/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3314 - CCP Virus Editions

► Detected: 2,349,516 (+18,750) ► Died: 161,251 (+1,204) ► Day: 101 (-13:51:51)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 8.7x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,451 strains have been sequenced —


Vaccine would be first vaccine against coronaviruses

China says only 3% of Wuhan developed immunity

Antibody tests not accurate, might detect common coronaviruses

Virus might cause micro blood clots, dangerous even post-infection

Very high excess mortality in Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden

"Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

17 year old teenager dies in South Korea, coronavirus suspected

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Treatment with HIV drugs ends in failure in controlled study

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

Virus might be an escaped vaccine trial

H1N1 only had 18,500 confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

402 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
1,047 new cases and 25 new deaths in India
256 new cases and 17 new deaths in Japan
117 new cases and 50 new deaths in Italy
683 new cases and 25 new deaths in Washington state
149 new cases and 4 new deaths in Nebraska


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Hi gays

Whatcha think of this, could this pandemic be used for seeing what's essential
>Economic Shock Testing
>In recent times, the application of >Operations Research to the study of the public
economy has been obvious for anyone who understands the principles of shock testing.
In the shock testing of an aircraft airframe, the recoil impulse of firing a gun mounted on
that airframe causes shock waves in that structure which tell aviation engineers the
conditions under which some parts of the airplane or the whole airplane or its wings will
start to vibrate or flutter like a guitar string, a flute reed, or a tuning fork, and disintegrate
or fall apart in flight.
>Economic engineers achieve the same result in studying the behavior of the economy and
the consumer public by carefully selecting a staple commodity such as beef, coffee,
gasoline, or sugar, and then causing a sudden change or shock in its price or availability,
thus kicking everybody's budget and buying habits out of shape.
>They then observe the shock waves which result by monitoring the changes in
advertising, prices, and sales of that and other commodities.
The objective of such studies is to acquire the know-how to set the public economy into a
predictable state of motion or change, even a controlled self-destructive state of motion
which will convince the public that certain "expert" people should take control of the
money system and reestablish security (rather than liberty and justice) for all. When the
subject citizens are rendered unable to control their financial affairs, they, of course,
become totally enslaved, a source of cheap labor.

Rate my PrEP boyssss

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Well? It's a fair point isn't it?

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I had an idea when reading what kind of animals this virus has infected which is for the most part only felines.Could there be any connection between toxoplasmosis which exist in all household felines and the rate of high infection with coronavirus?

Is there any maps or data with countries that are infected with toxoplasmosis as part of the population so I can test my theory?

Germany opens schools tomorrow in 2nd most infected state


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Kind of sad I lost my right to make fun of americans partying on beaches.

>only 9 more deaths in Denmark, every day 1 or 2 less - Denmark has officially defeated the corona chan
only 9 more deaths in Denmark, every day 1 or 2 less - Denmark has officially defeated the corona chan
>only 9 more deaths in Denmark, every day 1 or 2 less - Denmark has officially defeated the corona chan
only 9 more deaths in Denmark, every day 1 or 2 less - Denmark has officially defeated the corona chan

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>Infections slowing down, deaths plummeting.
g-guys I think the burger is losing filling.

green text messed up

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Day 2 of possible Chink Virus symptoms:
Incessant headache. Pain mainly in forehead and behind eyes.
Fever. Muscles aches. Chills. No energy.
Hatred of chinks intensifying.

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Post the other picture too lmao

>Guberments actually doing the right thing for once and locking down to defeat the airborne SARS/aids/malaria rogue bioweapon
>Normies revolt and insist on getting infected

You cannot and I repeat CANNOT make this shit up

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What room is that? Is that a hallway?

to any number 33-loving grey-hat masons working in the shadows and ITT:

keep up the good work! praise be Corona-chan!!

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Dude please stop spam this image

It's dumb.

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Only the strong will survive

You ok?

jewish supremacists, exposed

You guys were doing so well too.
At least the rest of the world can lead by your example not to reopen too early.

my condolences

seriously: does anyone believe that all this coronavirus shit is the start of the new world order? and that Bill Gates is evil and all that... I seriously ask

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The Danish government just took a look at Sweden and saw how well it is working over there. According to Aarhus University Danes don't give a shit about washing hands anymore, social distancing is also already dead. Never was there anyway, when you went to a supermarket in the first place.

