Carrollton High School kid ruined for life

Women have life on easy mo-

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Cool flag.


twittermob will forget about this in two weeks, nobody will care

DAS RITE wh*Te BOI. You mess with the BULL. You get the BBC.

Nigger loving cuckold faggot

Im guessing she made a porn video which got leaked or something? Quick run down.

nigger post a link or some shit, wtf is this?

Good. Thots and simps need to fucking learn.

Never forget, in 1994, while attending a party hosted by his friend Jeffery Epstein, Donald Trump violently raped 13 year old Katie Johnson.


what and rarepilled


How much longer are white people going to take this?

Made some unfunny toktok video using the Nigger-word


Tell them to move someplace rural and start a farm.
Honestly I don't even care.

that didn't happen

Wh*Te bitch got kicked out she school. It over for that bitch and she pale wh*Toid boy. Now she gone learn how an EBONY GOD can please all up in her love hole. Touch all they places she ain even know can get touched.

Lol, no. She'd be accepted into Princeton for that. She's probably a racist.

it was fucking hilarious

I wonder what happens when you fuck up this badly. Like remember those Australian radio hosts who got a British nurse to kill herself after a prank call. I wonder how that affected their careers.

She blamed her BF in the end....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA White woman cukks her BF for likes on Social Media.

Yet when niggers claim to be superior you have no issues you faggot

she said 'nigger' in current year

honestly, they should be in jail for racism

Based and Rapepilled

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What bunch of babies. It not like they have prison record. They just need to changed their names so the boss doesn't fire them.

It wasn’t even a funny joke lmao
Women should be banned from making attempts at humor

get a job


Am I supposed to feel bad that some dumb bitch thought she could do stupid shit on a Tik tok and it wouldn’t get out? It’s honestly for the best she doesn’t go to college

Livestream your suicide you faggot kike nigger.
Surely now that their lives are under attack by the twitter chimp mob, she and her boyfriend will no longer be raycis.

Freedom of speech, faggot.
Go back to Africa.

tf m i looking at

Based. Roastie got shut up.

She can still do porn. People would probably pay good money to see her take a BBC while her boyfriend is tied up in the corner.

There's always an option for money out there, she just has to look.

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Is this about that video where her and her BF pour out glasses of water that represent 'blackness' and one was empty and that was taking care of your children or something?

Lmao, niggers will forget about this in 5 days and her life will be ruined for the next 50 years.

Was there any proof she made it herself and it wasn’t the nigger falseflagging?

Probably would be better off not wasting money on some meme degree. The US doesn't really reward whites for being successful, it just taxes you harder to give niggers and spics more free shit and to fund literal anti-white propaganda.

racists get what they fucking deserve

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how do these retards even pass high school? what did they expect was going to happen after posting that video?

Some TIKTOK video bull shit, Internet won't remember or care in about 2-3 weeks.

I bet that's not her real account

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That's how I feel about the situation to be honest. Like if you're going to show your fucking face and be edgy saying nigger knowing the ramifications how stupid are you? It's not saying that's how it SHOULD BE, simply that's HOW IT IS right now.

Act like you're legitimately being persecuted because you are. Shit like edgy tiktok nick fuentes shit is going to fuck more people up in the short-term than its going to change the situation long-term.

It really is some nigger tier shit.

And then everybody clapped.

She can always go to Bob Jones University.

Not going to uni is far from the end of the world.

>still with her racist boyfriend who she threw under the bus

>she has no backbone
>he has no morals
Like pottery

Eh, she'll be radicalized and turn out fine.

Nice ID

a nigger free life. Oh i am laughin.

Cry wh*Te bois. While you cryin tears my dick be cryin all up in yo wh*Te crakkker bitches. Beige horizon mother fuck.

So fucking based lmao. Btfo

I fuck black trannies in their sissy assholes.

fake account

try harder

> dream college

Just saved you thousands in debt, sweetie. You're better for it.

The US has free speech, unlike Canada, the UK, etc. We can mostly get away with racist comments. We even have Democrat governors that got re-elected after photos emerged of them in blackface.

Sheltered privileged white girls raised by annoying karens never understand that one day mommy and daddy can’t keep cleaning up for them

She and a boyfriend made a joke tik tok on how to make an n-word (they used the word) - some black, some criminality, bit! No father. Was funnyish, but how could they be so based yet not know that that was lethal to make public?

>pick up a trade faggot
this is why you dont show your power level on the fucking internet without concealing your identity

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And then she threw her bf under the buss like a typical cowardly woman while calling them "blacks" in her apology. Dumb bitch got what she deserved.

If she started a youtube account a bunch of beta orbiters would probably support her

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I fuck black sissies up their sissy bitch assholes
How is it based? What are you a nigger?

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Aww poor roastie ;(

How to actually get in touch with her?
Someone needs to tell her:
1.) This shall pass. Will take time but will pass
2.) She is an unwilling combatant in a culture war. She needs to understand that this is bigger than her

>honestly, they should be killed for being white
Ftfy rabbi
It was funny asf Za'quariu$.
>Am I supposed to feel bad that some dumb bitch thought she could do stupid shit on a Tik tok and it wouldn’t get out?
>Am I supposed to feel bad that some dumb bitch thought she could move away from niggers without being attacked and shamed?
>Am I supposed to feel bad that some dumb bitch thought she could walk down the street without getting assaulted and raped by niggers? She should have known better
Absolute cuckold logic

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Call the school and tell them it's bullshit.

