What can you do with this degree?

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wipe your ass with the certificate

All literally built for BBC.

work at starbucks

CNN Reporter.

post retarded comments on reddit

you can enchant items, conjure melee golems, speak magical words (diversity, equality).

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>Abstract reality until a turd is sexist
>Explain how the patriarchy is responsible for genetics
>Find hidden oppression in every day foods
>Gain 200lbs without feeling guilt or shame
>Get a job teaching others how they can be as enlightened as yourself

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Probably get a HR job somewhere.

>Would you like to plus size your menu?

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>table for how many?

I take the rightmost one.
She looks a bit retarded, but also like she could become a good wife.

women go to university to find a wealthy future partner

Write retarded "articles" for Buttfeed.

Work in Human Resources departments where you can make diversity hires and wreck the company.

Probably HR or diversity officer or some shit.

When you work in HR you don’t make the decision on who to heirs. The head of the dept who needs the new employee does that. HR simply puts out the ad and processes the new employee hands out discipline and tells you when you’re fired.


#6 in front row is fucking stacked. I want to see her laying down naked fingering her hairy pussy

This isn’t totally true. HR departments can set race and gender targets that C suite sign off and then the rest of us get dumped with. 20% of my annual bonus is linked to hiring women into senior mgmt positions. The term senior is admittedly misleading and it would be mid management at best.
t. MD at a bank

believe it or not, sometimes people study things that interest them


unironically it probably has a pretty good placement rate.
They hire their own they are a self built self sustaining and self replicating society.
It's communism contained within an academic field.

-pretend its an academic achievement

oh you mean for like, WORK? lol nothing, why?

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Ruin lives

second from the tight has a fantastic rack. I'd like to take her out for a bag of skittles or a soda

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Become a diversity czar at a fortune 500.

My gf says another woman's suffrage movement

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you mean arse, bong

he gets it

why the fuck are we making people pay for this? It's a disgrace