We have a new /herdgang/ contender

This was my first virgin prep

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I don't mind it, people got what they wished for

you've probably eaten all of that shit already, the photo is 3 months old

> for years I have known that most of population are retards
> after a month of restrictions people went irl literally full retards proving it constantly by denying coronavirus existence and believing in shit like 5G
> it's not even a theory, it's reality and normies do not deserve any rights
> wish I was born in the elite spheres, no wonder they fuck sheep up so badly

#1 United States 738,923 (39,015) #2 Spain 195,944 (20,453) #3 Italy 175,925 (23,227) #4 France 151,793 (19,323) #5 Germany 143,779 (4,543) #6 United Kingdom 114,217 (15,464) #7 China 82,735 (4,632) #8 Turkey 82,329 (1,890) #9 Iran 82,211 (5,118) #10 Russia 42,853 (361) #11 Belgium 38,496 (5,683) #12 Brazil 36,925 (2,372) #13 Canada 33,383 (1,470) #14 Netherlands 32,655 (3,684) #15 Switzerland 27,404 (1,368) #16 Portugal 20,206 (714) #17 India 16,365 (521) #18 Ireland 14,758 (571) #19 Austria 14,681 (443) #20 Peru 14,420 (348) #21 Sweden 14,385 (1,540) #22 Israel 13,362 (171) #23 South Korea 10,661 (234) #24 Japan 10,296 (222) #25 Chile 9,730 (126) #26 Poland 9,082 (350) #27 Ecuador 9,022 (456) #28 Romania 8,746 (434) #29 Saudi Arabia 8,274 (92) #30 Pakistan 7,993 (159) #31 Mexico 7,497 (650) #32 Denmark 7,242 (346) #33 Norway 7,069 (165) #34 United Arab Emirates 6,781 (41) #35 Czech Republic 6,657 (181)…

#1 Russia +6,060 (+48) #2 Spain +1,528 (+410) #3 Iran +1,343 (+87) #4 Belgium +1,313 (+230) #5 Netherlands +1,066 (+83) #6 Mexico +622 (+104) #7 Sweden +563 (+29) #8 Portugal +521 (+27) #9 United Arab Emirates +479 (+4) #10 Pakistan +355 (+16) #11 Ukraine +343 (+8) #12 Poland +340 (+3) #13 Romania +328 (+13) #14 Indonesia +327 (+47) #15 Bangladesh +312 (+7) #16 Brazil +203 (+11) #17 Philippines +172 (+12) #18 Kuwait +164 (+1) #19 Morocco +135 (+1) #20 United States +131 (+1) #21 Finland +102 (+4) #22 Israel +97 (+7) #23 Malaysia +84 (+1) #24 Hungary +82 (+17) #25 Slovakia +72 (+1) #26 Panama +63 (+4) #27 Afghanistan +60 (+2) #28 Lithuania +59 (+1) #29 Germany +55 (+5) #30 Macedonia +37 (+2) #31 Norway +33 (+1) #32 Bolivia +27 (+1) #33 Bosnia & Herzegovina +17 (+1) #34 Estonia +16 (+2) #35 Slovenia +13 (+4)…

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>Denmark testing fewer and fewer people
>They brag about less new daily infections
>We are opening everything back up tomorrow

Yes hello
I would like to order 1x clown world please

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The NWO is not letting a crisis go to waste.

Meanwhile the right wing is still in denial and wants to go back to the old ways, despite it being biologically hazardous, losing much precious time and opportunities in the process.

Only Orban seems to have seized the opportunity.

I saw first image in february. Fuck off dude

>Hatred of chinks intensifying.
wow for a jap thats saying something. hoping the best for you, honorary aryan

i don't think they planned it but never waste a good crisis

could you pass the link for that please? Maybe that will blackpill some normies. Most tell me, Denmark is testing everyone. You cannot make this shit up

fuck bill gates

everyone keeps surpassing south korea in numbers lmao

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after listening to normies I wouldn't even be surprised if the average deaths per year increased 3 times and they wouldn't have noticed at all
> it's not happening unless bodies pile on the streets - t. normie

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For the herd!

you're gonna make it

Has anyone here been on a ventilator before? How was it?

Bill Gates might be trying to take advantage of this virus to shill his microchip shit but anyone who thinks this virus is a hoax to enact NWO should be put in front of a firing squad for manslaughter.

I had strong migrane, diarrhea and no energy for few days last week, spent most of the time in bed. Now I'm feeling fine though, don't panic user, there is still hope for you.

