Korean election results by region

kek, did any of you guys see this?

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Explain the implications of this to a non dog eater

tl;dr Korean elections are an East-West Cold War/demographic census, most regions unconditionally voted 75%+ for one party or the other.

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Who's the good guys?

Blue is femnazi global homo

The blue team. The one that won by a landslide.


On one side you have crpyo-chink socialists and on the other you have braindead ameriga worshipping neoliberal zogbots

South Korea should get nuked along with NK and China.
it should be filled with Japanese imperials instead.

The Conservative party was the group that had the literal feminist cult running their leadership. So socialists are the better choice here.

I want to visit Korea some day. Best food on Earth. Nice culture.

Korea > Japan

Are they the pink one (United Future Party)?

Feels bad for your guys that you literally had a highly corrupt feminist cult running your country.

Koreans are demi-chinks you know ?

Yes. Which is why they were btfo by socialists. They play the globalist game, but don't be mistaken. They have a really intense national identity to the point they may be kicking US military out.

>They have a really intense national identity to the point they may be kicking US military out.

imagine believing that ?

And what do you think will happen?

okay, are the future party the chink socialists or the migas?

fuck south korea, they literally teach talmud in kindergarten
north korea is BASED nationalists and traditionalists

Maybe if U.K. would read it they wouldn't be quite so gullible.


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I bet you can't even walk out your front door without a visit from the bobbys right now.

i bet you can't go a day without getting screeched at by your mother

do you seriously think SK can part with US bases ?
or that the US will abandon it's strategic position and the fact that SK would do without the US nuclear protection.


south korea is globohomo, look at k-pop it is most degenerate thing ever, your entire culture is revolved around being wagecuck

China - tough, cheating, swindling capitalist commies about to take over the world
North Korea - actual commies living in commieland
South Korea - gay faggots who just want to copy the West
Japan - based weirdos with island mentality.

South Korea should be divided to the East and the West.

Which party did torture students ?

Korea is a more relax, dirtiest Japan. It's a great place.

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koreans are better than stupid japs
japs cant even subvert the west with their media like koreans

This isn't the 1980s anymore. And maybe you didn't notice, but US is having difficulty keeping it up in Korea at the moment.
I never get screamed at by mother or mother in law. Because I am a good boy with a successful salary.
>Dancing is degenerate
I thought Americans were the puritans.

how can south korea be degenrate when you banned porn?

The Socialist should go full Kim Jong Il. NazBol-Gang!

It's not dancing, it's soft porn. Courtship dancing done by what supposed to be hot young women is degenerate.

SK military is ranked 6th in the world. Even the french got the US to leave. Don't you know, algerian?