Jews or Turks

Which is worse?

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jews are good
turks are roaches

Ottoman Empire was based, Kikes are rats that will takeover everything and make us their slaves.

Too much man on boy fuckery and circumcision for my tastes, but one cannot deny the connection between jewish gold and the Crusades.

Sabbatai Zevi is one good example to never accept the conversion of a Jew. You're accepting infiltration and subversion

They are both a fucking disgrace to humanity, nothing to choose.

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Trick question, both get gassed.

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jews are the worst anything, A Turkish jew for example is the worst type of Turk.

there is no difference
jews are just as mutted up as turds and neither are semites

Having a jew as a friend is great for your life and your future. They're pretty smart at business stuff and will help you with financial problems.


turks actually were guest WORKERs

jews are our failed, ungrateful experiment even though we gave jews so many things, language, identity, culture.

Hey jews in this thread, would you rather be a lower beast orthodox chicken shaker? Or an ASHKENAZ (German) jew?

Too bad you've always been assholes about it, so you can go fuck yourself, ingrates.

Instead of just going "You know what? It is pretty cool to be ashkenazi, thanks deutschbros for creating us" it's always antagonism, so look forward to the next purge because of your ceaseless meddling.

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Turks. Turks don't import Jews.

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Both need to be purged

They are the same thing.

Turks. Lets be honest here.

Good guests know when to leave.

>Good guests know when to leave.
Well, there is that.
But I still loathe jews more.
Turks don't generally SWARM into education, law, politics or media.

They find that too gay.
This is what a quintessential young turk does:
Waddles into pub, all bowlegged cause everyone must believe in a huge ottoman cock.
Slams down car keys on pub serving table.
Looks around if any bitches get wet from his big BMW or Mercedes keys.
Tries to fuck her.

Here's what old turks do:
Zzzz öldummm zZzzzz while eating sunflower seeds.

What really young turks do:
Ey isch fick deine mutter lannnn hurensohn

All of that is tolerable.
They don't fucking poison anything except fast food and schwörerdeutsch niggerlanguage.

They're more or less harmless.
I'd want them to leave too, but they're deffo the lesser evil.

I have no turk related picture on hand. That's how seldomly I think about them.

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Jews. We'll take back Byzantium after we've got rid of the elitist cancer who are trusted by all whites but are killing them in droves.
Could you stop your billion dollar uncle from importing millions of niggers into the west? The Turks do it too but they're low iq so everybody sees they're just being assholes. But everyone loves the kikes even though they do exactly the same, just with corporations.

Turks can get the bullet
Jews deserve the knife. Watch out for your kids

goddamn germanbro
basically this. Turks are horrible people but they're not worse than the kikes.


Turks are nice people with a great society

Woah Woah Woah. Wait a minute.

They don't call them masterminds or teachers pets for nothing. It's no joke that everyone secretly wishes they were smart and rich. It's a blessing to associate with Jews.

Turks control Hollywood.

Jews, definitely. Fuck them and their stupid delusions

turks for sure

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j-jews do the same thing


we can hate them all. theres more than enough hate to go around you fucking cunt

>aids or cancer
>pick one
I'm good thx desu