Is there a single good American brand car?

I feel like we don't make any good cars.

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Yeah, this one:
*cums on your wife's tits*

I’ve a corvette and a grand marquis. Our good cars are better in the second hand market.


Typically Buick compare to Toyota or Honda in terms of reliability

What are you talking about user? Toyotas are built here now.


fuck off boomer

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>gm is comparable to Toyota in reliability



Blacked out rims look like shit, like you live in the poor part of town and you got your hubcaps stolen and couldn't afford to replace them.

5.0 mustang is a true patrician car. Based Henry Ford!



Tesla. High end models accelerate faster than that vette. People don't want the ferraris and lambos anymore, the status symbol today is a tesla.

Most cars are shit nowdays
>here's your two ton turd bro, that'll be 40k plus tip

Your mother loved sucking my dick in the back of my 79 Chevy Vega.

we don't.
But the auto idustry is so hopelessly globalized there's no such thing as a nation's car anymore.
I build parts for every single car manufacturer in the world. And we get parts for our parts from every corner of the earth.
It's a meme, our supply lines. It's like an ADHD schizophrenic on meth. This is why the stores can't stay stocked.
We don't get anything locally. We're half a mile down the road from a steel mill and we still ship it in from Mexico.

exposed pedro.

The problem with American cars, and I hate saying this because I arrived at driving age at the end of the muscle car heyday, is clearly spelled out in "Ford Vs Ferrari".
Wes MIles and Carrol Shelby defeated legend Ferrari in his own house. Ford did jack but ask Miles to "slow down so all 3 fords can finish same time".
Sorry for shitting up historic Lemans.
Ford and NASCAR did the same thing to Ernie Elliot who built the most bulletproof v8 ford motor ever that could spin 500 rpm more than anyone else, and allowed Bill Elliot and Cale to DOMINATE superspeedway races like no one has since.
Fuck corporate America. They are souless money grubbing fucks with no sense of accomplishment or achievement nor do they respect individual badasses, they kick them to the curb to promote suck asses.
Japanese cars are the best made period. Wrench turning user.
I would love to do a lap or two in the new vette, but I would never buy one.
American trucks are shit now too, overpriced and over engineered crap.
I have an 89 F250 7.3 diesel with mega miles, runs off used tranny fluid, pulls a full size 10k pound Massey tractor like it's a bitch, and is just a tank.
I am welding some steel plate in it as we speak, in the floor, doors, and over the grille. Mad Max days are incoming.

I don't know what it is, but American cars always look dated and shitty compared to European and Japanese cars.

We make good cars here they just aren't American companies

I would rather get that new Vette over any other car under $100k

Sage, kill yourself, etc.

Acura and Lexus are pretty good

Can we be frens? I have a scout that is road warrior'd. You close to new England?

Only good one i can think of is the Mustang, currently.
The Corvette and Viper used to be amazing but the new C8 is a*to only so that legacy is over.


Tesla Model S


Yea ok. You arent allowed to any repairs on the car unless your god musk gets some shekels. Watched a doc about a guy needed something for the door handle. Price was galizion hundreed dollars....what a scam

status of being a sucker. the interior is about as good as a corolla.