Just die already you old retarded fuck

Just die already you old retarded fuck

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he already did. that's his clone, you fucking idiot

damn just found out hes 91. I thought he was in his 60s and just rapidly started aging fast the past ten years. Guess he is actually looking decent for his age

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This is him in the 1940s talking to Ronald Reagan, the leader of the American Fascist party, about wether or not we should enter the war.

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Show some respect. This man has more intellect than this entire board.

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That's William S. Buckley, you total mongoloid.


what a fucking badass. He'll probably go out standing on his feet.

I'd have to admit, he has more intelligence than you

No it's not, it's Pre-ALS Stephen Hawking

Attached: WILLIAM BUCKLEY.jpg (736x1016, 96.98K)

>illiam S. Buckley
typical retarded zoomer post. Face it millennials and zoomers in hindsight were evidence that humanity needed a cull of epic proportions. Worst generations in the history of civilisation, no bond to faith, parents, grandparents, land, nation, democracy or life. Just useless little whining worthless unemployable grettacunts

The post


Might have something to do with the people that raised them

An old has been, that pretty much never was

plus they can't shoot or read a book. A generation of mental retards with iphones and sandals, frogposters and failures.

Zoomers are not even that they are just dickheads, feral garbage.

Satan is with you, boomer

He is kind of based, he basically got fired defending a holocaust deniers right to deny the holocaust.

He is pretty princpled, gotta give it to him

He moved to arizona, that place ages you real quick depressing and hot
Noam chomsky

No, I'd say its down to the fact some people are just shite,like zoomers and millennials. Ignored their parent, families and grandparents, religious heritage, democracy, work ethic and manners to suck shit from the asses of ranting eclebs on twitch who told them they were the bestest thang evah . Life one permanent teen rage fit and whinge, pack of retarded grettas

>the middle-east occupation is literally Nazism

Attached: Trump BTFOs the Kurds.jpg (600x1066, 97.02K)

noam chomsky?

O I'm genx. Two generations that have no produced no movies, books, music or thought worth a fuck and millennials doning on about how creative they were and how based and super clever internet atheism and trannies were and the zoomers who followed them, near retarded and utterly unread and inexperience little spastic like gretta, drones for whatever they seen on social media posted by Chinese and vatnik shills

What parents? The leftists who have been voting for open borders and socialism for 40 years? Fuck off.

Chomsky is a cunt but wishing death on an old man, well that's a bigger cunt

Intellect = being a cuck for 3rd-world niggers?

Wow, you must be galaxy-brained then.

The skinhead teen greek. Look how far civilisation has collapsed already

Chomsky is very hit and miss. He did had his redpilled moments though. No one with half a brain can deny that.

Yeah you're real heroic and manly for defending a leftist kike. Go to a San Francisco gay bar to pick up your medal.

The fuck did gandalf do to you op?

>I'm genx
okay boomer

The liberal/leftist parties in Greece are importing literal rapist looter jihadists during a deadly global plague; and they banned the Golden Dawn for trying to prevent it. Tell me who's fucking up society exactly.

you're so edgy, go tell your mother you're hungry and then scream at her for not arranging your food in the colours you like. Maybe kikepost some more. Have a fap to some aryan nation prison gangs, Stalinists or concentration camp footage. What a depressing little spastic you are

ah top gretta to you. How's school going remotely?

>That's William S. Buckley, you total mongoloid.
but still the leader of the American Fascist party

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>t., has a ruling party with a gay Pajeet who wants to import more Muslims

At least you BTFO'd those evil English Tories, am I right?

Come back to me when you have read ten history books on any era from any time cover to cover.

and here's the kike poster back, his head full of prajeets, niggers, jews and fuck all else.

True fascism is when the Starbucks barista mis-genders you, am I right?

Tell me when you've listened to every TDS and FTN podcast, you poofter.

Most overrated "intellectual" of all time? Lefties adore this fuck and he's been wrong non-stop while spouting 60s talking points his entire career. He also always supports the establishment democrat regardless of who it is. Fraud.

Attached: establishment1.jpg (705x819, 78.25K)

fascism, a dead failed mid 20th century ideology, just like communism. But for the tard with a head full of kikes, niggers, ragheads and poos who's not to bright its a big word like super edgy.

And that's it you think
>every TDS and FTN podcast
is equivalent to
>ten history books on any era from any time cover to cover.

Your head is full of shite. Podcasts my hole.

>Come back to me when you have read ten history books on any era from any time cover to cover.
Is fun for you bragging about history books on an anonymous forum and then running to your wife's boyfriend and telling them how you totally btfo'ed those nazis?

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