Remember when this happened? Literally laughed 5 minutes straight thinking about his failed campaign

Remember when this happened? Literally laughed 5 minutes straight thinking about his failed campaign

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his campaign was designed to fail

Feelin cute, might permanently damage UKIP later.

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Stop larping, you may have nigger iq but fuck me this bait is weak

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(((the media)))
he still doesn't get it
>why would the media attack an obvious liberal centrist, call him a nazi and a racist and want to see him destroyed politically?
really makes you think. not him though, it's not about race

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Basedgon of cuckkad

America has had an actor for president (Ronald Reagan) and now a reality TV star for president (Donald Trump).
I fear that the youtuber president cometh in a few decades to come.
At least his disastrous run discouraged youtubers from moving into mainstream politics. The internet has a way of giving people a false sense of what most people think. Sargon's 100,000s of fans are almost all young men with right-ish social views disparately spread all over the world. To the average British voter Carl sounded like a dumb twat on TV.


Aye. It was a fun time.


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Yes, we are all very familiar with your extremely respectable, serious and intellectual political personal which elected Boris Johnson.

Still good that Sargoy got BTFO

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>states a fact
>it's the end of the world
just shows how easily lead people are by hysterics.

>future YouTube president
Will Smith 2024

>low iq cuck makes living smuckling at lower iq retards on the internet
>high off the smell of his own farts
>decides to take his internet brand of smuckling to real life politics
>branded a rapist, single handedly destroys an entire political party.
>Insists it’s all apart of the plan

Hanging around retards all day can give you the illusion that you’re smarter than you really are I guess.

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>Yes, we are all very familiar with your extremely respectable, serious and intellectual political personal which elected Boris Johnson.
It doesn't surprise me that Germans don't get Boris Johnson. Everyone with a brain knows he's putting it on. He's a very smart guy with a wicked sense of humour and knows how to play the buffoon to wind people up. He doesn't take himself to seriously. His buffoonish sense of humour is refreshingly self-deprecating for a politician. It's an English thing.
Carl took himself too seriously and came across as pompous; something the British public can't abide.

No matter who the anglo's ellect as their leader, its still far better than whatever turd you germanoids decide to worship for another 20 years.

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This is based at and the kind of shit the public and culture desperately needs rn.

Ukip is a hollow affair since Farage left and the re-opened as the Brexit party.

>no timestamp

What a dumb nigger. And all the data to indentify you is in that little cellphone pic. Double dumb nigger.

*elects Merkel for 15 (fifteen) years straight*

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What a fucking retard this guy was.

That's disgusting - imagine having such clearly inferior genes as to belong to a member of the non-human nig contingent and still continue existing as opposed to doing the world a favour and killing yourself.

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Should’ve put me in it my nigga.

Carl made the fatal error of going balls-deep in the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" strategy. Many such cases.

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Poor nigger monitor lol

Bozz Johnson a crypto jew.

Yikes, you should've let us think you were white.

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No, I'm tired of Yas Forums thinking every Black Nationalist flag is either some crypto jew or chink