hahahahahahaha. I am 38 and so fucking glad I dont have to be stuck home with some nagging cunt and screaming kids for the next year of lockdown.
ahahh yeah im just here alone
thank you for never breeding, OP. We need less non-whites on the Earth.
You'll be stuck with a cunt that hates you, doesn't get paid enough and has no connection or feelings for you other than an apathetic loathing when you're in a nursing home because you have no children who take care of you because you loved them and raised them well.
Children -> Maybe land in a shitty nursing home where you get tortured
No Children -> Guaranteed stay in hotel "Nobody can hear you scream, grandpa" unless you die or kill yourself.
>some nagging cunt
lol cope
You've probably been dropped out of their lives' due to them having more important things to do.
I know plenty of healthy 80 years olds living on their own. Anyway by the time I am 90 robotics will sort that.
>haha I sure do love my meaningless consumerist existence! Man am I sure glad I won't have any kids to take care of me when I'm older, or grand children to love and mentor
>haha these shiny worthless collectors items and nintendo switch sure were worth it...
Eat some more icecream.
hello depression my old friend
imagine bringing life into the world just to selfishly satisfy your hormones, and then being indignant when you can't just neglect and dump that life on someone else (while hypocritically blaming them for being in the wrong when that kid never had a parent).
antinatalism isn't about consoom. Having children because "you're supposed to" is the ultimate NPC consoomer. Corporations love to bleed the shekels from people aspiring to live their blueprint for life an ideal customers.
I dont buy anything I am am literally pic related. Do you know how broken the people my age are in their shitty marriages and being a parent. There is a reason people think I look like I am in my late 20s and not 38. The best thing I ever did was not have kids.
The nuclear family is a stupid idea. We should just raise children communally, in a racially homogeneous society.
I've been playing board games with the family. It's nice
>The nuclear family is a stupid idea.
> We should just raise children communally, in a racially homogeneous society.
No whites allowed though
>all the betas in this thread coping and seething about how some anonymous boomer not having kids
Why do you retards care if OP doesn't have kids? It's almost like you're unable to find a mate yourselves and are struggling to handle the reality of your failure to find a hole to throw your wealth and soul into.
>but muh kids
Nobody but you cares that you were able to perform the most basic of bodily functions.
>The best thing I ever did was not have kids.
For you
They're too busy happily playing with their kids thinking, 'I want this > wageslaving'.
Heard much about all them suicides lately though? Hmmm, mostly single bitches and pretend negging chads wuhahahahaha
Bit of advice,
A chad takes a woman/whore and makes her his. makes her moral, for it is in man that woman finds her moral guide. Forget the pretty boys and PUA who pretend to be Alpha.
Whats the fucking point of you? Why are you here? Do you not appreciate your parents for giving you this experience? Why don’t you just fucking off yourself so we don’t have to read utter wank like this. What a fucking cry for attention, Jesus.
We don't care. We're answering his question. You've decided not to propagate and people that have likely do not have time for you.
And I haven't heard non-coping "I'm so glad I have no kids" ever
>Corporations love to bleed the shekels from people aspiring to live their blueprint for life an ideal customers.
And you don't have to fall for it. Factor in the gibs and children are basically free if you know what you're doing.
Protip : in real life most people are discarded by their children in retirement homes when they get old. Then you get beaten up and raped by niggers daily, till you die of starvation.
Many such cases!
Most children would be better off raised by robots than people.
If you believed any of what you're saying you wouldn't have come to /pol believing that you're punching down while drinking yourself to an early grave.
I'll be honest, I'm locked in with my 2yo son and he's bloody hard work. A little older and we'd be able to explain to him. A little younger and he'd sleep more often. Hes a full on little bugger
>We don't care
The notion of other people not wanting to reproduce upsets you. Why?
they dont call it the terrible twos for nothing
Funny enough its woman, parents, kids, ect that give kikes the most money. Single men living a quite simple minmalist life are not good consoomers.
This Kraut larping Shill is everywhere lately. Turkroach or Shill with a VPN. Enjoy getting kebabed and feasted upon by the natives during the purging of the white lands.
Ask what is the difference between a King, the King of Kings and an Emperor?
King of Kings is coming and His people are who He comes for.
Check Caan leaving the land and worrying about the already existing humans on Earth. Genesis was about Huwhite people.
Maybe because people who love their children and understand their worth want people like you to die out as a dead end in your family tree.
No it's fine. You guys are wondering why you haven't heard from us in a while. It's because we're busy and don't have time for you. All of this seems to be a cry for attention since you guys have nobody to care about you at home.
Children are not supposed to take care of you, selfish retard
Mate Im on Yas Forums because of a lockdown. I should be at work now.
If you value yourself so lowly to not have anything to pass on to the future, to believe your genes deserve to rot along with you, then I won’t judge that. But you feel valueless and you don’t even realize it.
every boomer I work with constantly just complains that their kids are drug addicts, thugs, whores and idiots who get scammed all the time and they have to clean up after them and most of them divorced at least once
>b-b-but raise them better
yeah when you work all day and then you roll the dice whether they'll get in with a bad crowd in school or not
nah I absolutely have zero desire to have kids, it's like playing russian roulette
Imagine the brain dead consoomer children that useless soisack would create. Yes, please stick to eating Nutella and binge watching Marvel bullshit all day.
>I'm such a shit human being I couldn't raise a child better than boomers
You know, maybe you shouldn't have children after all. Sounds like you aren't up to the task.