Rings one hell of a bell, eh lads?
This is about Yas Forums isn't it?
The Independent doesn't realize that I AM the far right
(((White))) people
>White people defending themselves is actually bad for white people
So they are saying the far right isn't racist?
I mean it's true. People on this website don't just want to kill niggers, they want to kill commies, they want to kill anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest. They want to kill people who are 99% white but have one drop of niggerblood in them. I mean, that's what's all underpinning it is just a bloodlust. There's no real ideology or actual belief in what they're doing as "right", they just want blood and because they're pathetic, impotent people in real life the only way they can get that hardon and feel powerful is by acting collectively through politics. There's a lot of similar mentality on the far left, I will also say. Radical politics, broadly, attracts the worst people
I read the actual article. I still don’t know what the author’s point was.
We absolutely are coming for you.
>please help, fellow white people
>People on this website don't just want to kill niggers, they want to kill commies, they want to kill anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest.
Post proof or fuck off centristscum
>When you’re so far left a return to normal seems like gay neo nazis from space are going to genocide everyone.
Communism doesnt have a great track record for people like me. I think ill take my chances.
The right might cast you aside and disown you, but it won't make an effort to destroy your entire life the collective left does.
>I still don’t know what the author’s point was.
He wants to be in the attacking group not the attacked group.
There's no far right politically. Modern day nazis are the far fringe.
Wtf how did they teach him to do that wtf
Man us far right Norwegian Anime board posters are gonna come for everyone it's like they confuse our peaceful shit posting to their actual actions...
the alt-right is coming for white people
>It's only white people that can be right-wingers
Are they even trying anymore?
Some truth to this. Look at Anders Breivik, for example.
Coming for the traitors that have fucked our society into a coma. There can never be any compromise with a traitor without compromising yourself in the process. Everyone who stays out of the way and lets things get done can cry when its all fixed and the problem removed at how not nice the methods were. The winners will have no problem being your fucking scapegoat because you're a moral coward.
Yah, the left’s position requires constant energy - the right’s energy bubbles up from nature. I envy the Brits, they’ve got a real chance to do something.
Will you quit posting this everywhere? You’re not cool.
But yeah I don't want some glownigger CIA Rothschild "Nazis" in charge either. They certainly will kill everyone one way or another. Not playing your games, Satan.
so you're a faggot basically.
>meme flag
>zero effort one-line writing prompt
>no source, argument, or context
>addressing a separate and monolithic pol
I like how they think we'll ever get the chance to come for anybody
>You are going to come for yourselves.
I am the fury the spirit of outrage
I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus
Wanna pet my dog?
What’s the tranny edit of this one?
wtf??? guess i'm a marxist now
Stay mad edgy anarchist loser. Always choose the wrong side like the dumbasses you are. Nobody is going to buy your bullshit when the rubber meets the road all sides will end you fags.
Das Rite Whyte boi we comin 4 u
"White people"?! We call them "Volksverräter" ...
White traitors die first
The only person who will ever come as a result of me is me
The alt-right is cumming for white people
Nothing more, nothing less
Yeah, you can't even self isolate without neonazi stormtroopers kicking in your front door to check your browser history isn't degenerate. It was great at first, but now it's gone too far you guise.
>Implying there are still whites on the left
Holy jew gaslighting.
All whites... college educated, non-ce, white women… went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from jews, blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
-----> 37%
To justify importing more shitskins into western countries
What people like you overlook is that the horribleness of centrist politics is just hidden in plain sight. The governments you champion and the armies of armed killers they deploy all around you are just "official" so the horribleness of your politics, and the people who further them, are just the murdering sons of bitches we're all used to dealing with regularly.
Is this real?
>white people will come for themselves
wow that gives me a real big thimk
Shut up nigger let him do his thang
Like all the foreigners in our lands, he spends all his time trying to increase his ethnic group's power and influence. His objective in this article is to try and trick white leftards into attacking the "far right", which he hates because they are pro-white and not anti-white like he is. He does this by assuring white leftards that the "far right will come for them next", whatever that means.
They're right to be afraid
In America you have probably the most far-right government in the world, literally, and idiots like you still constantly call it "centrist" or "left-wing". Maybe you should wake up to the reality that you and all your right-wing friends are actually yourselves miserable under hypercapitalism and gross authoritarianism.
nope its about /ptg/
Yas Forums will come for them at some point
Because we're not internationalists. I don't judge America's political spectrum against the rest of the world's, I judge it against the traditions and culture of America itself. We have creeped left since our founding, I don't think anybody could deny this.
oy vey!
"""""white people"""""
>yfw you live in a state that would have voted Clinton even if only whites voted.
Traitors classically get punished first, this is pretty well known, although many of his victims weren’t even nords to begin with.
The white man's worst enemy is other whites.
Now post the numbers of Jews, blacks, etc. voting red. Your optimism is misplaced, there’s still a huge number of whites that vote left.