Yall just played yourselves ;)

Yall just played yourselves ;)

Attached: mly0kpvyyot41.jpg (568x960, 105.36K)

>the false song of the left-right narrative
stale stuff Schlomo

Attached: 9.jpg (700x672, 175.58K)

Get some new material

Attached: think & know.jpg (591x1013, 572.89K)

>Feral nigger fauna raping and robbing
>Foreign jungle beaner invaders on sovereign land
>Exercising Constitutional rights

Imagine taking the time to save that Reddit meme

Attached: 1575917907596.jpg (412x391, 19.3K)

>I can't tell the difference between a protest made by citizens, and a border jumper
Go sit on a shotgun

Lmao, who are you talking about getting new material when you have this dumb ass anti-semetic shit saved on your hard drive?

You're just now finding out bootlickers are retarded?

Attached: tmxjfm06.jpg (1080x1080, 997.08K)

No, at normal times liberals are jobless and have plenty of time to protest at shill demonstrations, and l conservatives have jobs and can’t

>that visual

Attached: 1584271556083.gif (160x192, 1.82M)

Jesus was technically considered a border jumper by the Roman Empire by this point.

Anglos are just a crooked and devious as the jews. They will change positions for arguments of convenience.

Almost noone thinks cops should be abusive to innocent people. A lot of the blacks shot though were involved in a violent crime. Mexicans KNEW that they had chance of being caught and did it anyways because they hate their fucked up country so much. So really the minorities are playing themselves. We tried to give them chances and they fucked up. You libtards really have half broken brains don't you?


Shut the fuck up boomer

if those leftist niggers had guns they would be able to behave like the rightist niggers you hate so much

Attached: ayy.jpg (850x400, 41.5K)

The only thing good about niggers and spics is that they kill cops. Quit deluding yourself. And you don't have to be a leftist to hate Jewish ZOG enforcers. Get a clue.

found the kike

In what way? He lived in a Roman province and was a Roman citizen according to the laws of the Roman empire. Read a book, nigger

Conservatives don't ook and eek like they did nothing wrong after robbing someone. They don't demand citizenship in other countries just for hopping a fence. They just want to be left alone and they tend to rebel when the govt oversteps it's bounds
>1 post by this ID
You are one of the shittier shills I have seen in a while.

Cope, Kike faggot.

>Yas Forums is cuckservative

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>criminals breaking laws - should obey
>criminals breaking laws - should obey
>abuse of power - should never obey
retard criminals like you wouldn't understand

Attached: retu1.png (518x934, 120.88K)

Gas yourself

Hi schlomo

I just masturbated into a cup and drank it mixed with a raw egg before I go running this morning. Testosterone fucking jacked.

Illegitimate citizen


>Illegal border crossings
>A constitutional right
OP is gay and retarded

>oh shit, he posted an image of jesus, better open borders now
>oh no, my hand is somehow uncontrollably voting left...how...is this happening!
>what kind of power is this!

You know a thread sucks when the Frenchman has the most based post in the thread.

Bro this site is bombed with shit to keep us divided. You almost have to respect the black panthers and shit but nobody rebels like the hwhite bois.

>one good thing about cops is that they kill niggers and spics
Ftfy fren.