What will be your weapon of choice when slaughtering people for resources in the upcoming break down of society?
What will be your weapon of choice when slaughtering people for resources in the upcoming break down of society?
do want a nagaika.
war hammer
War hammer. Hands down. Paired with a 10 inch quillon dagger as backup.
i will use Flaming faggots!
Dual wielding Tonfa.
A mace like a paladin, smashing skulls.
How do you use flamming faggots? You have a faggot stock somewhere to lit up?
BASED Kazakrusskies
...from my cold dead hands.
>he isn't gonna use a based Odachi
LMAOing at your life
I could cleave you and 3 of your buddies in twain with a single swipe of the blade. The average human cannot even wield such a weapon with efficiency, and I swing it as if it was a feather.
The best thing about the flaming faggot weapon is that it’s kind of chaotic. You just have to find one and it’ll unleash flaming destruction anywhere it goes.
Flaming Faggots are god tier siege weapons. Easily as good as boiling oil or rotten carcass flinging. Bonus points for trebuchet launched aerial flaming faggot attack
I like life on hard mode, give me that sex toy called the nagaika.
raven beak warhammer
With your pic you could quite easily twain then twang
never have a messy burning oil problem again.
An Abyssal whip, but it requires 70 Attack, so I better train.
This is a flammenwerfer
It werfs flammen
I'm going to get real weird with it. All those chemicals I know you aren't supposed to mix are getting mixed. Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, assorted metals ground into powders, ect. See if soaking myself in urine actually prevents chlorine gas from being absorbed.
I have a functional katana, so I would use that
>we captured obejctive Butter!
Saved , and thank you man
Excellent caliber
3ft rubber dildo is my weapon of choice
Anyone who hasn't mastered the use of the mighty guisarme-voulge is a faggot.
Spikey Mace
All faggots are flaming, user
>only americans will understand this post
bring it on, world
excellent choise.
>tfw i only have handmade illegal pipe gun
Fuck this gay country
Why is it so difficult and expensive to own legal gun here
Based and leveractionpilled
A dwarven axe
My minecraft sword made out of rocks.
my Smith & Wesson
looks like that dude had just about enough of it.
30-30 winchester with hard point 150 gr. Ammunition for large game
.22 for small game
.38 special and a sun-bright torch for self defense
No, but it was clear that America goes this way when asked about melee weapons. Therefore the Lord created the Atlantic Ocean.
Dual dragon dildos
I'll use my personality.
British Army issue Kukri
ram a metal rod in the middle of it :) teehew3
Certainly none of those guns I purchased, Mr FBI agent. I sold them all to Jehovah's Witnesses in the great state of Georgia.
muh dick
for me, it's a bident
Oh boy stickdancing
Good ol' Rabenschnabel.
top tier fighting knife
Polearm plus sword
All nip "swords" are basically sables. They are only effective against no armor. Any plates, or even kevlar and this cutting weapon is rendered useless. Why do you think samurais learned to grapple?
>my personality.
blunt or sharp?
I have 3 bows, a hardwood stick, an improvised machete my gramps built and a bunch of tools.
I'd say I'd carry a bow with the stick, a knife and maybe the machete if I'm on a warpath.
btw anybody can make a pipe gun so if you have ammo just build a pipe gun
M48 tactical tomahawk
Armoured battle tractor with mounted flamethrowers in the trailer
Anything can be a weapon if you aim it to the head
patrician choice
I like the look of that mace on the right. Always gotta appreciate having the option to stab.
Space colonization thread lets go bois!
I want to believe this story
The shear weight of the based Odachi renders most armors irrelevant. The folded blade reaches a sharpness that could cleanly cut any sort of armor. The length of the blade means I could just poke you in any exposed area with ease, quickly disabling your ability to come close.
>your weapon of choice
My powers of seduction will get me all I desire.
The swordstaff is the patrician choice. Or the iconic Zweihänder.
My secondary weapon will be a full auto crossbow made by Jörg.