The Amazing Atheist / TJ Kirk

Anyone else here former fans of The Amazing Atheist?

I watched him religiously as a teen from 2007 to 2009 and defended him in the comments like a paid shill. Made me feel real intellectual and I had quotes almost identical to Aalewis in the description of my youtube page. Lost most of my friends at that stage in my life and TJ's rebellious rants, along with being a HS drop-out himself, influenced me to start skipping classes and eventually drop out myself, because I thought skool wuz stopid and if he didn't need it, neither did I. Then as a neet I started browsing Yas Forums and was overwhelmed by their mockery of what I thought of as an infallible genius and it shook me back to my senses. Too late tho and the damage was done.

tl;dr keep your impressionable kids away from 'youtube intellectuals'

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stopped watching when bananagate happened. dude is literally into pegging and got the shit beat out of him by hit step dad or whatever. and now he is fat because he has emotional issues and he also has a micro-penis, no joke, look it up. He's no one to lecture anyone on anything. Dude needs jesus

He's the proto-sargon. Picking low hanging fruit and all

[translation: I look at his determined face and I love to imagine him with a big meaty WANG. You know what... maybe... maybe I could be HIS meaty wang? Ha ha It's a joke see since his equipment is... how to say... already convenient for me? It fills me with esteem for my male compatriots who must attend to the endless hustling cries of the untermench]

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he stuck a banana up his arse

Let me get that straight. You believed in this massiv homosexual? I mean you obviously saw that guy and didn't thought WOAH WHAT A FAGGOT?

Even as an atheist I never liked him.
He put a banana in his asshole.

Really? Hahaha I didn't know this dude but just at his face I could tell that he is a faggot lmao

yeah, haha, dude's a freak

My friends watched his and thunderf00ts bullshit so much back then. I wanted to be a good boi and just play vidya but all they constantly talked about was that fat faggot and how they finally had all the answers to life and why their parents beat the shit out of them.

same shit happened to me, man. youtube intellectuals are life crippling.

I was very much into him as well. My edgy teen atheism phase was very cringe. I don't remember when i stopped watching him but it was a long while ago

sup bro

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Ethan Ralph ripped off the drunken peasants

Ranting atheist youtubers are all human trainwrecks now

Atheism was a stepping stone for me.
It all branched off of rationalism and skepticism.
I used to listed to podcasts like Skeptics Guide to the Universe and they did a lot of material on homeopathic medicine, prayer healing, energy crystals, alien abduction and so on.
So they spend all that time telling you that rationalism and skepticism is amazing. Then eventually they brought Rebecca Watson on to the show and they started talking about women shit and trannie shit, and you were supposed to believe you were skeptical and rational for believing that men could be women, and women were equal to men in everything.
They started with the systematic racism shit.
And you apply your rational and skeptical facilities to this, and it gets you shut out of conversation with these people.
Then you apply your rationality and skepticism to a whole bunch of things and you end up rethinking WW2 and noticing that a lot of people in charge of things wear small hats.
You notice that all these internet Atheists are degenerates who refuse to acknowledge that science is open to corruption and bias through financial pressure.
It all seems so clear looking back. I mean, just look at that fat fuck.

Used to be a fan but as I got older he seemed more and more retarded. Only other person I know who was a fan and stayed a fan was an alcoholic who lost control of is life.

He got beat by his stepdad?

Yeah when I was a dumb little kid. Now I'm 100% saved and not a retard anymore.

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>Anyone else here former fans of The Amazing Atheist?
not a fan, he was always the clown of the atheist community

>He's the proto-sargon. Picking low hanging fruit and all
sargons did the same, its what the entire community does

they go after retards to look smart in comparaison
first they went after christians and it went very well
then they went after sjws and it worked very well
then some of them had the BRILLIANT idea to go after race theory trying to debunk it, it didnt go well lmao

thunderneck was smart enough to nope out of there, he knows race is real and even talking about it no matter what side you re own is suicide in our global zog

nice blog post, tard

Well i think it's all pretty easy to realise, all that atheism nonsence that was going on hardcore mode since 2004 at least, was a generational rebel phase against mostly christian parents.
It's easy to forget how old this place is and chan culture in general.We have a shitton of people who were in school back then and an adults with chilfren now.
Everyone grew up and matured thir thoughts, and rethinked much former belief.
You can be a flaming faggot hellbent to destroy every trace of christianity on the planet OR simply be atheist and mind your own buisness

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Who? Ahhh, that angry pathetic faggot? Almost forgot about him. Who cares?

I watched him as a teen because he was an interesting character. That was also during the time where he stuck a banana up his ass and had the video leaked lol.

>Then you apply your rationality and skepticism to a whole bunch of things and you end up rethinking WW2 and noticing that a lot of people in charge of things wear small hats.
Entire post is based but this is REALLY based

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never really watched him religiously, maybe once in a while, then found out he is a degenerate and drunkenpeasants was funny for a while

and pic related is probably related to me hating him

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The non religious/political stuff was kind of entertaining as background noise as I was playing diablo

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I think a lot of people in their 20s here were Amazing atheist fans. An astounding number of 'alt-right' guys from the 2015/16 run up to the American election were fedora atheists from the late 00s. Youtube atheism was very influential on a lot of us. TJ Kirk pretty much started the youtube 'anti-sjw' thing with his anti-tumblr and anti-feminist videos. I wouldn't be surprised if his effect on young male internet culture was actually enormous.

I grew out of Tj Kirk mentality by 16 though. TJ seems pretty different now. His channel is on life support and gets hardly any views. His weed brain has slowed him down and he is much less angry and energetic than he was. Watching his stuff now, as a 25 year old man, feels sad.

Fan? No. Watched some of his stuff back in the day? Yes.

The whole youtube + reddit atheist 'activist' culture tore itself in two in 2011 over 'elevatorgate'. If you don't know google it. Elevatorgate was the turning point. The online atheists either went right leaning 'anti-sjw'/libertarian or super progressive. Some of the 'anti-sjw' crew got really into Yas Forums culture and became pretty far right; morrakiu for example was one of those who went from libertarian atheist TJ Kirk fan to full on Nazi/'alt-right' over time.

Also, by 2014 and the infamous 'aalewis' euphoria really fucked the atheist community. It died in that form.

These days young youtubers like 'cosmicskeptic' characterise the modern atheist community. Very different culture. Very different tone and style.

Atheism is a religion for autistic incels.

Whether god exists or not, his life would be vastly better/less cucked if he was even slightly religious and had a shred of shame for Le epic banana in anus meme

lol what a retard neckbeard. how fat are you?