so what’s the current status of the virus. i’ve been offline for 3 weeks. is the media underplaying it or overplaying it. i was literally in a ted style cabin in the woods for almost a month. put me in the loop user.
it's 100% about control, not safety.
Maybe the real virus were the AIs we made along the way
true death rate is approaching 0.1%, we crashed economy for no reason
at least I got $3400 for nothing
>morgan freeman ded
>china 2nd wave uncontrolled
>EU is thinking on martial law on France
>Suicides are up 42%
>it is being reported that a new strain has been sequenced on India that is basically a sleeper type of virus (30+ period of incubation)
underplaying it.
Talks of starting the economy up and all the normies going into the public sphere without care.
Why are those sardines so big?
was wave one really that crazy though. i’m genuinely asking
No better way to phrase the reality of it, after how many people they're testing who have caught it and had their immune system beat it without even knowing they came in touch with it. Wouldn't surprise me if I've already caught it.
they're tunas you fucking bitch
this is some very good fish man !
now i want to eat some freshly caught fish, but i live in a fucking city and the rivers are polluted around here.
actually theyre porgies, u can just take the guts out and fry them up. i call them panfish. really good.
it wasn't because of the measures taken, but even if we hadn't taken them, it still wouldn't have been crazy. Wave 2 is always the one you need to take measures on but we will be doing the exact opposite. Nobody is going to follow orders when the second one comes around. too much descent already instilled from this first wave.
yeah it’s weird because, i’m very aware of my body since i have this weird liver problem, long story, but i pay hardcore attention to everything that happens “in there”, and like a month ago my lungs hurt a little bit while falling asleep. in a weird way, never had anything like it before. was really worried but the next day it just went away. wonder if i got a small bit of it and it just went away. seems unlikely as my wife has hardcore asthma but who knows.
Yeah. It was. Have you seen the world recently? Shits kinda fucked up man
why will wave 2 be worse
stop taking the bait burger
Do Iranians know the wonder of the anchovie? They’re pretty fuckin awesome
i mean yeah seems like outside NYC and italy and china things are kind of fine. not seeing all the carnage they were talking about or overflowing hospitals outside of those places and it’s been a while.
normally i’m 200% conspiracy guy about everything. only considered taking the. air this time because i’m responsible for a few people with lung problems. so i consult the hive
Checked. No shit. Think of the societal/political/econ fallout from this.
This is the first wave
It’s a slow motion hydrogen bomb that has been detonated. The plutonium pit has been crushed and the neutrons are flying with great abandon
Pressure has mounted in the styrofoam lined case and the x-rays are starting to emanate
Pee pee
Poo poo
or Rockefellers gassing us all.
The link was active 2 days ago. It was a post by a Rockefeller confessing how they need to wipe out "useless eaters."
Its an extinction level event
FYI It took the dinosaurs about 200-1000 years to go extinct after the asteroid
What actually killed them is that the world could no longer sustain their way of life
Forests could no longer produce enough food and the entire ecosystem fell out from underneath them
Its happening to us now
A vaccine is not possible
Relaxing social distancing and getting our economy started again is in the hands of boomers (so also not possible)
Anyone that thinks humanity can survive this is just behind the curve
It's rapidly mutating in order to self-correct the inserted genetic code that chinks, probably operating in conjunction with transnationalist kikes, altered in the stable Coronavirus. A lot of people thought experimenting "Why?" re: releasing a bioweapon on purpose or accident are missing the scientifically-tested reality that altered viruses have a natural exponential halflife whereby mutation is provoked to return to a normal, naturally produced baseline. The fact that Corona-chan is mutating so frequently (60+ mutations so far?) is proof that A) It's man-altered, and B) Nature is correcting it on its own.
Science is, as usual, totally irrelevant to the solution. There is nothing to fear except a mandatory vaccine - because no vaccine can possibly be created for something mutating so quickly. It's a kike trick.
Wish I could go live in a comfy remote cabin too user.
The curve has been flattened, youre a massive faggot
Lol you must sop up their propiganda like a sponge, you dont deserve to wear that memeflag
they took this from us
Infection rate was underestimated by the factor of 50 so the actual death rate plummeted to flu levels. Meanwhile governments do their best to grab more power. Bamboozled.
>i was literally in a ted style cabin in the woods for almost a month.
Go back. The world is still fucked with or without the virus.
based fellow nuclear bomb autist. The teller ulam design is ingenious as fuck.
>extinction level event
>a Coronavirus (0.1-0.4% fatality)
Buddy, I’d bbq some kangaroo ,drink some cold beers, and go surfing with you any time
In my analogy
>the virus = the asteroid
>shutting down our economy = the resulting ash plume that blankes the entire earth, destroying the food supply
Like i said before, the asteroid only killed a few dinosaurs. Maybe even only a fraction of a percent.
It was the domino effects in response to the asteroid that wiped out 90% of life on earth