Well I'm still alive, so that's something

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i get a hard-on for burning 5G masts, wish they also burn the politicians & banksters alive :-\


Scroll down to section 2.4

Why do I get the feeling we are entering the phase of the program where those in power just throw up their hands and say well there is nothing that can be done so lets just ignore the problem

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What or who is "Orban"? I did not get the last thing

1849 people dying a day * 365 = 675,250 dead americans by the end of the year.

Enjoy dying for the muh conomy, boomer dipshits.

Hungary's right wing leader.


The world is doomed, get used to the idea of a new world order and to humanities eventual extinction by pandemic.

Source: mother is a high-ranking WHO official, she gets her news exclusively from "the guardian", the NYT and "the economist". If it is not published by these media companies she considers it fake news, conspiracy theories or "just opinions". Her only comment regarding Prof. Luc Montagnier's accusations was that it was fake news since the NYT didn't pick it up. Freaking unbeliavable.

I have a lot of inside info on the thought process of the criminal Tedros and how things played out... and man are the "conspiracy nuts" right... Political correctness and cozying up to China and other communist dictators is all this man cares about. Even if he left, his replacement would be just as deranged and careless. The WHO is simply incapable of learning and like generals they are always fighting the last war.

So Chile made it to 10k cases with fewer deaths than South Korea? So either Chile's superior at detecting cases, or Chile's superior at treating them.

The numbers are just estimates, why do you retards keep posting this shit?

Do you think they are testing every single person who has the virus? Even in Canada you can't get a test unless you match a certain criteria.

Viktor Orban Chad of Hungary

He has absolute power and rules by decree now

First thing he did was ban trannies

I've seen this someplace before, can't put my finger on it though. The idea is that you can apply an impulse to a system, measure its response and develop a transfer function. I'm not sure economies work the same as electrical systems, the aren't linear and how do you relate changing the price of coffee to a unit impulse function?

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>675,250 dead americans by the end of the year.
praise ye Corona-chan!!! I LOVE YOU CORONA-CHAN

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Holy based Corona-chan


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Sugar, 3 tons of sugar.

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South Korea’s had the virus for a longer period of time than Chile. Patients don’t die instantly.


He would be a chad if he didn’t suck so much Jewish cock.

>Chile's superior at treating them

yea, we admire Sweden so much that we have to copy them after 5 weeks of doing the opposite.

After all, if the population does not give a shit, the virus isn't real.

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How's that breathing? Any funny sounds in your lungs?
Sense of smell and taste still there?
Remember, dont stress out too much, you migh actually have just a normal illness, but if you stress your body too much your immune system will deteriorate
Let hatred of chinks keep you alive fren

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I honestly had not heard of it, but found for information ... a first measure a little drastic or not?

doubs get WITNESSED


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What’s the problem?

>3 tons of Sugar
>In a sauna

>No need to wipe down food packaging during coronavirus pandemic, FDA says
>recent studies have suggested it can live on certain surfaces between hours and days
>the FDA said: “We want to reassure consumers that there is currently no evidence of human or animal food or food packaging being associated with transmission"
are they really this retarded?
do they not have the capacity to think in generalities?
do they need peer-reviewed studies for each specific type of surface?
holy fucking shit

economics is voodoo its built on the premise of humans as rational actors and they are anything but.
Building your civilization around an economic understanding of the world is a recipe for disaster

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Here’s what this virus does:
Infects macrophages leading to tiny clots that protect the virus and allow it to slow release over time.
Infects red blood cells causing waves of hypoxia followed by dry throat and or tissue damage.
Infects T-cells, preventing immunity and leading to immune deficiency.
Infects multiple organs, the GI tract, lungs and so forth.

Yet, 80% of infected are asymptomatic. Super high R0. Highly deadly to certain people for some reason. Nurses and doctors die of it, but apparently not because of viral load.

What the fuck is going on?

ADE is the only answer I have left to explain this shit. Why aren’t more people dying?

what if we just test everyone and make all the infected wear a badge around their upper arm?


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>In Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in south-eastern China, some—especially older—people consider cat flesh a good warming food during winter months. It is estimated that in southern China's Guangdong province (population just over 113 million) people eat 10,000 cats per day.

>In Guangdong, cat meat is a main ingredient in the traditional dish "dragon, tiger, phoenix" (snake, cat, chicken), which is said to fortify the body.
