Name the historic figure

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He did nothign wrong.

Let’s create a small community where we share stuff

this is big ed

Karl Marx

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Uncle Ted

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>ever right about anything especially human nature

Remember when the working class would rise up instead of bbqing on the weekend and sending their kids to college? Me neither marx was a incel retard.

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Ras al-ghul

>s.oyboys think this is evil


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no one said he is evil. they just tried to paint as evil with the given look and the speech.

I like how in equating modern right-wing political views with Red Skull actually turned him into this voice of doubt that causes Captain America to reflect on the actual state of America. A smarter writer would take it and wrong with it in this actual direction, but of course they don't do that, just try to punch him and say he's wrong.

they want to associate the common ideas the evil villain man says with the cartoonish evil the villain man does in the story, plain and simple.

I still love how they unironically thought that was a villainous speech. They are absolutely clueless.

>for my people
Funny way of saying "I'm gonna an hero with my bitch in a bunker while leaving children and the elderly to fend off the Soviet war of extermination I started"

No not at all nobody understands


looking down on that goblin of a man

Doesn't it say a lot that the "villain" in this story is the one with a clear message and mostly likely to be telling unfiltered truths?

Hollywood's villains have been entirely sensible and likable compared to its heroes for about a decade now.
