China will win

History always repeated itself, and once again we see how old factions come together again to stop new threats.

UK, France, America VS Germany

Now: UK, France, America VS China

The second world war was fought to determine who would direct the course of the world (the Jews or the white man) in the third world war it will be decided if the Jew will continue to reign or if he will yield his throne to the Asian man.

I already have my choice clear.

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If history always repeats itself, then America will never lose a war. We always come out on top, you beta Spaniard. Eat beans, Pablo.

china can't win, we've already defunded them.

>then America will never lose a war


lmao china is scared of taiwan tf are they gonna do against the us


Nice luck guys.

Attached: France.jpg (1080x1080, 137.14K)

The Chinese are actually obsessed with Ashkenazi Jews and openly seek to imitate them. In the early 2000s there was an explosion of self-help books on the Chinese market about Jews, specifically about Jewish power and success and how to imitate it. They view Ashkenazi Jews as being superior to even themselves and for a Chinese person to date or marry a Jewish person is considered highly prestigious.

Why do chinks hide behind meme flags all the time?

Eat a bat Chang

uhh based?

Im not chinese im just a spaniard who hates the anglos, i would betray my country and fight with china just to destroy your countries.

>History always repeated itself
Didn't the chinks lost every war in this century or so? they even los to birds, what kind of retarded country loses against fucking birds?

Too bad you can't do shit with 20 hour power naps, Pako.

if history repeats itself, then as soon as china gets cocky, japan will raid their coastline and buttfuck them so hard that the entire western world will be made uncomfortable. 3000 years of warfare, not one victory of note against a foreign opponent. humiliating.

I love how the chinks double down when called out

"Call them a Jew and watch them recoil - I've been found out"

If you are Spanish know this, Spain was considered 3rd world by the rest of Europe for decades. I wss there in the 80's - rolling power cuts, youth unemployment ion the 40% - yeah Spain is great hahaha

All that sun and I'll I see you grow is dirt shrubs everywhere. If you had any clout you would use that land to grow crops, but you don't.

The best you can do is have a sleep in the middle of the day cos your soooooooo over worked.

Get fucked Pablo.

>America will never lose a war


it doesen't even matter who wins. This is not a honest war both sites are founded by the rothschilds/jews. who ever wins it will just be another step to a one world Government.

This insane ramping up of a Cold War situation is what idiots on the right pointed to (and rightfully so) with what the Democrats we’re doing with Russia but they can literally double think this in their head as a totally sane and reasonable position and something we should be doing.

>History always repeated itself,
>China will win
Do you want to know how I know you know zero gook history?

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>History always repeated itself
So china gets another civil war/gets invaded/gets split into pieces?

>If history always repeats itself, then America will never lose a war.

American education system cucked you hard user.

>then America will never lose a war.
>burns down White House

>what kind of retarded country loses against fucking birds?

What kind of retarded country loses against a buch of niggers and south americans?

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Why do people keep having this argument.
The US armed forces did not lose that conflict. The US politicans backed out on the war due to social pressure.
It's not the same as saying "Germany beat France in the Franco Prussian war".
The Vietnamese and the Chinese didn't win the war, hippies did.

More importantly you're a faggot, China is giving off the same fake air of superiority that the fallen USSR gave off.
You misread their posturing and fancy demonstrations for strength.

They will not win. They will collapse before they win.

Nigga them chinks aint even haven kids we aint scared of them baby dick mufuggas bitch nigga fuck you

>History always repeated itself
China has never won a war in its entire existence, even against itself.

>The US armed forces did not lose that conflict

>the last US soldier ran away to the helo on some embassy roof
>Saigon is now called Ho Chi Minh Ville

We wuz winnerz n shiet

Win what?

Vietnam, currently produces America's goods at slave wages, what did Vietnam gain by "winning the war"?

If history repeats itself, China is absolutely and completely fucked.

>Win what?

world hegemony

I’m 100% Anglo in origin but the butt hurt because of China removing itself from its position as the principal Asian subject nation of the Anglosphere in 1949 is palpable. You can actually taste the butt hurt coming out of their mouths and in their words.

China is a third world shit hole country. They aren't going to be winning anything. Besides, they have a serious geographic and demographic issue.

At least the yellow man somewhat respects and sees beauty in western culture/people, so we will be spared. Others annihilated. Time for Hapa super humans is here. The jew NWO is about to end.

Delusional. You guys suck at warfare.
If Ivan doesn't do 99% of the killing dying for you you are screwed.

We Italians will side with the West in order to help China.

Win what? Its got its hands full if it plans on winning a war. cool you won over a heap of people to the left, but in teh long run we will win

Can you honestly say someone won or lost a war if the invading countries homeland was never touched? What is defined as a war over a battle? Saying United States lost the war to the Vietcong while never having the Vietcong step one foot on American soil always interested me on how we look at battled, and wars throughout history.

Coming from the fuckers who put us in the mess in the first place.
Did dredging up that Franco Prussian defeat hurt your feelings frog?

The US armed forces would have subjugated the entire country if they were given the opportunity. Although for what, the war was lost the minute they out their feet on the ground.
I'm making the point it's not valid to use Vietnam in the way that people do, which is to imply inferiority of US defence capabilities.

Expelling the entire enemy forces
Getting control of 100% of its territory
Imposing its regime without any limit
Eliminating opponents
Remaining mutt soldiers go in POW camps
Being seen by the entire world as victors and the only regime ruling Vietnam

Apart from that? Not much lol

>who put us in the mess in the first place.

France left Vietnam in 1952
First US soldier arrives in 1962

Try again

> what kind of retarded country loses against fucking birds
Ask the Australians

still butthurt the US btfo'd spain in the spanisn-american war.

>He thinks Germany could have beat the US in WW2
Not even if it was one on one mate.

And the US actually won its principle objectives, it turned Vietnam into a moonscape killing millions that would be a model of development to no one and it created a wedge in the global anti-Imperialist alliance. The business press was calling for a winding down in 1966 after Suharto slaughtered about a million or so people and destroyed the communist party there because at that point they had won their main objectives

>counter coping a cope post with supercope

Recently i realised that Americans know nothing about China, other than some cherrypicked bad and fake news from the past. And they not even want to learn anything real about China other than what media tells them to, because anything other than American or European media tells them is somehow Chinese propaganda. When China builds 1000 bridges - not a single western media will tell you about it, but if 1 bridge in China will crack or fall - they will tell it as if its the only bridge in China and people in the West will think that every bridge in China is falling, despite there being 100000 bridges or buildings that stand and work perfectly. Same with everything, Americans only know some cherrypicked bad or fake news about China, never good news or real news. And they don't want to learn anything different, because anything different is somehow considered propaganda. This bubble of lies is so thick, people live in it and think they know everything about China despite speaking the language or being there, just from reading western media that has a fucking agenda.

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Your mistake is assuming the chinks aren't already puppets of the jews.

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French incompetence led to communist control in Vietnam long before you left.