i cant....

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>revenge for being old and fat

I fucking hope so

why are you only thinking about yourself user?


It can breach the blood-brain barrier

He's in extremely good spirits.

that would be without quarantine measures, idiot
of course the rate is reported lower now, since pretty much everything is shut down

if the measures are lifted, it'll jump back to 6-8

I hope companies will stop relying on single country to manufacture all their shit. Lockdown of china stopped supply chain of quite many companies. It's almost impossible right now to get decent computer parts in reasonable time.

Have they still not gotten the blueberry cobbler right?

cases dropping all over the world, you lost coronacucks
go get some real disease like AIDS you ilness fetishists

When so many people have recovered and there barely are any deaths of people below 70 + then this is nothing much?

The emerged Chinese middle class is what companies have been cumming over, not just manufacturing
They are full blown consumers now and underestimating that with outdated views is underpreparing against them as enemies in the global arena

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open the pubs

>unemployed fighting nigger for hours long waits at food lines
>wake up comfy ready to grill a burger and have some beer
It's going to be a beautiful day!

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has anyone actually seen or heard from him

>that would be without quarantine measures,
That's what R0 means... its how many people patient zero can infect in a susceptible population. The other thing is the effective reproductive number

#1 United States 738,923 (39,015) #2 Spain 195,944 (20,453) #3 Italy 175,925 (23,227) #4 France 151,793 (19,323) #5 Germany 143,854 (4,543) #6 United Kingdom 114,217 (15,464) #7 China 82,735 (4,632) #8 Turkey 82,329 (1,890) #9 Iran 82,211 (5,118) #10 Russia 42,853 (361) #11 Belgium 38,496 (5,683) #12 Brazil 36,925 (2,372) #13 Canada 33,383 (1,470) #14 Netherlands 32,655 (3,684) #15 Switzerland 27,740 (1,368) #16 Portugal 20,206 (714) #17 India 16,365 (521) #18 Ireland 14,758 (571) #19 Austria 14,689 (443) #20 Peru 14,420 (348) #21 Sweden 14,385 (1,540) #22 Israel 13,362 (171) #23 South Korea 10,661 (234) #24 Japan 10,296 (222) #25 Chile 9,730 (126) #26 Saudi Arabia 9,362 (97) #27 Poland 9,082 (350) #28 Ecuador 9,022 (456) #29 Romania 8,746 (434) #30 Pakistan 7,993 (159) #31 Mexico 7,497 (650) #32 Denmark 7,384 (355) #33 Norway 7,069 (165) #34 United Arab Emirates 6,781 (41) #35 Czech Republic 6,657 (181)…

#1 Russia +6,060 (+48) #2 Spain +1,528 (+410) #3 Iran +1,343 (+87) #4 Belgium +1,313 (+230) #5 Saudi Arabia +1,088 (+5) #6 Netherlands +1,066 (+83) #7 Mexico +622 (+104) #8 Sweden +563 (+29) #9 Portugal +521 (+27) #10 United Arab Emirates +479 (+4) #11 Pakistan +355 (+16) #12 Ukraine +343 (+8) #13 Poland +340 (+3) #14 Romania +328 (+13) #15 Indonesia +327 (+47) #16 Bangladesh +312 (+7) #17 Brazil +203 (+11) #18 Philippines +172 (+12) #19 Kuwait +164 (+1) #20 Denmark +142 (+9) #21 Morocco +135 (+1) #22 United States +131 (+1) #23 Germany +130 (+5) #24 Finland +102 (+4) #25 Israel +97 (+7) #26 Malaysia +84 (+1) #27 Hungary +82 (+17) #28 Slovakia +72 (+1) #29 Panama +63 (+4) #30 Afghanistan +60 (+2) #31 Lithuania +59 (+2) #32 Croatia +39 (+8) #33 Macedonia +37 (+2) #34 Norway +33 (+1) #35 Bolivia +27 (+1)…

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Sorry, I'm dumb. Does it mean the virus can literally kill your brain?

