How do you find a trad wife in 2020?

How do you find a trad wife in 2020?

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Never forget, in 1994, while attending a party hosted by his friend Jeffery Epstein, Donald Trump violently raped 13 year old Katie Johnson.

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Tulpamancy, unironically.

Avoid black hair is a good place to start lmfao FUCKING ONLY DIRT HUMANS HAVE BLACK HAIR

Seeeeeeethe dark haired euros, you have bigger hair! Surprise!


I would never bring sentience onto this planet.

dark hair = dark thoughts
dark skin = dark actions

Ok boomer. 99% of your presidents had black hair.

Move to a country that hasn't been plagued by feminism and stay there.


Make sure she doesn't do this....

step 1: not a nigger like OP posted

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I hear Ukraine is tops for a slim traditional tattoo-free qt virgin wife

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Gonna have to move to a fly over state.

Is that real?

what if I have lights skin and light hair but still have dark thoughts?

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Just fuck my shit up

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Learn to ballroom dance

Go to church

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don't worry user each grey hair is a dark thought that resolved on its own

Friends of coworkers, family, other friends.

Coffee shops, cafes, and upscale bars.

Don't use apps or the internet.

>How do you find a trad wife in 2020?

You don't the old paradigm is over. Women are now licentious hedonists with no legal or societal repercussions for their actions. You can enter into a monogamous relationship willingly with a modern woman but it's not going to be for life - just 7-10 years until she gets bored and fucks off.

what's with these retarded threads about "traditional" waifus? Care to define "traditional"?
go to eritrea or syria or some muslim shithole, they don't get more "traditional" than that lol - teen pussy, guaranteed virgin, unless their father once or twice needed a favor from his brother, ignorant af and she'll swear in court that you never hit her or her two 6 and 8 daughters, who were the ones who called the police. You get to show the little shits who's boss after you are acquitted.

You don't find them you create them. Women follow real male guidance.

damn. this is blackpill, i dont want to have an ex wife and shit custody

This is a non-solution.
Where is the raw material available with which to "create" them?
Where are the impressionable young girls who don't already have 500 instagram followers, 10 previous sex partners, anti-depressent prescriptions, and 2/10ths of their body covered in tattoos?
Emphasis on WHERE.
I have a solution You have no solution.
So I guess you're just fucked. Whatever

no. Please stay away from eastern europe. The real trad wifes are hiding in uk/france

There was never such a thing, you've consumed too much American propaganda

Well, you probably don't find them in negroid hides and bikinis

No wives any more.

Church. Or you find an average gf and slowly redpill her. That’s your duty as a man, citizen, and a future father