I have been thinking about this webm for 24 hours now since yesterday. It has disturbed me on so many levels...

I have been thinking about this webm for 24 hours now since yesterday. It has disturbed me on so many levels. This is truly an abomination.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>retardfucker disturbs him
go back to r*ddit

post link faggot

I hate that guy so fucking much.

But then...he interviewed a literal princess. She's perfect.

Attached: AUTISM.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

it's just a retard. she doesn't even stand out among retards. definitely not an abomination. I don't think you've seen an abomination

nothing wrong with the guys eyes he doesn't have the eyes of a loony.

Attached: night&day.jpg (1222x684, 74.74K)

You're an abomination, you fucking vapid ape.

>But then...he interviewed a literal princess. She's perfect
Oh God I wish I were here cousin

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No fucking way this guy isn't some satan worshiping pedophile.

aussie fags are just as prevalent ad leaf fags why am I not surprised

I've seen that face before

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Why are you so fucking jaded? He just like being nice to retards. He's a nice lad.

I don't want to fuck her. In fact I don't think anyone should fuck her. I think she should live a puritain lifestyle in the countryside, knowing romantic love only in the form of showerheads and bedknobs. She's far too wonderful to have some nasty man throw his meat stick up her clacker. She deserves to be a child forever.

Damn, he could put a Crest commercial to shame

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>single mother can't control her quirky child
Cunt is faking it.

we're used to see retard fuckers on that board

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>He just like being nice to retards
He's not nice to us.

>knowing romantic love only in the form of showerheads and bedknobs
i chuckled

I don't know what nigger island Aland is but nigger you dumb

His smile is fucking creepy when he's interviewing the real abominations.

Does anyone have that video where this mother had an actual abomination and brought it onto some show like good morning america or something and the kid keeps motioning like he wants to be put out of his misery? I can't find the video. now THAT thing was an abomination.

>>single mother can't control her quirky child
>Cunt is faking it.
She seems more normal than me to be honest...and I havent been diagnosed with anything yet

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>She's perfect.
Literally basic bitch.

Tard girl wanted her first kiss, she thought he was hot. He is...

Fuck off reddit.

>average Tuesday in France

He fucks all the kids , especially the super defective ones.

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hows that disturbing?
it looked like she wanted to kiss his mouth unprompted, which has some disturbing implications about her life
but by telling her to kiss his cheek instead he discouraged that behavior

If you think that's bad, look at this. Feel bad for such beings.

Attached: sbskzombie.jpg (1024x717, 78.12K)

I wonder if the esti who always posted that gif is still here

....is he white?

He has legit dead soul stare like Carol Baskin this guy is a fuckin creep. He has the stare of a serial killer.

He's got a gf btw and you don't

Mexican I believe.

He's much too intense and is that eyeliner?.. Then the entire plausible deniability and hypocrite act really condemns him. Why is he even dressing up and filming retards to begin with? What's his gain? Creep.

However, the faces that girl made for those 2 seconds leading up to it were more sincere and endearing than anything a modern woman is capable of. It's really hot. And she deserves it. ;)

Exactly. He handled that situation without being awkward and he seems to be a good person.

Lol, I doubt that

Interesting post OP, I have to say that his lack of digust is concerning and that it was brought up by another user way back when (like a few months ago).
He basically said the lack of disgust this man has is a sociopathic trait, and that he is taking enjoyment in making money off of these children who are crippled/deformed in horrible ways.
Need to screenshot it, I'm sure I could find it, even if it's pseudo-intellectual or whatever it made sense.

:) kys


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You just know

Why do you hate him? He just goes around trying to make existing less miserable for freaks of nature
>she’s faking it
Ah totally is, watch the full vid of her interview. She’s annoying as shit

she's not even that retarded.

This shit is an abomination before God himself. I'm sorry, but in nature this unfortunate person would be dead in infancy. That is the right way to handle this sort of thing.

Now we can talk about her sex tap

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I wonder what it's like being a crazy nig in a shithole country... you think they would allow a white man in their land-pirate gang?

A better person than the scum on here


>and he seems to be a good person.
>using disabled children to make money
>good person
nigger please

;) Time for your hemispherectomy, roastie.

He seems okay here plus that girl is super psyched


I bet she gives good hand jobs .