What I don't get about atheists is this:

how do they ignore all the miracles? God has left all this empirical data in the form of miracles throughout history to galvanize us in the spiritual warfare.

Atheists can play with their intellectual acrobatics all day long. But how do they dismiss thousands of well documented miraculous miracles that science cannot explain?

A statue in Atika, Japan, weeping human tears on national TV, bleeding human blood. A grotto in Lourdes, France, that cures cancer. The Holy Fire of Jerusalem. Saints who levitated off the ground. Padre Pio's ghost diverting a bombing mission over an Italian village.

I've only spoken of church-related miracles. But what about also the accounts of hauntings and demonic phenomena? Phenomena such as orbs, ufo, shadow ghosts, disembodied voices, objects moving by themselves, are extremely well documented in still images and film and by the testimonies of unimpeachable witnesses such as military officers, senior politicians and policemen.

There are so many examples of the paranormal once you begin digging into this world that you wouldn't be able to learn about all the cases in one lifetime. Even if you were able to disprove 95 percent of these cases, there would be hundreds of instances of events that defy scientific explanation.

How is it possible for atheists to dismiss the existence of the supernatural?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

- Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167

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Because they're idiot fags who don't want god getting mad at them for the fact that they love to suck cock.

>how do they ignore all the miracles?
>God has left all this empirical data in the form of miracles throughout history
>There are so many examples of the paranormal once you begin digging into this world
>How is it possible for atheists to dismiss the existence of the supernatural?
Easy answer, I've never seen a single one of these things for myself.

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None of that happened, all is explained by the fact that human perception =/= reality.

Nonsense. Complete nonsense.

They can’t imagine a God who reveals himself subtly

Jesus vs superman
Who would win and why?

If you was a god would your child be just a normal guy and youd let him be enslaved and tortured before being killed .... or
Make him super awesome invincible and shit, super protector of the human race.

Clearly god isnt a proper god, coz a proper god could do that shit with a click of a finger.

You will be rewarded when you die.. sounds a bit bullshit

Nice stealth Jew thread.

>things we cant explain happen, and/or reported by dubious sources with a clear bias
>must be my very specific desert god reaching out because he "works in mysterious ways"

Look, I have always wanted to believe, but let's face facts.

It's not real. Seeing Jesus in your toast doesnt make any of it more real. Confirmation bias. Occams razor.

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Nonsense. Utter nonsense.

Occam's razor is only a valid heuristic in investigating natural phenomena.

I'm not asking you to believe, I'm asking you to use your eyes. There's a consecrated host that is bleeding human blood.

Sorry atheists, you don't get any smart boy points for believing in the supernatural, although it does exist.

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OP, just because we don't understand something right now, does not mean there is no physical explanation.

When all people were primitive tribesmen, the first eclipse could only have been understood as supernatural. Just because no explanation for something currently exists, does not mean that there is no explanation or that the explanation will never be discovered.

Beyond that, even if the supernatural does exist, there is no real reason to attribute that to the existence or intercession of the Christian deity.

This isn't a god-of-gaps thing. Ghosts are real. They are not caused by the movements of particles. They are disembodied souls, which science can't explain because science only concerns itself with natural causes.

Watch this documentary on the hauntings of the London underground. The scientist in the doco tries to explain the apparitions on the tube according to the effects of extreme low frequency sounds on the human brain. But that doesn't explain how the ghost of a man can be seen on CCTV. It doesn't explain how objects can move by themselves.


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You are making assertions but you're not baking up anything with solid evidence, thus I am not wasting me time refuting unsubstantiated claims. Youtube ghost documentaries are all frauds or come to rational explanations.

Long story short they've been convinced by a media that's ridiculed and demonized christianity for decades
If you really want to wake someone up the happy fancy miracles are nothing compared to being confronted with the reality of satanical worship and it's effects on society

What's to say there isn't an explanation in natural science for ghosts?
We don't have one yet in the same way that we don't know what the inside of a black hole looks like, but ghosts being real and us not having an explanation does not equal the existence of a deity.

Thanks for the link by the way, this is a neat documentary.

Based and Common Filth pilled.

the average atheist lives in a bubble and relies soly on empericism and reductionism. Anything that can not be layed under a microscope is therefore by definition irrelevent to their thinking. Also note how many of them come up with the "hurr durr i haven't seen it with my own eyes" argument, while they are perfectly willing to accept thousands of things they've never seen when it has been told to them by authority figures.

They are, in fact, the most ill informed people around.

Fools pretending to be wise. As has been foretold.

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fun fact: pajeet religion produced more miracles than jesus religion. probable that jungle religion probably even more so.

what now?

search for "missing 411" on youtube. it has nothing to do with god directly, but it has something to do with supernatural or somehting other-wordly that you, as an scientific person .. wont be able to explain.

>They are, in fact, the most ill informed people around
I don't think you bible could predict the existence and properties of black holes, electromagnetic field, higgs field, etc... You can't even predict the next solar eclipse with that shit, it serves no actual purpose

This entire business comes from a biased source. The people have money and power to gain from reporting false bullshit.

The fire of Jerusalem comes from a locked down black box nobody is allowed to see. Maybe they just use a lighter?

If France has a groto that cures cancer why won't everybody just get fired?

Disembodied voices are straight up psychosis. I had mental issues before it's not fun.

The most interesting phenomena would be sleep paralysis, almost everbody sees some kind of a black person or demon in the dark, although for me it's a comissar stomping around in heavy boots and black uniform.
So I guess NSA confirmed, or we could just agree that people see and hear bullshit sometimes.

