Covid-19 death rate is 0.2%
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Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It’s survival of the fittest and you ain’t gonna survive long on Yas Forums by saying stupid little jokes that you’re little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upvote. None of that here. You don’t upvote. You don’t downvote. This ain’t reddit, kid. This is Yas Forums. We have REAL intellectual conversation here, something i don’t think you’re all that familiar with. You don’t like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don’t tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me? heh, I’m a judge... this place... this place has a lot to offer... heh you’ll see, kid. . . that is if you can handle it...
just wait two more weeks and you'll be sorry you ever made this thread
It was a nothing burger since day 1 and nothing but a global social experiment for control
I don't know of anyone who has died from it nor do I know anyone who has been hospitalized. I doubt anyone reading this has either. We were punked.
Studies bs, they recruited off fb
Well this study
basically says Covid-19 has a death rate similar to the flu.
We're being taken for fools, and they are inflating death numbers by counting anyone with covid-19 who dies as covid cases.
Not peer reviewed.
The testing method is notoriously inaccurate.
The study itself admits the test kit performance could give completely different results if it's not as accurate as they are assuming it is.
It's much more likely when you get a shocking result that it's wrong.
This is my surprised face
Go back to China, you tricked us into shutting down our economy...I think it's time America brought freedom on China.
>0.2% rate
Americans really don't learn math at all in high school do they
I only know one person who died, a seventy eight year old woman who had a heart attack. She was positive for covid but didn't have any symptoms, but they still counted her as dead because of covid.
they tested for antibodies. They weren't using the chink test.
ah yes i remember when a just the flu epidemic caused the italian mortality to skyrocket to 2 times it normal value
>take steps to keep death rate low
There's a decent chance she would have survived the heart attack and they stopped treating her because of covid. This shit is fucking sick.
That's how they are inflating the numbers. this whole thing is an obvious hoax at this point.
I wonder if this is the 9/11 that will spark war with China.
No shit. I could have told you that 6 weeks ago,
Why fellow white ppl always make dis face
no retard death rate is percent of those who have it who die. if only 0.2% of people who catch this die (1 out of 500) and most of them aren't even sick enough to go to the hospital for treatment, why are we freaking out?
That’s what you fags always say.
how many Italians died from the Flu?
Just wait... You said the same thing 2 weeks ago idiot.
retard the meme flu has been going on all over the world since january
no one cared or died and it was just written off as seasonal flu
this place is shill dicks and jannie tyrants
two retards
I'm done. Do """""recovered""""" infect people afterwards. That's all I care about atm. I could care less about whos infected etc etc...
OMFG IT'S A *coof* NOTHINGBURGER *coof* *coof* I FUCKING TOLD YOU ALL *wheeze*
How do you explain the 17k excess deaths in NYC (0.2% of the population) unless everyone was infected in only one month?
You can't kill the egregore. It doesn't work for you. Do you see that yet?
good news, the entire planet was infected with a bioweapon that first culls the weak, then keeps coming back like the AIDs virus doing more and more damage until your blood starves of oxygen and your organs finally fail! excelsior!
I am not american how dare you
Was being operative, it's been over for about a week now.
marked for death? they know who's going to die before hand?
Get fucked
My wife’s coworkers uncles fiancé has it and she is in ICU
My dad got it. He survived it though.
>results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.
Nice test
Had we not been told we wouldn't have noticed this.
Pols/elites are going to pay for this for decades, they'll never walk freely again. Normies are fucking mad
If it's just a .12% mortality rate than means, based on the number of deaths in Spain, that there's 17.2 million cases of Coronavirus in Spain out of a population of 40 million. That's 43% of their population.
But their tests are only returning a 30% positive rate. How can that be possible if 43% of the population has the virus and they're only testing likely cases with moderate to severe symptoms?
The math just isn't adding up...
you still don't get it. you redditors are just so fucking dumb. You don't get to go back. there is no back. only through. and if you don't accept the new paradigm, you won't survive the shift. Your call.
>They weren't using the chink test.
Santa Clara is all fucking chinks. Might as well be a study straight from China.
No shit. Anybody with a working brain knew this.
Yeah, you get vanned. Family is told you died of corona and get tested. Positive “tests” get vanned
Normies wont do shit as usual they will get their bread and circus
Cute, now do the flu, car wrecks, suicide and ODs
you disingenuous fuck
No, the test is actually useless.
It picks up the common endemic coronaviruses.
There's a reason why it's not FDA approved.
I honestly had an old college friend that told me that an acquaintance from college’ elderly aunts neighbor had it.
This isn't Germany fuckhole, and we don't have a fat shaky old leftist broad as a leader. Your once-great country is an embarrassment
why are you even here? just make a new fucking subreddit.
The math continues to be a mystery as we go forward. Now New York has a population of 19 million and 17,671 deaths. Plugging in the .12% mortality rate that means almost 15 million people in New York have an infection of the Coronavirus. That's 83% of their population.
But yet their tests are only returning 50% positives. Again the math just isn't adding up here!!
Viruses don't exist.
Only viral diseases exist.
Even if that were the case that would mean 700K dead Americans if we weren’t on lockdown
Link to the tweet and the study
Start sharing this with everyone you know.
drop the VPN, you must be a fucking leaf because even Niggers in America aren't this stupid
This should have been the first post
They used that one a third time and claimed it was in Pennsylvania.
this sounds legit. i will pray for her.
I've been saying that since it started. I never get sick, but then I got sick. I'm going to start working again. Fuck Cuomo!
based math nigger, can we have some more examples?