So, let's be real for a sec and take inventory. How bad can we expect things to get as lockdown is lifted?

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He was 24 years old. Recoveries are useless as of know because the risk of reinfection exists, even the WHO and the KDCD said it themselves

Radio silence for a week

>if the measures are lifted, it'll jump back to 6-8
Good and it needs to happen because apparently the world is filled with children that need to touch the hot stove before they learn that it can burn them.
Open the restaurants, pack the sports stadiums, fuck strangers, and hug loved ones.

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it can fuck you up and probably give you everlasting brain problems or just give you cytokine storm( i dont remember how to spell this shit) or others problems... maybe ?

What’s life in the US like right now? Are the bigger numbers less meaningful because of such a high population or is it a disaster zone over there?

Are you optimistic about the future or getting ready for riots?

just like the flu or the other thousands of airborne viruses!

It means it can hide in your brain as opposed to in your blood. Which makes any testing we currently have irrelevant. And it might also cause severe inflammation of the brain/stem, which will lead to seizures and death.

It means it can infiltrate into the central nervous system and cause damage there, like brain inflammation


well this is with lockdown so

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Someone posted an Italian study claiming 40% were asymptomatic and beat the infection without developing symptoms.

Four of the asymptomatic cases showed symptoms, but were classified as asymptomatic anyway. That's over 10% misclassified.

Two of the symptomatic cases showed no symptoms, but died, so they were classified as symptomatic. That doesn't mean they were asymptomatic, but it really shows how poor their data collection was.


Also, 3 out of 81 died, meaning 3.7% kill rate, including all the asymptomatic cases, so no "quadrillion billion undetected cases" excuse here because they basically tested the entire town.

14 got hospitalized, meaning 17% hospitalization rate.

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Normies will ignore the death and it will just become background noise. Expect more hedonism and short-term thinking.
YOLO World basically

Immune system cant reach it there meaning it can stay dormant there and do spooky things

>Deaths still thousands a day
>Now millions infected
Besides AIDS is the fake disease. Who gives a fuck about curing a disease that infects based on your shitty behaviors or sexual proclivities.

>it might also cause severe inflammation of the brain/stem

herpes can also cause encephalitis, I don't see you panicking for that

really seems to depend on what state. for all retarded faggotry my state has, my area is actually taking it seriously. places like texas and florida are going to get raped in the ass by satans big barbed dick

Exactly, you're not immune against them

Nah, that would be too good bro.
We truly live in the darkest timeline, you can expect the chinks to get even more power and global clout.

No they will get away with it

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>he is an extremely good spirit

It's a total... obviously it's not going down. Show a graphic with the evolution.

Yeah no one is panicking about it, that's why everyone always tells you to seek emergency treatment if you get a tick bite because you can die

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how many fucks do we give about the flu? about 0

no more than the average flu or whatever virus that kills old people by chocking them to death

italian science is pretty much worthless garbage

Reminder nothingburgers existed during the Spanish FLU

Because I know how to avoid getting herpes, you fucking gypsy.

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My neighbor told me he's had 10% of all symptoms of coronavirus for over a month now but the symptoms never reach any higher than one cough a day. Is that possible? Dont you get full on sick or get nothing at all when you get this? Should i stop hanging out with him?

That is straight up Charlie and the chocolate factory copyright infringement

How long until we can make little nano robots that we can control from our PCs to roam around our body and hunt down viruses trying to hide in spooky places?

Why are you still making these threads when Corona is over? Death tolls are going down in all countries

Happening is over

Give me the liberty to be a decadent, consumerist slob; or kill me, for the alternative is death itself.
We deserve every death that is to come.

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I don't know, but if I get erect anymore than I'm now I might need to be hospitalized anyway

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I live in the boonies so I can't comment on conditions in the cities, but normalfags and boomers are starting to wake up to the fact that this isn't going to just end soon. Masks on majority of people, but still tons of nothingburger morons. I expect wartime conditions to be the norm this year. Not apocalyptic, but not fun either.

