Okay, Yas Forums you don't even need to redpill me about this bullshit.

It's already been proven from a study by Martin Pall that there's hard studies proving that 5G has negative effects on a person's immune system. I'm really tired of all the moderates who only want to acknowledge that 5G has negative effects of weather reports, and that disappoints me. They're just fucking cucks who follow the Chinese-supported WHO instead of legitimate scientists.

Read the fucking study; I'm not gonna argue anymore with people claiming I'm spouting psuedoscience just because they're too stupid to recognize what's clearly an attempt to spread coronavirus. electrosmogprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/M.Pall_.Predicted-effects-5G-Coronavirus.pdf

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP, even I'm not that much of a mentally deranged retard to believe this bullshit. You can't just cite studies you have no idea how they come to conclusions with, so stop pretending like you even fucking support science. Just accept that you're fucking stupid and go.


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trollposts aren't even trying these days, christ

Why the fuck are you entertaining an obvious trollpost. Jesus Christ, I couldn't write faker reactionary sentiment even if I tried.

>Read the fucking study

Sigh. This ISN'T a study. This is a poorly written essay with no actual scientific study performed by the author. It makes a bunch of hilarious conclusions based on links to sensationalized speculative outliers.

What you don't know is that 5G has been active in most major cities for over a year, we just don't let subscribers on it yet. So these predictions of widespread health issues have failed to manifest.

Learn what a study is.


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>proven from a study [...] that there's hard studies proving that

Ah there are studies, says this study. I guess that's all the proof I need to believe, that countries with constantly increasing life expectancies partly due to very strict health and safety regulations will install nationwide networks of unsafe and harmful equipment, because.... I think I missed why they're doing this. So my toaster can talk to my toothbrush better?

nah dude DARPA cares about me and my family.

you're really discounting the utility of your microwave being able to stream 4k video to your doorbell

>In summary, we have a series of 5G linked events that have occurred in more than one situation, where we have plausible mechanisms by which 5G radiation can cause them and where we know that counter arguments are based on “safety guidelines” which fail to predict biological effects and are, therefore, fraudulent.
>These include:
>1.Neurological/neuropsychiatric effects reported both in Switzerland and in Stuttgart Germany, effects similar to but more severe than effects caused by other EMF exposures.
>2.Three suicides within 11 days of each other in the first 5G ambulance personnel.
>3.Cardiac effects also reported in both in Switzerland and in Stuttgart Germany, effects similar to those found in in humans in following other EMF exposures as well as in animal experimental studies.
>4.Two cases of massive, almost instantaneous 5G bird sudden cardiac death effects, one in the Netherlands and one in the UK.

You can hypothetically perform an experiment on all these properties and achieve falsifiable results.

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Holy fuck, how do you misunderstand the scientific method so badly? Jesus fucking Christ, Chinese doctors have more integrity than you.

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More than a dozen studies are cited. Do you know how to read?

I don't have a microwave - I read studies that they emit dangerous radiation.

this board is one of the best places online to see arguments where i just despise both sides

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Veganism is the final redpill

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Why the fuck are you using a memeflag. Jesus Christ, I couldn't shill harder even if i tried

don't put your cellphone in your jeans pocket either, it'll fry your balls

Look it's pretty clear that there's been a link between the uptick in trannies and the use of radio technology

Okay but this is TRUE. Cellphone radiation is what (((they))) use to keep young white men from mating.

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>Thinking anybody uses the UN flag sincerely

The guy spreading this misinformation remains up, despite links to right wing and clear conspiracy. Why is his channel different than everyone elses? Usually saying anything "right wing" gets you removed from youtube. So why is he not only allowed to be "right wing" and also promote terrorism?
CIA using gullible and psychotic people to commit terrorism, I would bet a large amount of sheckels on
Be ultra warned about posting in these threads.
You'll notice their other "using gullible people" threads like Q threads have mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth while these have started becoming more frequent, with the same style of posters

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i really want to understand the 5g thing but every time people say they have evidence for it it is always in some unreadable scientifically jargonized long winded incomprehensible nonsense. im sure if someone simplified it while making it still retain scientific basis i would readily understand it, but until then it has not met my criteria for understanding

Oh thanks for the tip! Damn, it's a dangerous world out there - I wish could go back and live the good radiation free life of a 15th century farmer or better yet be a Paleolithic hunter. Out in nature with my bros, being active, eating the best food fresh and having no worries about corona this, cancer that. 5G - not 4Me, right?

Thats a bunch of anecdotal shit formatted to look legit to a fucking retard

i hear they got radiation into the sun, too. can't ever be safe.

5G cured me of my RACISM.

Now, I get tons of pussy bros. DIVERSE pussy. And frankly, it's INCREDIBLE.

Stop being racist, and crank up the 5G!

haha you made me laugh user

Does 5g penetrated underground? For example if I live in a basement?

Bot army is flooding 5G threads OP, you'll just have to accept that you're going to be arguing constantly. Primary reason is because exhausting you is the purpose of the bot army, especially now because 5G bis pivotal to their depopulation goals. There are nanomachines involved, and may in fact be the "virus". Completely controlled and can survive much better then any viral pathogens could. Might be the nanomachines actually serve the purpose of giving a map to the 5G towers for targeting, its highly suspicious when someone in their 50s gets a tiny millimeter of damage in the nervous system to cause strokes or other forms of debilitating organ damage.

Here some EMF peer reviewed studies for just the natural dangers of 5G alone.