Guinea ain't fucking around with those kikes
Guinea ain't fucking around with those kikes
I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese cleaned them out of masks, gloves, and thermometers like they did the US and other countries.
brown people are never based. everything about this thread is filth.
CCP stoked xenophobia against Africans and other round-eyes in order to blame foreigners for starting and spreading coronavirus and to deflect the CCPs culpable mismanagement and lying about the coronavirus pandemic as it got started in Wuhan.
Its time the CCP was swept into the dustbin of history.
Hey I hate niggers as much as the next person but I hate those chinks fucks even more
Super based really!
Do you know where Guinea is?
They're black, not brown.
Extremely based
holley shiiite
This is some based stuff, we need to do this in all western nations too and to also seize every chinese bankaccount in the west.
now that's ma niggaz
Chinks are the worst ethnic group on the planet, and they're brown too for your color dislike.
Nice, curbstomp those chink fucks
>chinks and nigs killing each other
Goddamn it, if only we could include shitskins and Israel into the mix.
Are these posts chink shills or is this how Americans really think?
is that chink wearing a metal shirt is this who sells all the bootleg vintage metal shirts on ebay
Based, wish the west have enough balls to do so.
based nogs
I hope more and more countries will follow
>its time to get serious
great idea; maybe this penniless thot can fork over several hundred billion dollars to "US universities" so they don't go insolvent from lack of money from overseas students
kek, thinking the chinese give a fuck about their own people
So you would literally go broke if you couldn't suck chink dick? You call yourself a super power? Are you lost? This isn't rebbit
Based guinea pigs.
Other nations should follow suit
>CCP stoked xenophobia against Africans and other round-eyes in order to blame foreigners
they also blamed Japan at one point
So you are willing to sell your soul and your dignity for few quick bucks and you can't see the long term profit from kicking out chinks.
Got it!
This. Fuck china, fuck the ccp and fuck chinks.
Holy shit this is based as fuck!
There can be no appeasement. Look at history what good that did do in the past. China cannot be negotiated with. They will ignore agreements, lie, deceive and exploit at the cost of the whole world.
Based guinea
I wish we could have a war against china in africa.
Do you think black americans would enlist to protect their continent from the chinese invasion?
The smartest niggers to ever live
I genuinely commend them for this it's a good idea