can't post unless you have at least one degree and your family is worth at least seven figures
Elitist thread!
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Yep, its cool to have lettuce, I can just sit this one out without giving a fuck
in 1994, while attending a party hosted by his friend Jeffery Epstein, Donald Trump violently raped 13 year old Katie Johnson.
what's your take on the politics of this crisis as somebody whose life hasn't materially changed?
Crazy synchronicity right there. I was just about to post a thread on this topic. Isn't it paradoxical for this board not to be more elitist? Like you defend whites for being more 'elite' than other races, but when it comes to the actual elites you become a BLM-tier thinker? How does that work?
Fuck'em. Fuck the chinks, if the world decides to bathe them in nuclear fire, I will just have a BBQ and watch it on TV.
Keeping the Negros out of my stuff will be my primary motive though when the food and sneaker shortages start.
i think i'm going to make a template for an Elitist General /eg/ thread and hopefully it catches on.
agreed on the chinks. hate them.
>sneaker shortages
Post figures, otherwise faggot larper
my parents make a combined ~300k/year usually more with my dad's bonus. sometimes it'll break 400k.
our house is worth like 600k i think.
i'm graduating from an ivy next month.
now your stats bitch
im poor but i grew up with nobility. they are old land barons that were passed down everything through generations. they were the family i spent most time with as a kid growing up. they were really good people. i made the mistake of thinking all people in old manor houses were the same, they are not. we have a new wave of kikes/germans who are larping as our nobility. these are traitors to our nation. long live the nobility of old
hello switzerland. are you from the french, italian, german or romansch speaking part?
how is it going over there?
I said post your account. I don’t need you to tell me what you have
>money as a measure of value and a source of elitism
I can live in a barrel and be more of an elitist than you.
Fuck off faggot
also reminder that Eustace from the New Yorker was the original pepe/wojak
>house is worth like 600k
so a completely average home in california, and below average in the cities of california.
My Stats
Phd in hard science from elite state school. Son of American Revolution. Every many in my lineage has at least one patent in engineering. We have large familys so dont really have much wealth from it.
I make 85k a year researching different propulsion methods.
My dad is a physics professor and makes 85k, my next door neighbors sells used Chevys and makes more than my dad some years.
no, don't think i will. now go fight my wars for me
thank you for the take. interesting bc i think british nobility is really the only one that still exists in an expansive form, no?
that's why CA is 49th in home ownership percentage
impressive lineage and education tho.
this is what i'm talking about, Jesse it's not just money.
Working for my degree at the moment, am I in?
depends where and what you're studying if you're only planning to get the one degree and have nothing else that would qualify you.
i don't think it should be hard to be an "elite."
to me that just means somebody who doesn't revel in being a retard like at least 70% of the public
>at least one degree and your family is worth at least seven figures
but that doesn't even approach elite
I don't have a degree, I'm not a special guy and my parents are gone. I'm a writer and composer, I do fairly well. I did not qualify for the Trump stimulus. I want to make a nice life for my children and see them grow up to be healthy and productive people.
this field plowing pleb thinks he's rich hahaha you're way too far from the top to make a thread like this bud
having a net worth of 1m puts you in around the top 10% of americans.
having a bachelors puts you in the top 25% of americans education wise.
when did i say i was rich?
pete buttigieg has like negligible net worth but nobody here is gonna deny that he's elite.
I'll repeat it for you smoothbrain
that doesn't even approach elite
actual elites are laughing at your family stats
i do not know outside of the britain. but alot of the british ones have been subverted/taken over by rich foreigners who want to larp as important people. they then turn the places they purchases into absolute fucking jokes that make no sense with the history of the places they have taken over. for instance,
wardington mannor, taken over by australians, they set up some camel attraction or something equally cringe that has no historical connection to the village/land/manner. i was lucky where i grew up, the family owned the entire area, teh castle, the manor house, every single building, field, house and barn. they had done for 100s of years. traditional family roles and they adopted kids after their actual kids had grown up and left home. wonderful family. we need to purge the foreigners from our governments and councils, then purge the foreigners from our heritage sites etc. british infrastructure, culture, landmarks and nobility should be british only. honestly, i wouldnt blink if they were all removed by special forces and disappeared over night
If this doesn’t describe you, then you aren’t white.