Redbull me on the stock market. Why is it returning back to historic highs when no one is working?
Redbull me on the stock market. Why is it returning back to historic highs when no one is working?
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confidence and relief bill. Workplaces and workers are just shitty burdens, too.
>QE infinity
>Reasons for the recession are not economical but outside force, so it will be back to normal fast when quarantines end. Market us based on expectations
>Current local rise is a dead cat bounce it probably started correction already
Because the market prices in futures it's how rich Jews stay rich. Before all the stay at home bs the markets went in to freefall because they say this shit coming and the smart Jews priced that in. Now they're pricing in the recovery before it happens.
Fuck pol I thought you were smart. At least you're asking the right questions.
Well phone user it's hard to crash an economy when there's no virus in the first place.
because the BlackRock Fedreasury is pumping ridiculous amounts of money into it to keep it afloat
i wonder if they'll keep doing it when the housing bubble pops
>Money printer go brrrrr
>Banks buy shit
>Economy goes up
the "stock market" and the """economy""" are a jewish meme
come on, you ideologically subscribe to literal fake money printed out of thin air by jews backed by literally nothing
boomers kill themselves when the squiggling lines on the stock screens do things they don't like
>oh no the squiggly lines for oil went down better kill myself
it's not like oil suddenly stops existing, it's just that boomer subhuman retards have invested interest in their literal fake money and can't see life beyond their cattle farm
cos the money that got pulled out when it dumped didn't cease to exist. Now there is nowhere to put it to make decent returns. Bonds are fucked, bank interest is fucked, under a matress doesn't return anything and so it gets shoved back into the market.
>returning back
>to historic highs
its not, schizo neet
lemme guess every day you have to ask your "mom" to get you your "breakfast" and "launder your clothes" because you are a mentally ill man-child
Turns out we don't actually need workers any more, our stock markets are all derivatives and the economy can tick along nicely with pensioners and the unemployed.
Basically, we should all just quit and claim welfare, it seems. Workers are very clearly surplus to requirements.
It's certainly going up. Since bad unemployment numbers, bad manufacturing, low consumer confidence numbers have done nothing to phase the market, what news do YOU think will make the market go back down again?
I'm hoping this leads to UBI unless they do some mark of the beast shit
They are propping up the market by injecting tens of billions of dollars every day.
You niggers have no idea how bad the collapse will be when it hits.
Because the elite control the money supply
Where do the billions go, may I ask?
its fucking hilarious to me that Yas Forumstards think they figured the fucking world out but are too dumb and uneducated to explain something so basic as the stock market.
You guys are beyond pathetic.
no, its not, imbecile
Cause money's fake
Once enough retail has bought back in, the call will be made.
enlighten the non-educated then you kraut fuck
Because the whole world just agreed to have smaller workforce’s that work from home. All the fights against automation just got killed.
Now you’ll interact with computers and never a wait staff again. Factory jobs will be robots. This all means that companies can replace workers with robots and also have people thank them for promoting social distancing which slashing budgets by cutting manual labor and increasing profits.
The market is well off its lows, you fucktard. Bad market data comes out, but stocks go up. Is it all priced in? What news will it take to have it all crash down again?
kraut fuck
>t. imbecile
All these news were expected and priced in during the lows. There was a threat that 3% of tge world pop will die or something like that. Im not sure how much effect comes from QE tho.
The covid panic didn't damage any infrastructure, all the trucks can still run, the factories still stand, roads, railways, and ships are still intact, the oil derricks can still pump etc and the consumer base for most business is still there..the only source of income that dried up at all, was workers to underpay
People finally realized gov can just print more money
The student loan bubble is the scary one. It was already doomed with so many students deferring/defaulting because the feds forced bad loans to be given out to lazy millennials and niggers (just like the housing crisis), and now all those PhDs are going to be flipping burgers or giving $20 blowjobs in the global recession that's coming.
Jew magic.
>t. boomer that's contemplating killing himself
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe it has something to do with trump giving every american 1200$ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... geeeee i dont know.................. could really be onto something here........................... but ya know..