We all remember Tom Hanks son, Chet Hanks?

Well he removed most of the photos of him with tattoos and the ones of him talking about Illuminati, and one reeeeeally pissed off that people are talking about the Illuminati. Well the new video he has just put up, is either him in a mental ward, or jail. There's writing ALLLLLLL over the bed frame. Why the fuck would he have that as a bed?!?!

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You mean the “Junior Hanks” who shared with the entire world the obvious fact that he’s “so rich he can get anabolic steroids with daddy’s money”? THAT Hanks?

I hate this cuck faggot
Wish the internet would bully this retard into suicide

This just brought back memories I wanted to keep repressed but wasn't he a rapper and said nigger in a music video that one time?

>caring about some shitty e-celeb

fuck off nupol

He sounds even more retarded than Jessie in the early seasons of Breaking Bad.

Christians are nuts.

Either he himself or someone larping as him, appeared in an older thread where the picture of him with blood and scratches on his face was posted and he was so pissed and trying to threaten everyone, it was great. Even if it was a larp it felt accurate enough to imagine, and he's the type that makes for an excellent salt mine.


reminder this is the type of nigger we give all the money and women too

line that retard up at the guillotine right after his father for god sakes

Holy shit his pillows look like the plastic ones they use in jail, what's going on here

We don't give him shit, the kikes do, or rather they give it to his dad and he takes it. Either way it does need to end, I approve of guillotines.

"broken" leg and just a picture of a gun in his stories

Why does he talk like a nigger?


also i'm pretty sure its a tranny

the splotchy facial hair and chest scars both are signs of FTM transition

Exactly, does this mean the arrests are being made?!?!

chets a great troll, godammn you guys are stupid

Eat shit, Chester.

This. And i would like to add that Americans are niggerfied.

you probably would suck on chets baby dick if he asked

i hate this faggot.. but i'm shocked to find that I like 'something out west'.. hes a pained little fellow, pouring out his soul, will likely off himself soon

'ticket out of my head', i mean
guys am i a faggot

Chester Gump da realest, nigga.

his music fucking sucks, and it clearly sounds like they are singing to try and bang stupid idiot girls, so i'd guess you're either a stupid idiot girl, or you are like you said, a faggot.

I hate that entire hanks family of pedophiles so fucking much.

All those bizarre creepy pizzagate-tier instagram pics of children's socks in parks that Tom Hanks keeps posting really deserve a full and extensive police investigation.

Proper orthodox christians like hs wear cross of that size made in front. Coping poorfag Hanks

Stupid people are helpless if life does not fall into their lap perfectly.

I do not understand what makes rich dumb guys to adore adopting rapper accents. He would immediately drop the accent when speaking with a professional. Like they play a character of a maximally undesirable person to challenge the authority of daddy's money and feel in charge.

This and also why do I care about this wiglet?

I'd guess it's an affectation.

>he gets natty

Attached: 1494326620290.jpg (600x600, 52.84K)

the rest of the songs are embarrassing garbage

lol that is so fucking cringe

The comments are great
> collectbaseball Where did the Illuminati posts go pedo
> darkside0096 This man belongs in a mental institution or jail
> tracy.l.easter.73 You are so full of shit
> beastylover226 Everytime you come on my feed, I just tell my self he is preparing for movie role I mean


I guess to be fair, "ticket out of my head" has decent instrumentation and production. thats all i'll give it credit for.