I live in western NY state. I work at a UPS warehouse as a package handler. As im sure you are aware, UPS has not shut down, and has not even restricted their shipping to things that are actually essential like medication that people get delivered to them. Business has been carrying on here as usual, and all the dumb shit that is deemed too dangerous to go out to a store and buy is somehow safer when its being delivered to you. There has been no enforcement on warehouse workers to do anything different, i dont have to wear a mask, although they did recently start telling drivers they need to wear masks (keep in mind this was only done in the last week, already a month after corona blew up in the MSM). UPS ships a metric fuck ton of filthy dirty cardboard boxes all over the country in filthy dirty trucks that are never sanitised or cleaned up, even now. Covid 19 can live on cardboard for up to 24 hours and your average UPS box touches several pairs of hands within that time frame. And those filthy boxes are delivered to thousands of residents in my area. Wouldnt my job be a dangerous toxic spreading ground for this virus? Wouldnt i have already definitely gotten sick by now, or get someone i know sick? I live about 6-7 hours from NYC which is the national hotspot for corona chan. My state govt tells me i need to stay indoors or else im risking lives, yet deems my job essential even though im more at risk than the average person. Everything is fine in my area and there arent an overwhelming amount of people getting violently sick like we were promised. Im not saying that this virus is fake, but something just doesnt add up here. I have a hard time buying into the idea that this is all about saving lives. If it was, then my job would have been the first to shut down, or at the very least restricted to ACTUAL essentials like medicine and food.
OK Yas Forums so none of this makes any sense to me
I dont know anons it just doesnt add up to me, yet for some reason even most of the people i work with arent asking the same questions and just parroting the "stay the fuck home" mantras.
>more than two sentences
I'm not going to read that wall of text.Fuck off.
Get back into the cagie wagie
Its just a flu.
there's no pandemic, it is just a way to implement control measures for coming economic collapse.
and the rising death counts are just related to the rising Death Boom. The death boom is the result of Baby Boomers just reaching mortality.
There is no pandemic at all. what will start killing people, particularly the skyrocketing numbers of elderly boomers(because more people are old than ever, and that number is climbing by the day as baby boomers age) will be poverty induced illnesses mixed with natural causes.
a large percentage of, if not the majority of, natural deaths, are brought on by acute respiratory illnesses such as cold (coronaviruses) and flu.
When you add poverty to that, you will find many many more people dying.
so don't worry about catching some magic illness. it is all manufactured by the media and there is nothing to fear. instead feel blessed you have a job, because lots and lots of people are about to starve and freeze to death in the coming winter.
You are so lucky to have a job at UPS.
You fucking crybaby you are the reason my mommy cant get 2 day shipping on my tendies! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>but something just doesnt add up here. I have a h
your employers are douchebags is all - there's no conspiracy there, just capitalism.
stay safe user.
The virus panic is a scam by the elites.catch up, user
hey brother
i got a package you can handle
to add,
the only thing that makes coronavirus "novel" is that it happens to the common cold strain that is present when there are more elderly people than ever. so it will have the unique privilege to kill more old people than any other cold in history.
There is no pandemic. really. there isn't. so don't worry.
maybe youre not getting sick becuase your not licking all the cardboard and riding in a closed window vehicle with a sick guy for 8hours
Holy fuck,this hurts my eyes. Don't fucking reddit space but don't fucking do this. Do you have a fucking Enter Key?
Would you like to handle my package?
You professional package handler you.
Oh and I work for UPS, I refuse to read all that shit
WTF do you want, trumpbux???
Essential worker is code word for expendable worker. Grocery workers are also facing a similar problem of nobody enforcing anything up until just a few days ago. None of the stay at home rules apply to you, coof all you want. People are too dumb and greedy to actually care.
in my opinion "essential worker" means "worker that works for one of OUR corporations"
so the "nonessential" workers are people that work for private businesses, whereas walmart and chain grocery and pharmacy workers are "Essential"
working in grocery has enforced my opinion that this is a hoax. 2 co-workers were diagnosed and quarantined in March and both are now working again. one was a woman who looks like she's pushing 50. i didn't start wearing a mask until 2 weeks ago and i feel great. all the while customers are still coming really close to me while i'm packing out.
Fedex employees get masks, gloves, temperature check, and sick pay. Seems that UPS is btfo’d yet again.
I already got my Trumpbux and my job is intact. I really have no personal reason to have a problem with or question any of this, i just think its unfair that a huge mega corp like the one i work for is going about business as usual while every local shop in my town is forced to shut down.
I work in a place where people wear gloves and are physically separate, and I grocery shop in a place where people bump into each other for lack of space. Guess which of those were shut down by Ghoul Whitmer.
hmmm almost like (((they))) planned it
Just because it can survive for 24 hours on your sexy cardboard bitch doesn't mean it's equally infectious as someone coughing next to you. Relax. If you use common sense, you're unlikely to get infected off a package.
Are you a FedEx bro? Working at UPS has convinced me that unions are worthless.
hmmm, yeah..
youre not saying its fake and nobody else is because theyre already committed to politicizing it
its almost like its either fake or you are an expendable essential slave.
pick whichever one makes you marginally happier.
t. UPS Supervisor
Load faster faggot.
>Its either fake or your are an expendable slave
Except im not an expendable slave. I can quit anytime i want, i got my stimulus money even though i didnt need it and i already had a good amount of money in my savings.
>the only thing that makes coronavirus "novel" is that it happens to the common cold strain that is present when there are more elderly people than ever
nope. coronaviruses are known to be part of the family of viruses generically producing flu
what is "new", is that the test. this year, for the first time, a generic test to check their presence was developed
Family does, I work for Walmart and got the fuck out when Indiana had 15 confirmed cases. I now just take them all to work, so I get to hear what’s happening on the drive home.
FedEx is reducing shipping to mostly medical goods, there are obvious exceptions but it’s mostly that.
Yes unions are worthless...
the virus mainly spread from human contacts even if it can survive on materials. ''survive'' is the big word, even if it lives on materials for a couple days it become massively weaker with a few hours.
dont forget that its still far less than 1% of people who have it even in NY. just wash your hands often, dont touch your face, avoid being close to coworkers and you have a good chance of being good
Fuck you. You "supervisors" are a literal waste of company money. Ive never seen a lazier mother fucker than the supervisor i work with.