What's the conspiracy theory that makes lot of sense, even that's sound absurd to a common audience?

What's the conspiracy theory that makes lot of sense, even that's sound absurd to a common audience?

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The Jewish one

Christianity makes people weak, it's a disgusting doctrine where you wait for a messiah to save you.
Same as Capeshit movies.
Same with Qanon.
All asking to be saved like a little girl.

And this is why the Elites are winning because Weak Men think they don't need to use violence because "god" will put them to hell so no need.

All world leaders are practicing torture pedophillia. Under a babylonian religion.


All have pedophile rings from the elite classes and are protected

Yet that weak religion conquered your nation and raped your whore women funny how that works eh


Good, don't cry like a bitch when you become a minority in Australia.
We will sell the Filipino part of Australia to the Chinks

user's right though. New age Christianity isn't the one your grandfather practiced. It's total transformation into a degenerate wing of Yahweh is complete.

QAnon and Julian Assange are the deep state

Replace "babylonian religion" with "occultism of the left-hand-path", then it's accurate. Kiddy raping unleashes a lot of magic power in their rituals and they use that to gain material wealth and political power.

Occultism is babylonian religion its the same thing.
But they rape and torture/murder out of adrenaline rush which they see as power or whatever.

Oklahoma city was committed by the Clintons to destroy documents.


You don't wait for a messiah to save you you accept the fact that he already has saved you and turn your attention to him and his love. you accept that because you are saved and know that you will enter the unfathomable splendor of the kingdom of heaven after leaving this fleeting life, you have no reason to hate or hold grudges or live with covetousness greed. You recognize that this is a blink in eternity. You recognize that you acted in awful ways and that you had/have the capacity to do ever worse things and thus have understanding and sympathy for the unbelievers, you can forgive them and pray for them to be better, you can help them. You can forgive those that hate you but you are not weak because you also have the courage protect those who are weak and in danger.

Jesus absolutely loves you and he died to get your attention across time and say to you "this is how much the father loves you, this is how much you are forgiven. Please make the choice to acknowledge this truth and be a light of love in the world, for that is the path back home... if you get lost look up at the cross and it is the waypoint for your journey."

the foundation myth
How does one recognize a foundation myth? It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of the "Holocaust" and WW2 has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. And by law throughout most of Europe.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

This is by design.

If you find peace in that Religion then it's all fine.

no, it's not. Occultism is much much older. The oldest one we know are the Egyptian mysteries, but occultism is as old as religion itself.

And no, they don't do it for the adrenaline rush. It's part of their rituals. This shit isn't new and you are uneducated. If you want an entry-level redpill about occultism and mysticism, read the books of Dion Fortune, start with "Physic self defense". Short books and very easy to digest.

>Filipino part of Australia to the Chinks
Dog meat factories and whore houses. Chinks love that shit.

trips of truth

Babylon or sumeria is older then egypt kanker mongool.

They rape torture them before they gutt them and drink their blood. That way they pump as much stress and trauma in the childrens blood which will be full of adrenaline. Thats why they drink it they call it power or whatever but in the end they get a rush from the adrenaline and therefore they are addicts

I don't know why you're so smug when Australia is getting invaded and you cant even do jackshit about it.
Pedophilia is also rampant in all white countries yet still no action, i guess you're gonna pray all those Pedophiles away then.

Checked. If /nupol/ were living in the 1700s they would join hands in a circle and pray away George III. And 200 years later their money would have QE2 portraits

Babylon is not Sumer and ancient Egypt is much older than the Babylonian empire. You really are uneducated.

And repeating your Q-tier-boomer nonsense about Adrenochrome does not make it true. This whole Adrenochrome thing is a psyop. You can produce synthetic Adrenochrome in labs.

Occultism and magic exists. There are the right-hand-path (where you serve god) and the left-hand-path (where you serve yourself). That's why it doesn't matter, if you worship Moloch, Satan, Lucifer or Saturn or another "evil" deity. It's the same path. The elites use Moloch-worship, because they probably have a complete magic system at their hand. That LaVey faggot used Satanism, but the purpose is the same. Material gain and political power. There are thousands of books about this topic. Even Jeanne D'Arcs companion Gilles de Rais was a know child murderer and occultist.

their faggot magical power will be rendered useless and powerless against my Ki power.

Currently going from 200 units to 1000 units. The day I hit 100000 units I will choose a country and raid it, proclaim myself as king of warriors then stablish the entire country as the capital of the Kikefree Empire. [KE]


Gravity is an artefact due to inefficient rendering


This has to be true. With everything else, you can spin a ball or any sphere/round object and it forces any objects to fly off the sphere/round object, but it doesn't happen with earth? Why?

you should read up your own history. Why did the Spanish inquisition exist? Was it really just superstition? Nah, there was more to it.


If a religion's military victories justify it then how come the Muslims kicked you up and down Europe and still hold Constantinople?

>9/11 pasta

The first guy who reportedly died in the 9/11 attacks was a brave passenger who fought the Saudi hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 11 (AAF11 or A1, the plane crashes were numerically coordinated btw). He was reportedly stabbed to death w "box cutters" and had his throat slit. The heroic story was originally widely publicized by MSM but then the United 93 "let's roll revolt" was drummed up to replace it.

Who was this first "victim." He was a 30something Israeli-American named Daniel Lewin, who had been promoted from IDF into a captain of the elite Israeli special forces unit Sayeret Matkal. For newfags unfamiliar w Sayeret Matkal, plz search and watch YT videos: they are trained in foreign soil infiltration ops, know fluent Arabic and often famously impersonate Islamic radicals while being schooled in airports, hijacking scenarios and covert paratroop ops.

Daniel Lewin is/was also an alum of Technion, aka Mossad University. He was also a billionaire from founding Akamai, the Boston cybersecurity firm credited w "maintaining" internet traffic the week of 9/11. Before the attacks he had sold his mansion, packed his office, and briefly reunited with his estranged wife, whom he left a 10-minute voicemail to the morning before 9/11, entirely in Hebrew, as retrieved by his wife from Voicestream, they filed a report deeming her request "suspicious." All of which is in FBI files online.

Who else was an elite captain in Sayeret Matkal? Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu's brother Jonathan died in a Sayetet mission called Operation Entebbe. Now here's a game: try to find one clip/article where Netanyahu praises or memorializes Lewin among the Israel-related victims who perished in 9/11. He never has. Isn't that odd? A fellow member of the same military force who was reportedly a 9/11 hero.

Daniel Lewin was the air leader of the 9/11 attacks. Any discussion where he is unnamed or unexplored is unhelpful. Memorize his name and relevant history stated here.

Hulk hogan believes in God he's not weak unlike you limpwristed flips. Go play in your PBA basketball tournaments you tiny little man child.

I know a jewish blogger who wrote about Christianity like that.
>waiting to be saved
Christians already feel saved.

They're making the frogs gay.

Often used to illustrate AJ's lunacy, it is one of his most sober points. Almost definitely true.
