And by Neptune i mean its largest moon Triton.
The next frontier for the white race is space, however previous candidates for a colony all fall short in at least one aspect and usually many;
radiation, perchlorates, high energy to launch, limited energy sources.
HIGH radiation, limited volatiles.
hydrogen cyanide clouds, far from metal resources ( iron is as rare as gold on titan)
sulphuric acid clouds, high temps, can never land, no water.
and now i present to you Triton, the overlooked dark horse of space colonisation.
covered by tens to hundreds of metres of nitrogen ice which could be evaporated to give an atmosphere of 0.124 atm (vapour pressure of nitrogen) within a year by spreading dust from Proteus a moon with an albedo "as dark as asphalt" raising temps and sublimating all the nitrogen. this atmosphere is replenished by cryovolcanism and in the past maintained a thick atmosphere for hundreds of millions of years. there are heaps of hydrocarbon volatiles covering the surface too. with a gravity half that of the moon it would be a simply matter to run a gas mining operation on neptune which is the most helium 3 and deuterium concentrated body in the solar system. Triton is also inside the magnetic field of Neptune 25 times stronger magnetosphere than earth but no deadly radiation belts like Jupiter. Neptune is also very close to the kuiper belt which has 200 times the rock, iron and volatiles that the asteroid belt has. i present to you gentlemen that we "Titanform" Triton and conquer the fucking solar system with a monopoly on fusion fuel and mineral resources of the kuiper belt...
Lets Colonise Neptune
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another cool as aspect to triton is that because the ambient temperature is below the critical temperature for common ceramics to super conduct it becomes energy efficient to have floating cities ( levitating a meter or more)to minimise heat loss using peristent currents in superconductive coils to create SUPER strong semi-permanent magnetic fields and build a inflatable base ontop of aerographite held in the air by ceramic super conductor disks by quantum pinning, besides energy efficiency another advantage is the base is easily moveable and the entire moving process could be automated by laying out super conductor tracks in the intended direction of travel
Who's gonna finance this? Elon?
Australian Educational System at it's finest.
How the fuck are you going to get there. Humans wouldn’t survive the trip. We could barely make it to Mars, if that. I bet first astronauts to Mars wouldn’t make it there alive.
If it’s not an interstellar Roman Empire I don’t wanna hear about it
Build for big Human Cock
>hydrogen cyanide clouds, far from metal resources ( iron is as rare as gold on titan)
Well, we know where to send the jews.
We should try to start a Antarctica Colony first, as a proving ground
Still blows my mind that there haven't been any exploration missions, since Voyager 2. The fuck is (((nasa))) doing?
Humans cant even make it to the mars, or even the moon - and you wanna go set up shop and mine asteroids all the way out by Neptune?
faking global warming data for the globohomo
diversity hires
Let's be "progressive" and "affirmative action" and colonize the sun with all niggers and trannies. It will be a great step forward for equality
Triton has a lot of potential as a legit Second Centre of Civilization.
BUT the technology has to be proven and mature before we can start humping it out there.
That means Luna, Mars and Ceres first, limited as their prospects may be.
Dude it's cold and dark in there.
I have a better idea, let's colonize Afrika. It's covered in niggers but we could kill them and establish a civilization. Every other attempt failed because the western softies thought they could domesticate the vermin.
that place is cold as fuck
it is so dark on triton that not even my white skin can produce enough vitamin D.
so is yours
wheres that pasta about how we basically live in space and wear space suits to go outside here on earth
That's dumb. Europa may be highly irradiated but Ganymede and Callisto aren't, and they're much closer to us than Triton. It's better to be closer to both Earth and the asteroid belt for long term human habitation. Neptune is way out in fucking nowhere and the travel times would be insane.
actually correct, we are freezing at 235 celsius temperatures here in canada
i don't have that pasta though, sorry
>kuiper belt
Waaaaaaaaaaay more spread out than the asteroid belt. Good luck doing anything useful with that. Again, insane travel times.
Are you fucking stupid. Lets work on the moon first chang... Typical chinaman letting his illusions of grandeur cloud rational thinking.
Neptune doesn’t exist anymore :/
Saturn’s next, then Jupiter in May. You’ll see bros
The 1/2 moon gravity would take some serious genetic engineering or long term evolution to overcome. Also how will it maintain its heat? Wont the lack of gravity and heat just refreeze all the nitrogen again? What's the orbit length and shape? I don't see a scenario where it could even partially sustain this during any part of its orbit.
Let's start a bit smaller. I just want to get to orbit and back. I need to build an Aerospike Engine. With that I have the rest to get there and back.
Stop it australia. I wont settle for anything less than your organelle to turn us into graphite skinned immortal demigods
Lets just get a moon base on the go, buck rogers eh?
I think it's possible with paraterraforming, silica aerogel and gravitational energy from the moons core. That just leaves gravity.... like you said genetic engineering.
That was all done, in fact what happened was a disgrace. All they needed to solve was the fuel tank problem, and they solved it after the program was scrapped.