Chinese social media raid

were flooding chinese social media with degeneracy inhumane killing of dogs etc. come on in fellas

Attached: 1587253773362.webm (272x480, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf is going on in that webm?

bus crashed and the zerg are beating them

I mean there must be a coherent reason for them to beat the crash victims
if not, chinks are truly lower than niggers

they are scientifically proven to feel empathy less than whites thats the only reason i can find

The chinese don't care what you cuckolds think.

Attached: 34188AF6-7B5F-44F8-84AD-5A98AC430583.jpg (474x358, 28.41K)

Actually curious what the fuck is going on in this video


This. We might as well start yelling at ant hills. Chinks feel no shame.


Attached: 豆腐渣般的建筑质量_.webm (264x480, 2.96M)

They will just jerk off to it.

Attached: Chinaman.jpg (210x240, 13.12K)

Kek. Webm is basically every chink liveleak video.

Attached: 1572778623436.png (380x124, 1.64K)

Why would posting these old webms that literally come from the Chinese internet affect them?

because we can flood them with all of it all at the same time

It's to get the faggots to realize Chinese are sub-human.

When you have an infestation of bugs, you gas them.

Vids like this will force the most ignorant liberal faggot that their house has fleas.

This. The have no feelings or soul.
Maybe we should they shiver if we call them what they are - Han. Like Jews hate being called out for being Jews?

They literally let multiple men fuck their "wives" especially negros you are rolling the die too much. To top that off they keep getting fed estrogen.

post your best chink webms

Attached: chink traffic.webm (426x318, 128.88K)

Attached: chinese empathy.webm (300x224, 2.7M)

Yes, but dare hurt doggos, those little pupperinos.

It could be a gateway drug to purity, like the Ethnic Cleansing video game would have been if it wasn't potato quality.

Attached: 08rpbk.jpg (744x924, 63.42K)

remember to post them to one of these

Haha chinks think their own people are refuse, trash to be discarded.

COVID-19 is an experiment in not just biological but social engineering.
It is well known that the Chinese display more sociopathic traits than any other race. This makes them easily controlled in a police state because they will aggressively report non-compliance as a way to enact social violence on each other. This behavior would be abhorrent to a western civilization, but in China this sort of debauchery is praised. Without empathy they control each other far better than the police state alone could achieve.
There are many reasons for the sociopathic tendencies of the Chinese, but one of them is that their emotional development is stunted by rarely seeing each others faces due to the prevalence of masks. Seeing others emotional reactions a young age from friends, relatives and strangers is essential to developing into a mentally healthy adult, and the common use of facemasks in China has led the vast majority of the population there to never develop empathy for others.
COVID-19 was engineered to encourage wearing masks as normal and everyday so that new generations never develop empathy. In future months after the outbreak Americans will be told that another pandemic could happen at any time and they should always wear a mask, until masks become an ingrained part of society. This will lead to the west also developing sociopathic traits and becoming easier to control.
A few people have been trying to fight this from within by leaking advise to not wear a mask. These people will quickly disappear to be replaced with advise that everybody should be wearing a mask at all times.
The disease is not a biological attack, it is a social one.

Nah, not interested in visiting reddit even for a raid.


chinks already know they're subhuman and don't care. might as well be showing it to your dog. These should be used to redpill the masses of the west on the truth about china. Yellow fever/cheap tech loving faggots are a prime example and there's plenty of them right here on Yas Forums.

If Chinks flooded Twitter with webms of Western soldiers shooting Arab children or whatever, what sort of effect would it have? Wouldnt this be the same?

right, how about twitter/facebook

That's too retarded to be true.

twitter is a good one
kek no. Russians have tried for years and always failed.

>That's too retarded to be true.

Attached: 1584572855891.png (231x218, 8.79K)

no because Americans are psycopaths

Chickens will violently peck an injured or sick chicken to death if it follows the flock. Its an evolutionary adaptation to ward off predators because the sick and injured attach them.

To a chink, stepping over you while you lay dying in the streets is civilized behavior. Their natural instinct is to kill you and through your corpse outside the city walls.


Fuck Yeah!

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