This. Can't believe the number of faggots thinking this will change anything in that regard. Already forgotten who rules their countries

Japan is doing the arrangements to get the fuck out of chink country so I hope the others follow too

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R0 is way higher. It is spread by breathing so it is literally airborne. An infected infects basically anyone they come in contact with (just walking past them), plus touching surfaces. Measles doesn't stay on surfaces.

They probably have classified estimates that the R0 is higher than measles, probably 20-50+. That's why they shut the entire world down. They allow ppl to go get food, booze, cigs otherwise people would riot already which would cause the virus to spread like crazy.

it's okay Sven, someone will leave flowers on your mass grave

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i've had it for two months now like that, along with severe fatigue and intermittent fever. overheated at night and cold during the day. lungs still feel heavy
it fucking sucks

The boomers and old farts control the governments; and they clearly don't want to die. To then fucking over the next generations is just business as usual (e.g. SS ponzi, government debt and gov. funded bailouts).

They will destroy the future of the young just to enjoy a couple more years of cushy retirement funded by the young (the majority of which will never get to retire).

Japan could make a comeback

why are you comparing coronachan to an actual deadly disease?

50% of americans have herpes and no one is panicking about encephalitis from it

take your schizo meds

It's less than 1 now. Spread is slowing

why the fuck are you hanging out with your neighbor retard

Bugs, easy on the fried chicken...

She could be fucking his insides like its no tomorrow and he might even be suffering from silent/happy hypoxia and not even know it.
He should go to a doctor and get a CT scan at minimum as well as have blood work done.
Also have a doctor do a blood smear and look at his red blood cells under a microscope, actually fucking look with his damn eyes, and check to see that Corona-chan is not fucking with his hemoglobin like it has been suggested that might be happening.
In that instance a pulse oximeter might prove useless so you need another way to check the blood.

>he still doesn't know how R0 works

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>strong flu for 4 days
>sleep some days for up to 18 hours
>no other major problems after a week
>coofing for 1 month
>nose still runny
am i done for bros?

Coronachan forms a matrix barrier upon landing on oxidizing material due to composition of her viral capsid. She is an angel with an AT field barrier

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>Russia +6,060
How the fuck are they testing so quickly?

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That's called the effective reproductive number, and every government on earth made control measures on the basis the R0 is 2 and NOT 5.7, which means were fucked

posting this since 3 months.
happy you're alive polakbro

no we are not

>You get beaten with a sword
>You once avoid getting hit with a shield



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So how much do EU member states regret open borders and free movement?

While it is true that the virus is transmitted like that, you also have to take shedding into account. The virus doesn't appear on its own. Some people are super spreaders and shed virus everywhere, but others don't shed at all.

Joke's on you all of my grandparents are dead

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>It is estimated to affect at least 1 in 500,000 individuals per year

That's 250 people a year getting it

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Are you guys actually lifting restrictions on May 1st?

>just fixed my broken mouse because I didn't want to buy a new one which has been COOFed on by 100 wagies
feels pretty good man

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>take your schizo meds
nice cope faggot
you'll find out soon enough what this shit is like

There is a motor that could in theory power such robots

>he thinks it's over
see you fuckers in wave 2

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to worry about
spread corona-love

It only happens in very rare cases. It happens in other viral infections, including in flu. Don’t worry, other anons are trying to spook you.

She makes a face like she accidentally sharted at ~0:07

Not a disaster zone, at least not in my hometown. I’m not in a major city though, about an hr drive from a major city. More people are starting to wear masks out in public. Everything seems to be the same except quieter after around 7pm when everything except gas stations close. Optimistic for the most part. Unless shit starts getting bad in the big cities, which I don’t think we are there yet. I think most people are starting to realize that it’ll be this way for a while, but they’re adjusting to it and taking it day by day.