Is this safe or a honey pot?

FBI have taken down pedos via Trojans.
Dark markets still exist.
Dealers are caught VIA analysis of tracking of packages and bitcoin analysis.

Haven't heard of North Korean or Chinese Gov hackers using it to cover their tracks.

Terrorists don't use it.

US Gov owns or has backdoored a lot of Tor nodes..

Attached: bobburger.jpg (800x450, 25.93K)

>honey pot
this, it's almost as bad as Yas Forums

It's government funded retard, used by the US military or some shit

What a shame. Seems impossible to have privacy online now than.

Lots of VPN servers are owned by glow niggers.

Attached: strings.jpg (640x360, 40.31K)

No way to avoid the prying eyes of the illuminati?

Just pluck the eye out, user

I will still be under their surveillance. Just would make me blind to their evils.

Attached: scafpuppet.jpg (570x612, 84.52K)

Attached: 1984-Big-Brother.jpg (180x257, 21.6K)

Not your eyes; theirs

I do security audits on software for a living. I'll help.
>Pedos get Trojans
Nothing to do with TOR.
>Dark markets tracked with Bitcoin
Nothing to do with TOR
>Terrorists don't use it
Unfortunately they do.
Anyway, in regards to your main question on whether TOR is a reliable anonymous software then the answer is broadly yes. There are some ways in which you can be tracked via TOR but these rely on unrealistic or purely hypothetical scenarios. If you use TOR badly then that again is not TORs fault.

How is combining it with Qubes and Whonix?
Using a VPN router to preventing the local area from seeing your using tor?

The loli anime community avoids that more then aids, they showed the creators of it are hiding alot of shit in when you download it.

Attached: 1578198138087.jpg (627x800, 107.36K)

Source of your claims?


Attached: 0auntCass.jpg (752x798, 171.63K)

All of Yas Forums is a Honeypot.
Welcome. You're here forever.


Government has dozens of nodes openly and secretly. If you find yourself in a position where you need Tor, Tor is probably not enough by itself on default settings. I would treat everything only routed thru Tor on defaults like a Facebook post. Anyone contrary is more uneducated than me. Maybe re evaluate your life if you really need Tor.

It's safe, but only in combo with other measures and with due diligence.

If you cannot shitpost on Yas Forums without worrying, because you have somethings to hide, then pray for forgiveness and JUST LURK.


If the exit nodes are comprimised, doesn't that screw the whole pooch? It's only as good as the weakest link just like anything else.

>Terrorists don’t use it
Because the foreign terrorists live in caves and use letters to get information out with people riding on old used scooters and bicycles. You can’t hack pen and paper.

Really want to piss off the glowies? Use T0r for mundane normal internet browsing.

Fucking based as shit my nugga

I am a python developer and learning rust how can I become security analyst

Name one good dark market

Hint: u cant

Too bad it's glacier fucking slow, or at least was last time I took it for a spin a few years back.

Regular browsing at dial-up speeds? Count me in!

yeah, pol a honeypot....for what exactly? Everything on here is legal.

Also, tor is government funded because believe it or not the government also wants privacy and security to carry out military operations.

Really just dont do anything illegal and use any VPN and you're fine. Protected from doxxers and marketers.