Take that Donald Trump! Nips against Trump!

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>The non-chink one

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Trump BTFO!

That's it. Trump is finished now.

>Only one nip

Why do women always think nudity is a valid argument? Why are they so vapid, without fail?


Because their sexuality is the only value they've ever had, and deep down, despite their feminism bullshit, they know it. So they always end up resorting to it.


I'd unironically give the one on the right a right wing baby.

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Why don't they show the pussy too, while they're at it? Oh yeah, it would be objectifying. Makes a lot of sense, ladies. Great, fight the power of the white patriarchy, you're making a difference. Never give up!

That is so mindblowingly based.

They do it because it makes right wingers angry to see degenerates.

>nip out for trump
What did you go out and do for him? Dad joke but made myself chuckle

Based and redpilled.


"Shitty Titites For Drumph!"

But Trump is for Nips

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I still kek whenever I see Merkels ugly face grimace in shock in that vid

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Omg boobies!!


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Imagine cocks out against Hillary.

hope Ivanka joins them

Is there a thing in this earth women wouldn't use to act like sluts


nailed it

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wtf women aren't really just a collection of holes now.

No woman were just collections of holes in the very beginning

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>Nov 19, 2016

Go to bed, grandpa.

I give the milkers on the right two KGB thumbs up.

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Man gets a pussy in his hand and it's "OMG WAT A RAPIST" and now these bitches want to put their tits on him baka.

Stunning and brave