Why does everyone hate him now?

Why does everyone hate him now?

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Because they can scapegoat a White man for the failures of the kike system and political whores.

i don't know



>At most, they can kill you only once.
>At most, you only have to kill them once.
>But in life, a coward dies a thousand times.

long live the National Socialist Revolution

Because his forced relevance is making everyone remember how shitty Windows is.

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also he got btfo by bobby kennedy jr.

conspiratards and anti-vaxxers with their retarded "le mark of the beast!" bullshit. I swear, society is getting dumber and dumber every second. The Internet was supposed to make people less ignorant, but all it ended up doing was creating echo chambers everywhere and spreading ignorance and stupidity on a massive, unprecedented scale.

I've hated him since Windows 95
Windows ME was shit too
and the first few years of XBOX360

-Because he's the president of the United Nations and a great faggot.

-He wants a global government.

-He promotes a distopian world with technological control.

Another question?

Melinda Gates is a tranny.

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Look at that nose and tell me he's not a kike

I mean - you grow up being told someone is going to put a chip in you and then this old pedo looking fuck says he's going to do it.

I've heard alot of keep yelling KILL BILL.
Pretty sure that faggot is getting nervous.


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Did you ever try Windows 8?

Not everyone, just dumb conspiracy boomers.

Okay, you get Billy Boy's chip first then faggot.

When did anyone ever like him?


because he wants to chip us like cattle

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he was never liked

Reminder this faggot is responsible for the African population boom by giving them billions worth of gibs.

Imagine if he spent it on improving white countries, or investing in space travel, or something actually useful.

>conspiratards and anti-vaxxers with their retarded "le mark of the beast!" bullshit.

This. This. And... This. Mention the word "vaccine" at all and suddenly you're fucking Satan to a million people. They can't stop with their Left Behind LARPing fantasies as well.

>I swear, society is getting dumber and dumber every second. The Internet was supposed to make people less ignorant, but all it ended up doing was creating echo chambers everywhere and spreading ignorance and stupidity on a massive, unprecedented scale.

It just proves people pick and choose the information they want to see and believe. The truth isn't something universally recognized, humans just make shit up they want to believe in and belief it. Everyone wants attention for their made up views too. The Internet's shown us a lot about how we actually think and mentally operate.

We always hated him, he just popped up most recently in faggot whack-a-mole.

Election season is coming so expect more Soros soon.

You can't be the President of the UN if you're home country is on the security council.

Isn't Windows 10 enough of a reason?
>White man
Wrong on both counts.
It's a Jewish transman.

His dad worked for the OSS why the fuck would you ever trust him

His charity organization is a tax write-off fund that spends its funds in companies owned by bill himself (mostly pharma) his vaccines are low quality and he bribes corrupt african offficials into buying them and the associated medications that come with them and that treat side effects. If they cant pay the Chinese Health Organization foots the bill with american tax money. Bill justifies this by saying his charity can be sustained better if it turns a profit.

>Isn't Windows 10 enough of a reason?
Pajeets are responsible for that hate crime.

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because he added a mandatory touch screen UI to Windows Server 2012

he a bitch talkin sum dumb ass shit

he has no basis to pretend to be a humanitarian philanthropist when he ran a ruthless business monopoly for so many years, to the point where he was taken to court and lost his trial when they declared microsoft a monopoly


he seems a lot like cuckerburg in that video doesnt he

honestly, how could you trust anyone that rose to the top of this crony capitalist quid pro quo society? and how can anyone pretend that theyre human after doing so? tie that in with the fact this faggot has been saying and planning for something like this to happen for years now and it seems a little too suspicious for my taste.

Because he's planning to go branding us with his "vaccine"

Hate her now*

She's a woman.

1. Because windows is shit
2. Because he has openly said that we WANTS the world population to decrease and fast.

I would tell what I'd like to do to him but I don't have free speech on Yas Forums anymore and it would violate some fucking retard united states law.

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Whether you believe in abrahamic fairy tales or not is irrelevant; the fact of the matter is that the powers that be are forcing ancient scribblings into rl bullshit. you will be tagged like cattle and there's nothing that you can do about it

I hate anyone for even walking around with a face like that no joke. Fouls my mood to even glance upon such a filthy looking creature.

He killed Jobs.

We always hated this fuck. Is software sucks.

Just imagine giving Bill Gates a kick to the mouth.