Well Yas Forums?
Well Yas Forums?
Does he have a PayPal?
Basically the same issue, guy is getting targeted and thus will get funding and support in these new times where gay people are just assholes making life harder for everyone else. Did they really need to get a cake during a pandemic? Or was this just delayed and now they are shoving it in his and everyones face? Bad timing from pozzed retards
The gay mafia calls this the Mandela groundhog day effect
>"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"
Why she him? Just go get your stupid cake somewhere else.
Didn't that guy win a lawsuit for slander though? Or was that different
It's probably either a lawsuit troll or an attempt to make headlines
To make precident.
They sue and get a court descision saying trans are a protected class and then they become super citizens
The Supreme Court (the real deal big dog SCOTUS, not some state level one) more or less ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had expressed "hostility" to the baker and his religion that muddied the litigation's case, and that because a cake could be considered a creative expression, forcing him to make a certain one could be considered compelled speech i.e. a flagrant violation of the First Amendment. I'm not sure what's any different about this one where they expect different results. Some pro-bono Schnozberg, Esq. trying to make his mark and thinks he can avoid the pitfalls of the last debacle? The public support and funding for the baker will probably be profitable for him even after legal fees.
Lol, those mentally ill trannies picked him to make the cake on purpose
This poor fucking guy. Does honest work just trying to be a fucking baker and has a few values he refuses to compromise, and gets further harrassed. Someone find a Muslim baker and tell him to decorate a cake with Muhammad's face on it and see what happens. I just can't take the hypocrisy anymore lads... where does it stop?
random baker is harassed while criminals get elected can not make this shit up
How is a business owners decision to not take a customers order a civil rights issue, right to refuse
Maybe faggots and trannies should FIND ANOTHER FUCKING BAKER, and leave that one alone.
Is there any way to exist in the modern world without being castrated? You would think owning a buisness gives you some power and independence, apparently fucking not. That fag is actually the one who owns it, not the baker. The baker is basically just a piece of machinery to enact the will of the customer at this point.
Fucking pathetic and gay
Being forced to work is slavery.
The baker (and anyone else) has the right to choose what work he does.
This is harassment.
The huy should sue the state for allowing every idiot libtard to take him to court for every fucking little thing. Also,while in court, after he wins, he should order a psihiatric evaluation for the tranny who doea not understant that personal freedoms and the constitution jare there for a reason and not everything is about one person's feelings,so the mental disorder be brought to light once again.
Dudes going to shoot up a pride festival due to this never ending bullshit but yeah he's the crazy fucked up one right?
Nah, that kind of logic is the same bullshit that gets people on this board banned from social media
Should just take their money and handover a half ass job and say thanks bye. Take their money and put forth zero effort.
pretty sure its illegal to refuse a black person due to being black
fuckin kekd
What retard would use that as the reason. Refuse service for any reason, and you don’t deserve a reason. You want to spend your money with me, I don’t want it, you don’t sue me- you go somewhere else
Regardless of wether he wins or loses, they're still making his life hell.
Jews want to destroy these people for simply saying 'No'. Don't get confused with gay mafia, SJW's or other shit. This is a white business, and a white family, and Jews want them destroyed because they refuse to capitulate to the Jewish system and narrative.
It's always Jews. They are vindictive fuckers.
>yeah so what if all the people I refuse service to happen to be black? why are you identifying them by their race? what are you a racist?
It's not about who is being served, it is about what is being served and being forced to do it even if it disrespects beliefs. Imagine going to a black baker, asking for a cake with the KKK flag, and then suing the baker for refusing to bake it.
He'll just win again.
It's the same fucking thing.
He reasonably offers the mass-produced cakes.
He has the right to refuse to make them custom cakes.
Why won't they just leave this poor man alone?