Women make the best world leaders

Women make the best world leaders.

Attached: Females.png (700x775, 467.76K)

Malta has the best in Europe, 3 deaths and no lockdown.

All dudes :^)

why do women leaders love rapefugees so much?

What is the metric to determine "best response"? Where is the data?

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They removed belgium lmao meme didnt have a long shelf life

All white

Where is South Korea or Japan?

How much you want to bet that data is being held.



Socially autistic populations. Not their leaders.

>(((Kaivan Shroff)))

damn, miss iceland is fiiiiiine

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the metric is SCIENCE!

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Fuck off, Aussies are going better than any country in Europe.

No, women are paranoid

science per minute?
per hour?
per meter?

Now let us look at their economic policies.

I'd do Iceland and finland.

Women made late decissions. They could have taken measures when china did but they went with thwir impulse of this can never happen to mw and now are suffering along with their populus

All of them (except Germany) are small, basically ethnically homogeneous nations?

Im guessing it would have to be death rate percentage. I mean i personally would take into account all the damage a lockdown does, but these hysterical media faggots parade themselves as "caring about human life more than the economy". So just for the sake of their argument, yeah i would guess the death rate is the only thing.

democracy was a mistake

Why isn’t Orbán on the pic?

At least in the case of finland, we're doing okay despite our 'leader', not cause of her..

Shes done a good job doing nothing so far

Places Chinese carriers didnt want to go?

binlan qt

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um.. based department?

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i would suck finalnd's dick

Convenient to leave Sweden out of it despite being a feminist "utopia".
Also, we (Norway) got LUCKY, Erna "Merkels Favorite Puppet" Solberg allowed planeloads of people from northeren Italy into the country without so much as testing them, then proceeded to order 1000 respirators without checking it with our ministry of health first, surprise surprise, they were useless given the situation.
The only reason Norway is "fine" is because we're sparsely populated and reclusive by nature.

Based maltabros

Maybe we were left out because we don't have a female leader and never have had one

>never had a female leader
Don't just post anything you find on the internet.

rich from a kike

are you talking about the one that fucked horses?
im a white romanian not a kike

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This honestly did blow Yas Forums the fuck out. And I admit me. This is coming from a MGTOW. Maybe its the motherly part of woman that worked in this case.

lol @ Germany

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To be honest, I assumed you did, I never bothered checking.
Then what gender is xe?

Oh my god, is he implying that Jancinda Ardern and Angela Merkel are good leaders?

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North Korea has 0 cases of covid.

New zelands looks like she gets beaten by her husband for under cooking the pasta again.