I can see a scary thing like a cop, a bandit or a person who can't be here when my door is locked. But if I were religious or superstitious I would probably see demons and saints instead.
You see I'm not afraid of demons because I don't believe in them at all so when my brain fucks up and starts seeing shit I get sleep paralysis comissars instead.

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Atheists are retarded, bix nood
These niggers need to pick up a Bible

Yeah when some of the explanations are more far out there than the idea of life persisting after death, It really makes me wonder. Same thing for UFO's. Problem with UFO's, like lots of "supernatural" phenomenon, is that the good ones get looked over for the bad ones in the public eye. When you think of aliens and UFO's, the average person thinks of a redneck out in the country who's drunk and thinks he saw a UFO when he was mistaking it for a plane. You know, because rednecks are rural retards. They always ignore the very very good cases where the explanations are just so...unlikely, and sometimes, flat out ridiculous.

I'm big into NDE research, and ignoring anecdotes, theres actually quite a few cases where they saw/heard things that were later verified to have been true/happened. The "top" explanations for some of these are very silly. I remember in one case a woman was able to hear perfectly the conversation that was happening in the surgery room as she floated near the top of the room, despite the fact that her ears were completely covered due to the nature of her surgery, and would have been impossible for her to hear. The top explanation? That the sound waves of the voices were picked up by the vibrations of her skull and her brain "translated" those vibrations to speech. I kid you fucking not. Which is weird, because that explanation has zero proof as well, so why do they make up explanations with zero proof over another explanation that supposedly has zero proof? These people arent proper skeptics, they're deniers.

>how do they ignore all the miracles?
How do Christians ignore all the kidfucker clergy? As long as this is going on your churches are pathetic lies.

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All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.Proverbs 14:12

Protestants are just as bad as Catholics.

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You can ONLY get nonsense from them tough.
By discharging the Logos the ONLY possible result is nonsense.
BTW to make a contribution to the thread.
Eucharistic Miracles around the world, as host becoming flesh.
Gloria Polo struck by a lighting has a death experience where she saw hell and paradise.
Her burnt leg by miracle heals, she travels the world speaking of that.
Her story is easily verifiable.

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you stupid fucking weak lame ass cheap cunt

tell me: apart from the fact that this world clearly is godless and ran by greedy fucks, all these "miracles", all around the world, why didnt they ever really set off, made the news? I mean, like "hurr see! this is materialized dog! we were right all along!"

tell you why, because none of that shit was ever real. just crowd control or tourism.

your books, all three of them, are shit. lame ass shit. your dog is a meme. face it. you fucking cunt.
damn, people like you really piss me off

Would you rather have a vaccine or thoughts and prayers, some cunts are just to dumb to think for themselves

>a woman was able to hear perfectly the conversation that was happening in the surgery room as she floated near the top of the room, despite the fact that her ears were completely covered due to the nature of her surgery, and would have been impossible for her to hear. The top explanation? That the sound waves of the voices were picked up by the vibrations of her skull and her brain "translated" those vibrations to speech. I kid you fucking not.

A. It happens all the time.
People under anesthesia sometimes are partly conscious they might see and hear the surgeons talk or have paranoid delusions like "haha look at this fag let's stich his mouth shut" while in reality the doctor was doing honest good work.

B. People actually can hear shit through their head and people can never be 100% or perfectly isolated from the sound.

So yeah the explanation is perfectly reasonable.

dont worry user, atheists are so empty inside that they beliebe religion is the spirituality itself, thats why they only atack the priests or the church, they cant attack the miracles, there is no such things as miracles in their empty lives, even if they are sorrounded by them, they cant see.

"I survived pan2020 and all I got was these lousy thoughts and prayers"

Do you dispute his claim that he hasn't seen any of those things himself?

your dyslexia is a fucking miracle
remember: first the socks, then the shoes. thank me later

>hurr see! this is materialized dog! we were right all along!"
Are you really stupid?
They don't, cause they can't prove it's fake and Truth, God, really must be held out from the conscience of people.
But, information, for who looks for it it's out, available to everyone.
You know there was a Guy who resuscitated another guy after he was rotten in his sepulchre, you know what, they didn't believe Him, whatever He did they didn't believe him.
Opening the eyes for Truth means to kill something about ourselves, many prefer to live in a lie to continue to be pleased with themselves.

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How does people going missing in national parks prove the existence of anything supernatural? Do you think there's no natural way for someone to go missing?

Because I didn't witness it myself and can't asset the validity of the incredible.

Wasn't John given a chance to touch the wounds of the resurrected Christ to prove it happened. I am just asking for the tiniest proof for me, god can provide that at some point in my lifetime. If even an Apostle of Jesus sought proof when faced with a miracle, then there is not reason someone 2000 years removed can't wait for proof.

>You know there was a Guy who resuscitated another guy after he was rotten in his sepulchre
Source: Dude trust me

the god i've read about was anything but subtle, did he suddenly become a coward when the camera was invented?

Science and Religion serve different purposes
If you want to keep pushing technology without spiritual morality then go ahead
So far that's given us atomic bombs and lab grown diseases tho

if something is supernatural then examine two things:

it effects the natural world

it doesnt effect the natural world

if it effects the natural world we can measure it and provide a clear explanation on why it's significant. If it doesn't, then who gives a fuck

there was this guy who brought another already rotting guy back to life. read that again.
srsly, next time without italy

not under such circumstances like in missing 411.


Yeah, I know,
we can only point to Him and truth to be told our duty is done.
Faith is not in our possibility to give, is something between them and Him and He knows better than anyone else.
Look how retarded your are, that worked perfectly as an example even without the need to believe in Jesus and you perfectly are the demonstration.
If you want to keep your eyes closed, you'll will see, nothing will work.
Yep, awful grammar, I'll try to get better.

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