Why are musicians such pussies when it comes to politics

>Hurr 50% My audience is mostly people to young to vote
>Hurrr If Trump is elected I'm leaving
>Just ignore my edgy A-Moral tuff guy act
>Just ignore my edgy art shirts
>I'm to sensitive for this IRL

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This faggot should be shot for trying to look like Dime

This... also he missed the boat, this was all the rege for a few days back in 2016 after trump won and all the celebrities threated to move to canada. Not one of them did and just went back to bitching about it on twitter.

They should still get rised for that but everyone forgot.

That's what I said

Meh they suck ass now anyway. Bye faggot. The only thing decent about your shitty fucking band slammed into a telephone pole

>suicide silence
terrible band name.

never heard of her.

Rock and metal is satanic music. Concerts are just ritual magic where demons fly around and possess people. Stay away from mainstream music.

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Well lets not forget also that Capitalism is bad for everyone but me music as well

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Suicide Silence listeners would be in their late 20s/30s by now. Also artists tend to be left winged because to create art you need a soul.

I heard suicide silence at a music festival years ago. They made me want to commit suicide just to get some silence lmoa

No but really they were not very good

Nobody listens to this shit band anyway, their last album was so bad they got laughed out of relevance. This is probably them trying to get some attention.

>Why are musicians such pussies when it comes to politics
(((Media))) will not allow you to become idolized (worshiped famous) unless you are controlled. If you are famous you must continue their narrative or lose it all.
See image, it has never been stopped, it's just under mossad / Israel control now.

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Metal is gay

>Also artists tend to be left winged because to create art you need a soul.
Sellouts tend to be left wing because they know they need to sell out in order to get anywhere

metal died in december 2004

He will only when he will start acting like him eventually

Some lady with a beard I dunno

>random guitarist from a random band does *something*

>literal who noname shit band tries to market itself out by mentioning Donald Trump

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theres that classic jew-wit, thanks for the laugh

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Metal was always dead for those who are full of life. Metal is the epitome of weakness and male femininity.


ss is a band of, and for, faggots

this desu senpai

Because musicians are generally terrible people who cant get their shjt straight.
T. Musucian

Did any of the celebs who said they would leave in 16 actually leave? Even a single one?

Literally whom'st

Musicians, artists, people who create and give to the world are soulful unlike you untermensch

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Hurrrrr...looks like Fauci employs the next we are the world 2.0 musicians are sellout kike slaves. Never forget that. Wanna be a great musician? Never sign onto a label. Own yourself... so you dont be a kike slave simp

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Why is OP such a whiny faggot when it comes to musicians?

>Hurr musicians say something
>Hurr if they say something about MUHH DRUMP I cry inside and get MUHH PERIOD
>Just ignore my edgy tuff guy act
>Just ignore my edgy racism
>I'm sensitive to this IRL

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>Also artists tend to be left winged because to create art you need a soul.

Ironic since these artist sell theirs to become famous

fpbp. Never heard of this ugly nigger before.

They’re all puppets or Freemasons. They have to repay for their success.

>Hurr if they say something about MUHH DRUMP I cry inside
I don't think you understand what this means
You have to go back

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Crowdfund his plane ticket

He should die in a bike crash like their fag vocalist

Band sucks ever since mitch went face first into a pole