California Exodus

There is something happening currently that no one seems to be talking about. For the first time in its history California is experiencing a net migration loss. In 2019 700,000 Californians left the golden state. Massive waves of Californians are leaving California for other states. And I bet when the data is available for 2020 you will see upwards of 1million leaving California. 13,000 businesses left in 2019.
Especially after the Chinese flu subsides people here are running out of money. I am seeing it first hand.
>I live buy a big U haul rental every week since last year they sell out of moving vans and trucks it seems.

This is no surprise when, the average home costs upwards of 500,000+ that's not even in a good area. To live in decent areas expect to pay upwards of $700,000 for a home. 1/4 Californians are poor. 53% of Californians are considering moving.
>were are they going?
They are moving to #1 Boise Idaho, Phoenix Arizona, Texas, Washington and Oregon. These states especially Arizona and Idaho will change politically due to massive Californian exodus. Something to compare is how California immigrants turned Denver Colorado into a similar housing market to California.

>What are the repercussions?
>Fleeing California
>Leaving California


>Whats really happening in California

>Who's leaving California

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Personally myself I am moving to Idaho

Watch as whereever they move to will transform into California

Nigger this isn't news studies say like 60% of Californians want to leave the state within the next year.

Yeah Im moving to Idaho at the end of the year. Im done with this fucking shithole.

Checked, it's Texas.

Clean up your own state, and dont move to Texas you faggot!

Urban Faggot ass Californians gonna shit up the politics. Chase them out send them back to the shit hole they crawled out of.
There is no such thing as a redpilled Californian they're all commies.

There is no cleaning up this state you delirious faggot. Its over, CA is fucking finished.
You obviously have no idea how bad it is here, its basically not America.

It’s a modern day sodom and of course it was u sustainable. Now they are going to shit up the rest of the country. I live in Boise, kill me

I'm one of those, but it probably won't happen within the year.
This place isn't great.

And thats why we dont want you commie fucks here!

Even the so-called "conservative" Californians should be lynched wherever they are found. They all can't wait to tell you how shit California was and then they all vote for Democrats anyways. Even the best Californian deserves death for what they allowed to happen.

2.5 million illegals getting free hotels and 500$ out of cali general fund but an earthquake just flew over my head.

Californian here wanting to move out also , although at least I wouldn’t contribute to making any states blue



Move west. Alaska doesn’t count

To you “conservative” Californians who left; stay here and fight you pussies. Someone’s gotta do it.

It's wild how everyone in Austin under 40 doesn't have their hometown listed on Facebook.

All the music venues, bars.....all ran by transplants.

Thank god for Houston though, nobody ever wants to stay here.

population 40 million most were not born in the US.

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Same here, this place is only going to get worse

go West, you assholes turned your state into shit and now you want to shit the few half way decent places left in this country. stay the fuck away from America, we don't want your cancer

california is done. I watch Grindall61 on youtube and with demographics, drugs, illegal immigration, government corruption - it's OVER. The state is done.

Stanislaus country checking in. Looking forward to the gutting of the state. As demand for housing goes down, prices will fall. The real estate market here is thriving under enertia from earlier boom periods. The party is coming to an end for boomers sitting on their homes. Soon enough, I will be able to afford that beautiful single family home in the California sun while faggots who moved to Austin have a difficult time adjusting. Very optimistic. I will open up a taco shop staffed with Mexican slaves.

This. They never learn, they just spread like a cancer.

Fix your own state. You and your kind ruin everywhere you move to. Even the "conservative" ones are the fucking worst people ever. When the day of the rope comes, I hope every white Californian dangles for what they didn't just allow to happen, but enthusiastically supported happening. Fuck every last one of you. California should be walled off.

>They are moving to #1 Boise Idaho, Phoenix Arizona, Texas, Washington and Oregon.

Yeah well let's not forget about all the shitass Californians moving to UTAH!

They come here with their liberal values and start in right away destroying communities.

Is there something in the California water that makes these people think they are important? There must be because they are absolutely shameless in their abandon, they promote homosexuality above all, as well as general promiscuity among teens and a VERY lenient attitude towards mind-altering substances.

IMHO there should be a wall built around California. Letting Californians migrate to real parts of the USA is the equivalent of letting your sons and daughters associate with communists. The only difference is that the communists are probably not hopeless degenerates.

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>rednecks leaving for redneck land
don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

Montana gets a lot of them. They all love the freaks and faggots. They aLL all DEGENERATES or degenerate apologists. Libertarians are the only thing worse than a "conservative" Californian. They all can't wait to explain why they had to leave, how horrible it was, how bad things had gotten. And then they vote for the worst god damned people ever anyways. They are just the fucking worst.

How did you manage to fuck up California? Don't deny it every single person on the West coast knows it's time is up.
>t. BC fag

america should build a big oven or a gas chamber and put california in it.

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I will never move away, I will fight til I die. The runners are cucks, feel free to do whatever to those traitors.

>Can easily take care of the problem
>Let's just run away and make it worse

good join the ranks boise is paradise

Cali transplants here are boomer scum who deliver doordash orders.

>don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

Came here to post this. Poors moving out is a good thing. Once the underclass is all brown aliens, we can unfuck our gun laws.

Q told me this, so I'm trusting the plan.

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