Should sex education be taught to people in schools and on television? Not all parents can properly teach their children about it.
Should sex education be taught to people in schools and on television...
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Oh come on what is she doing to that tomato that's not required sexual education
sex ed cant be properly taught because we still have religious cancer on one side saying sex bad and athiest cancer on the other saying cuck good
>trusting the education of your child to the jew run media/government
Is this why America is so shit right now?
Parents are too busy working for their overlords to teach their children about sex?
It's better than to have the kids educated by the hardcore blacked porn on the internet and actual pesos.
If you cannot teach your kids shoot yourself useless bitch
There's no need to teach it. Only thing that needs to be taught is to not be around a slut to prevent STDs. That's pretty much it. Do you think there was sex education 500 years ago? Probably not. I never had formal sex education. I already knew how. However I remember my father tried to give me "the talk" on a camping trip once and it was totally unnecessary, out of the blue, and awkward.
What are you suggesting? Showing your son how to fuck right with your wife? Is she gonna teach your daughter how to suck dick right?
yes but only if she is a teacher
Seriously. Do you think animals teach their offspring about sex? Do you think a dog sits his pup down and goes "Son, the penis goes in and out of the vagina rubbing against the insides. This is known as..."
Women teachers would prey on young boys though unfortunately....
The kids today go on pornhub, see hardcore porn and get weird ideas about what sex really is.
At this point somebody's gotta tell them that you don't actually stuff three dicks in one butthole and don't slam the shit out of your gf's pussy either.
The animals don't teach their children to walk or to speak either.
>he thinks sex ed is teaching people how to "fuck right"
Sex ed is mostly about the reproductive organs and std's
This is my weapon, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this one's for fun.
As opposed to
I have a few ideas.
Biologically, every species knows how to fuck and make children. Leave two people in the woods and they're gonna figure it out. Weird kinks like that also existed in the past. Thankfully Mount Vesuvius erupted and killed a bunch of degenerates. Plenty of people found porn when they were young. It's called bad parenting.
Jesus, just let kids have sex. Hand your son a condom or daughter a condom and say. Experience is the best teacher. Have fun!
Should toilet education be taught to people in schools?
Should eating with fork and knife be thought in school?
Should walking be taught in school?
Let's be serious for a moment here.
What did you learn in sex education, and perhaps more importantly what didn't you learn?
I still to this day do not understand when a woman can and cannot actually get pregnant. I have gathered that it's connected to the menstrual cycle. I don't know what that means. I couldn't observe a woman for a month and tell you when in her cycle she was fertile.
They don't because of the mad parents screeching REEEEEE. But at least they tell about the condoms and pills, that's something.
half the fun of sex is figuring out how it works, 2 minutes about STDs is really the only info needed. Only really low IQ people need anything more, and they are too dumb to listen to facts anyway.
Nrk... We have to pay tax to this fucking degenerate national TV station. Even if we don't own a TV or use their service
Leave a child in the woods and it will learn walking on all four and barking like a dog. Will probably learn to fuck from the other dogs too.
True, tell them that porn is evil, does not represent reality and that they should avoid it.
Nonetheless, as it was already said, you don't need to learn how to fuck, it is natural
Who gives a fuck.
If we can meme the collapse, television will be non-existent and banned.
Problem? The child will learn the social norms from the society he is living in.
Think beating your meat to this will make your nose grow? After watching for sometime will you start using words like feinshmecker and salivating over dollar bills?
Rare based leaf.
What needs to be taught is how to get a gf.
thats a tiny weiner