I don't know if I should feel bad for her after she basically pinned all the blame on her boyfriend and took it all back.

Im sure this person will be fine tho

Yes. Having a father, I think the empty one was.

dam this white boi craZY

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>White girl makes a racist tic tok video with her boyfriend
gets called out
>proceeds to blame her boyfriend for making her racist and says "blacks are also human"
So not only did she not accept any responsibility she basically double downed on being a racist

She deserves everything that happens to her and more

This is the slut who doxxed them originally. Shes a man hating race traitor.

Some anons found her comments about hating men and shopped them to say 'Nigger' isntead of men. She relaseda post with ther original comments.
>Gets call a racist
>Proves she isnt
>Does so by uploading pics and comments showing shes bigotted against men
>'Dude its not racism, I just hate me'

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>how to make an n-word (they used the word)
the word is N I G G E R, say it with me now Nigger.
there is nothing wrong with saying it, you can say it here.
the only reason people don't say it in public is because if you do a nigger is allowed to physically assault you for it.

As long as it happens to someone else

Oh no, now she won’t get to go heavily indebt at a glorified propaganda camp.

How tragic.

All she had to do was not feed the trolls and it would have ended yesterday

Cuck. If everybody was willing to be open about their feelings on niggers we could actually fix shit. It's cowards like you who ruin everything.

>and says "blacks are also human"
blown the fuck out for a second round

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I am a nigger! You are the nigger! We're all niggers!

Never relax around roasties and blacks

social media is not life who gives a fuck

They just expel you for any old shit now, huh?

I knew savage retard niggers who got into fights and broke each other's noses, etc.; and they were just sent to a retard trailer behind the school, but were never actually expelled. The (((system))) is actively targeting whites who have racial loyalty.


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It's just don't use your real name online.

is social media paying your bills if no then why do you even give a fuck?

by all means Cletus, take the first step
how that work out for those tiki torches boys?

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I’m old, I’m afraid if I’m ised to saying it, that it’ll slip out some day when I’m tired, angry, lr stressed and get me into trouble.

She got expelled from school you stupid faggot.
Fuck off Chink

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who was it chris rock or some other bpack comedia with the if theure not paying the bills red pill

they really need to jump on the lawsuit fast, theyre both potentially set for life after the settlement

Why do women take pictures of themselves crying? I remember following a girl I went to high school with and she photographed herself crying while her dad passed away on the hospital bed... then photographed herself eating at joe's crab shack an hour later because that was her dad's favorite place! What a wild ride that snapchat story was lmao. I often wondered how many pics she had to take of herself crying before she decided which one to post.

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Her reputation will follow her around. I mean, I hope not, but jobs that require a background check will find this.

muh college, do americans really?

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There's people right now trying to reach her and her boyfriend. They have a real chance at suing the fuck out of the public school for expelling and denying them graduation. This has happened before and the kid got half a million dollars.

I've beaten up 6 niggers in street fights and called the Hebrew Israelites niggers to their face. I fuck nigger trannies up the ass and post it online to expose black males as dick craving sissies. One of my videos has 20k views. Black bois love white cock.

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> if they’re not paying the bills redpill

not all jobs give a fuck

This. There is precedent.

Literally what woman wants an Asian man? Literally none because your clits are one inch.

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And you spineless white cucks will do nothing so who cares

Proof? No? Ok.

>I fuck nigger trannies up the ass and post it online to expose black males as dick craving sissies

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>something so simple as using a fake name
I can’t even feel bad for these idiots anymore for lacking such basic common sense. Fb has conditioned these morons that anonymity is a sin, can’t get fake internet clout without your name and face attached


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Well, good. The nicer ones do, though, probably. Anyway I don’t wish her more bad luck, but it was dumb to post that.

Based and unintelligible, but 100% on the mark.

based, chad and redpilled

im not asian kek

her real account stories fucking dumb OP that's a fake post

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know you chinks
not a chink
not a chink
is a chink

Keep goading the white bull

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That doesn't get you barred from college, it gets you a women's studies scholarship.

Vaginally, anally?

Dude do you ever get tired of shitposting?

It's because we're still too comfortable. Just start one of your LA riots again or try to go full Mugabe and you'll realize how terrifying 100 million armed white men are.

What does she hope to achieve by posting herself crying? Why the fuck do zoomers do this?

Number 1 rule of the internet in the 1990s "do not rl information"
you can say "nigger" here faggot

Dont cry. What would al pacino do?

>not Asian
Sure bud.

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A negro with a soul? Bullshit that must be a VPN

>sorry no niggers allowed

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no way. Trump's a good guy. He would never do something like that.

I bet they love niggers now

I really hope so

Never forget, faggots on here that can't hide their intentions.

Uhh pee pee tape! Haha, Russia! Checkmate, uhm popular vote etc etc

She looks like a kike. Need a nose check.

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Errybody based til that pastebin gets submitted LOL

do you single handedly come up with every nigger-involved porn title?