Accept it
This is what heros look like
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Stunning AND Brave, a rare combination
is it bad that this whole thing has made me hate nurses and doctors? I mean, I already hated nurses but jesus fucking christ.
t. Incel
You guys keep hating on nurses but they basically just did us all a huge favor with all these videos
>Left Wing Media Monolith begins narrative that hospitals are overwhelmed
>MSM attempts to blow "crisis" out if proportion to hurt Trump
>The only "nurses" who get screen time and interviews are probably actors
>They're all crying, interviews are all door and gloom.
>Be real, actual, authentic nurse
>Your hospital has like....3 cases nobody is even stressed
>MSM won't give you screentime that might hurt their narrative
>Go on Tic Toc
>Make HILLARIOUS videos that will spread through genZ like heroin through the junkie population
>This eventually gets parents and public's attention
>The truth completely cucks the MSM
You should be thanking them. They're heros but not for the reason were being told.
imagine being a male nurse
Being a nurse for 7 years made me hate nurses.
They're heros in the sense that an evil villain who kills themselves accidentally is a hero
Healthcare and education are government funded make work sectors to employ women
It's fucking god awful. We get paid more than female nurses but I can't even put into words how fucked up a majority female staff becomes. From the constant bickering to the theft of medical supplies for personal use.
>thinking people will be this self-aware
no user. If you had magic powers and unsealed the truth in everyone's mind, they'd still deny it.
/polcels/ don't have heroes to look up to, only zer0es
Reminder to thank your local janitor
While nurses are twerking on tik tok, janitors are cleaning and disinfecting contaminated surfaces
nurses have that ultra-socialized golden retriver personality I notice sometimes in women, its actually pretty spooky
pretty much laughing at everyone who is out of a job and have to wait in line at foodbank praying they get there in time. I'm really starting to believe this whole "let's put every death as covid for more shekels" scam.
Nurses are awful. Both times I've taken my wife in to give birth they treated her like shit despite being an incredibly reserved woman who barely asked for anything. Every request is met with a near eye-roll. I don't care how tired you are I've never seen such unprofessional behavior in my life until I went to a public hospital. She said when one of the nurses did her first sweep, she could tell she did it rough and painfully on purpose because the nurse that followed up was able to do it without much pain. Fuck these people, glad they're suffering.
Doctors and nurses are cowards and loosers that must be killed.
Absolute traitors.
Hold on. Are shills really trying to claim it's Trump who is the one with dementia?
How jewish are you?
>only a couple of them smiling
>the ones who are smiling don't have crazy eyes
Makes you think
Oh wow, let's never have war again.
Some of these made me LOL
Tits or GTFO
My local weather bitch is like this.
I want to some day throw her a frisbee.
This shit makes my blood boil.
It's worse, they're just corrupting and misdirecting traditional roles. Nursing wasn't secularised until ~1900s. They're effectively fulfilling the most tertiary commitments of being a nun, only without the spiritual fulfilment of actually being one; there's no higher purpose to it other than getting money from the government for "helping people".
how do they have all this free time on their hands?
this is just the female form. it's like hating a snake for biting you. now the way the fucking police have gone from zero-to-full blown police state is something i will not be forgetting in a hurry
now CLAP goddammit!
Guys this is just a huge nothingburger, nurses dance all the time it's completely normal, and they've done that for years. Go back to being afraid of the flu
This is what a hero looks like
They think we are absolute fools.
Doctors are based, don’t let shitskin nurses poison the well
Yes. The people who care for sick people and dispell the MSMs toxic narrative are bad people. Have your pills Incel.
They're the on the front lines of battling this disease. Let them have their fun. It doesn't have any affect on you.
>surrounded by single mothers, cat ladies, and karens all day while doing all the dirty/hard work and dealing with gross shit like bed pans
Sounds like hell.