So what is the bright light in the sky that moves?

Sometimes in the West, sometimes in the East. Isn't on any star maps. It hovers and does zigzags, same size 45 miles apart (I drive to work late some nights). I have video of it under night vision where you can see it has a rotating light around it and occasionally it shoots something out of it. On my next set of days off I plan on using a DSLR instead of my shitty cell cam and couple it w a telescope and night vision so you can watch it move around in the sky.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-19-03-17-28-497_com.miui.videoplayer.jpg (1080x1920, 463.35K)

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Nb4 Venus stupid fucking glowfags

Yeah ok but this thing is fucking huge, and there's tons of little UFO's flying in formation everywhere, especially along the west coast here and in US.

Bruh something it is FUCKING HAPPENING.

My bet is mothership.

Also misinterpreted your post oops

Planet X

Attached: 20200408_024013.jpg (356x292, 66.52K)

It's def way the fuck up there, you can't get closer to it. Hovers for hours and does circular or random moves all over the place. Def a mothership.

Zuccsshittysite com/551037979/posts/10158065510722980/

Take your meds faggot.

Not on meds and even my wife and kids see it move around. Multiple witnesses at work that dismissed it as a plane, but when it was still there an hour later they were like wtf.

Also, I'd like to make note that it isn't broadcasting on ads-b

Stay asleep kid, nighty night.

I have two videos, each about a month apart posted. Each show it clearly moving. It doesn't show up on thermal either. Nvg with naked eye shows a much clearer oscillating light around it.

If you use a spotting scope and a tripod it'll eventually dance it's way out of your view, it just moves like crazy

I have videos of your mom taking it in the ass from a German Shephard

That's not even high effort posting user, you're better than this

Lol, last bump, guess we ain't getting answers


Naw this is a thread where we describe the based videos we have, but dont actually post them

I did post a link you fucking illiterate

>zuccsuxdiks org posts 54528624725 account 57456575598556
quit trying to be secret squirrell on the biggest glownigger honeypot in the world and post a link that actually connects to something or is even fucking readable douchebag.

Attached: images (7).jpg (739x415, 27.34K)

We're all cia niggers on the inside!
>the inside

Jap flags don't get respect you fucking weeb. can't post a direct link since it's flagged, but I uploaded to YouTube to make it simple.

I was walking on the street when a star popped up in the sky, made a zigzag and then placed itself as the most bright thing on the entire sky and it looked the same as on your OP pick. There was no star there on the next day. So yes, something is happening. UFO's are often noticed over areas with some kinds of catastrophe, so let's hope that they are somehow trying to assist us.

Yep, sounds about right

Wait, I am going to post a photo of it. It had a core and a ring of light around it.

dude it’s not flagged you can link it fine:

Post it senpai, it's not a ring, the light circles around it pretty fast, clockwise if my memory serves right. U can really see it w nvg

Here is it

Attached: mmexport1587299457592.jpg (2592x4608, 366.67K)

Lol. Nice bait

It looked like two stars were sucking plasma from each other a minute after it had popped up, but then like this.

Hmmm, I've seen it under mag and under mag w nvg and it didn't look like that, but that is def cool. Maybe you're closer to it than I am and can resolve the rings

It was awfully bright, I have never seen anything THAT intense. Also, it must not have been Venera or a star, they are on the different part of sky, I know my city.

Attached: mmexport1587299625856.jpg (2592x4608, 1.11M)

>a core and a ring of light
>whole thing is a digital zoom smeared jpeg artifact
listen you carpet-walled turnip hoarder, having spent the last 30 years taking creepshots of teenage girls’ pantsu on the Yamanote line I think I can declare myself something of an authority on pixel peeping and I am telling you that as much as you may want to tell yourself you are seeing labia shadow here it is just artifacting from an extremely low resolution image captured using unsuitable optics and sensor combinations

Yep, is it moving around for you too? This one darts around in the sky. Watch it user, if it's moving it's the one.

Look into starlink you nigger
Go search YouTube for starlink videos

how I feel hooking up this cell to a 14. Prob won't show up now that it knows we all watching it now. Someone enhance these images

It's not starlink you stupid fucking dipshit.

Ok retard

A weather balloon or swamp gas.