Brit/pol not entertaining foreigners edition

Prepare for no deal Brexit! Dominic Cummings panics EU leaders as he rules out extension

Attached: Dominic C.webm (480x270, 1.22M)

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brit/pol/? more like /shit/pol

>they EAT the beans

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Morning lads, thinking of becoming a professional ugandan.

UK has dropped Huawei 5G infrastructure.

Attached: The UK Just Dumped China's Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus.png (1023x2982, 1.79M)

Big if real

Dominic appears to be doing well if he's still getting news articles written about him that don't include the word 'deceased'.

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>Listen to the experts

Fuck the media, holy shit

Excellent. I expect that to be the just the start, countries are waking up to the dangers of reliance on others, esp china, for critical items. Even that globohomo poster boy macron was going on about france needing to do more of its own manufacturing and food production.

Not slept lads

Given up all hope, eh?
Have a cup of tea before you go.

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Boris is based bad arse!

Check now are bad, as per usual

15 moar ded

#clapForCaptain Tom

Earl grey, 1 sugar and milk mate

This is great news! I hope we can nuke china soon.

I had a wholesome 4 hours lad, that vidya was getting heavy on me

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It’s really funny watching everyone carry on like normal as if nothing is happening it witnessing cope on a huge scale

What difference does it make if half of fucking London, if not half of Europe is owned by China at this point. Not to mention the number of companies that are secretly owned, at least in part by the Chinese government through huge conglomerates.

Airlines, Hotels, Infrastructure, Housing; all of it. Huawei is literally just the tip of the iceberg.

I’m jelly, my sesh was flake and chaturbate. Feel dirty mate

Of course. :)

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>earl grey

Is for deviants and homos, tastes like perfume. Yorkshire tea is the heterosexual choice.

me neither. think i'm gong to try and stay up and sleep this evening. what's your plan?

Chinks are way down the line.
Shitskins already own more than jews, who own more than royal scroungers, who owns us all.
>t.doomer without a pot to piss in

>drinking tea that didn't come from tea bags

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So no Queen's birthday celebration this year....
Is it the end? Darkness unending? Apocolypse, etc.?

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What is Dom's endgame? Does he just want to be seen as a von Bismarck type figure?

"The English are too weak and lazy to pick fruit" claim is getting annoying. I spent the last few months warehouse picking. It's 90% migrants, but the few English doing it were always top in the stats. Even mindless manual work rewards intelligence, and what little Romanians have is all devoted to stealing stuff. I've even looked at fruit picking in case my current job turns out to slightly less essential than initially claimed. It's more like being a plantation slave these days. The work isn't the problem, it's the having to give most of your money to the farmer to rent a caravan on site.

Brexit will be used to make the working class poorer, the middle more controlled.

We know the playbook guys, we hoped against hope, but its clear nothing has changed, we are going back to the 1950s.

And having been born into the 1950s I PROMISE you todays onions boy will not be able to handle that level of poverty.

Farage should have been PM.

See it through, stay awake and sleep like a king tonight. I’ll work on my motorbikes today if it’s dry. What’s your plans mate ?

Also millions are earning £9.50-£11 in an office on facebook half the day, why would they pick fruit?
I mean who cares we cannot feed ourselves rite?

>What is Dom's endgame?

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Dom us here to save England from the almost inevitable Tommy Robinson dictatorship, complete with youth movement and Buddhist good luck symbols

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I'll have to take your word for it.
I mess about with coffee and other burger drinks.
Drinking perfume sounds gross.

>tastes like perfume
It really does. proper poofs tea.
shitpost and watch films. not even taking advantage of my daily walking allowance.

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He's gonna say it!

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absolutely based post

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>von Bismarck type figure?
And yes
Some are truly stupid, some are poised to show, they are a bit smarter than most
All and everyone are easily manipulated
That's 2020 lad!
>It's going to be great year for Britain they said

Bit sad and defeatist Desu
Not wrong, but not great either

I'd love to hear Cpt Tom Moore's opinion on demographic replacement.

The "feeding ourselves" part is highly mechanised arable farming. Strawberries and asparagus are labour intensive, and more essential to a few people's business than feeding the masses.

I'm boycotting the shit out of China until they stop abusing animals. I do the same with Muslim businesses, because Halal slaughter is cruel.

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It wouldn't surprise me that a lot of gangsters have been running a racket in this department for quite some time but the lock down has fucked up their stream of slave labour. I just hope our establishment isn't corrupt to let this carry on, I would be quite happy if government seized these farms if it meant crushing these gangsters.

Sorry, it's just a memepic I picked up some time ago. I don't drink tea. Probably disqualifies me to clap for are ennachess, too.
>not drinking tea made from hand-picked artisanal tea leaves at ten times the price.
Come on, lad, we need you to step up your game.

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There's been romainians on a few sites i've worked on. Always thick as shit. I noticed that many of them would draw on their hardhats with marker pen, making childish patterns and graffiti.

I think it is you who cannot handle the coming poverty. There are none more wealthy and pampered in society than boomers who don't understand onions filters

I prefer Yorkshire tea but am a biscum.
Are you in denial?
Never the less, Yorkshire tea is clearly the correct choice.

Mate I worked all my life only for labour and the CONservatives to give away our legacy to others.

You "alt-right" idiots don't stand a chance when the socialists put up a real leader, your stupidity and lack of unity will doom us to quasi-communist rule for decades.

How about we boycott them in general because they are literally trying to take over the western world and are doing so through blatant corporate colonialism.

Most if not all of the nice shops/hotels/property in London are owned and have been brought out by Chinese/Arabs/Indians. There are very very few which are still owned by the British.

we'll automate it
until then anyone healthy and fit who is on the dole should be told their continued payments depend on taking a job fruit picking with free travel and accomm (£20 tent)

>having to give most of your money to the farmer to rent a caravan on site
Not much different from a coal mine company charging workers for every business expense, like safety equipment, tools, etc, until all their wages are gone.

You haven't been following the news

Not only is the government letting it carry on, they are laying on special charter flights to bring in more of these highly skilled agricultural technicians.

They make coffee from weasel poo and do the same. fucking swine.

Picking fruit is a job for teenagers. They should be out there doing it instead of playing fortnight and watching trans brainwashing shows.