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Still well under 70,000 flu + corona deaths. He was right

>Still well under 70,000 flu + corona deaths.
What? No. There's 39k corona deaths in usa in less than 3 months. That's 120k a year, and this is even shutting down everything; if they hadn't they'd be way more. You're so stupid that you might as well be American.

>has to shut down everything in order to avoid having more than 70,000 die

Are you sure of that? Many deaths aren't tested but VERIFIED. If the victim had symptoms such as fever or cough, etc. it is classified as COVID-19 disease. Therefor, it is possible many of them had flu.

You think the flu kills a consistent number of people every month, Pedro?

Sounds like Trump is handling it pretty well then.

There’s no reason to believe that the deaths will be spread out evenly throughout the year. Not as many people die from the flu in July, dumbass.

>There's 39k corona deaths in usa
highly debatable
I know several people whose doctors told them they probably had it, but they were fine, and they weren't tested so they're not recorded.
120k is less than 1/3 of one percent, who fucking cares


The lockdown didn’t do shit, retard. Sweden isn’t locking down and they’re doing just fine.

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why are ny state obituaries down this year?

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These numbers are all fake anyway. The hospitals are labeling every death a KungFlu death because the government is paying for all KungFlu related treatment. If you tens of millions of newly uninsured people coming to get treatment for all kinds of normal problems, are you going to eat the loss or label them KungFlu?



Flu season is over sweaty. The virus will die in the summer heat

He is completely right.

The fact that libtards like you are chimping out over conservative protests, PROVES you know the corona virus is a nothing hoax.

IF corona was real, and we went outside to our deaths, you would go silent as the grave so we would die.

You and every libtard REEEEEEEing and screaming proves what we all know-- corona is a nothingburger hoax.


Because the libtard governor is a sick disgusting Satanic freak who enjoys making people suffer, and denying people seeds could lead to their deaths when food stores close or run out.

These death-laws should only apply to niggers and Democrats, the idiots who voted for her.


There are so many layers of stupidity in your comment that i'm not going to even try.

>120k is less than 1/3 of one percent, who fucking cares
This. And also when you ask yourselves how many of them are fat niggers, coronavirus becomes even more insignificant.

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

density. they can afford to do less.

"Keep the pressure on."

Oh no, hospice patients are dying in record numbers. Oy vey like another shoah

>So far, Sweden has banned gatherings larger than 50 people, closed high-schools and universities, and urged those over 70, or otherwise at greater risk from the virus, to self-isolate.

>Sweden's foreign minister, Ann Linde, who spoke alongside Carlson at Friday's briefing in Stockholm, said the idea that life goes on as normal in Sweden is "a myth".


>you might as well be American.

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i wish this chink virus wasn't so weak. hospitals across america are empty. media has to artificially inflate the numbers just to make it look like a happening. SAD

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That was 40 days ago...36k dead in 40 days... we're not gonna make it are we?

no tangible affect on overall deaths

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>Density they can afford to do less
Which is what us rural and suburban retards have been saying from the fucking beginning. Its so ridiculous that all of NY state has to comply with this retarded lockdown that isnt going to do jack shit for smaller areas.

>The virus will die in the summer heat
Tell that to tropical countries with over 1000 confirmed cases
Not that it will spread as much but it won’t simply die off, retard

Muricans really voted for this guy, think about that, then laugh maybe, lol

take your meds, schizo
>le triggering librards BASED XD

You’re so clever propagating this obviously nonsensical hoax. Hope you are proud of yourself when billions of people starve to death because you destroyed the world economy on purpose.

>There's 39k corona deaths in usa in less than 3 months. That's 120k a year
You're assuming without evidence that Corona isn't seasonal.

>progressives will attempt to manipulate any given situation in order to affect the highest number of conservative deaths

fuckin' hell man

>It will make it harder to spread but it wont die off
Yeah, kinda like the flu

>The virus will die in the summer heat

But what if this isn't a 'normal' virus. What if this virus was lab engineered to be heat resistant?

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It’s a matter of not pushing the health care system to overcapacity. That’s what happened in European countries and that’s what will happen in the US too. This will indirectly result in many more deaths

Your country voted for a globalist half kike bitch lesbian daughter of a polish jew kommisar with a bobcut and a pantsuit overweight fucking marxist pig are you unironically a kike or just some turkish schwuchtel

>120k a year
Yea because of all those summer virus deaths
Fucking retard

Ok leaf

Actually it’s a good comment and you are retarded. You’re I’ll informed if you still think coronavirus is a threat to anyone under 80 at this stage.

>Europeans believe what's on TV

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>Sweden isn’t locking down
This is what happens when you get all your news from Yas Forums.

He'd also like to thank China for their transparency, don't forget that tweet

Never forget, in 1994, while attending a party hosted by his friend Jeffery Epstein, Donald Trump violently raped 13 year old Katie Johnson.

it's almost like all the other diseases out there were replaced by the chinkflu.

>people with cardiovascular conditions

>70,000 flu +
idiot, the Flu only kills about 23k people a year

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mortality rate is 1-2% at most for the chinkflu

>2% dude
>Spanish flu 2% mortality
Your a fucking brainlet or chink shill fuck off

COVID-19 is an experiment in not just biological but social engineering.
It is well known that the Chinese display more sociopathic traits than any other race. This makes them easily controlled in a police state because they will aggressively report non-compliance as a way to enact social violence on each other. This behavior would be abhorrent to a western civilization, but in China this sort of debauchery is praised. Without empathy they control each other far better than the police state alone could achieve.
There are many reasons for the sociopathic tendencies of the Chinese, but one of them is that their emotional development is stunted by rarely seeing each others faces due to the prevalence of masks. Seeing others emotional reactions a young age from friends, relatives and strangers is essential to developing into a mentally healthy adult, and the common use of facemasks in China has led the vast majority of the population there to never develop empathy for others.
COVID-19 was engineered to encourage wearing masks as normal and everyday so that new generations never develop empathy. In future months after the outbreak Americans will be told that another pandemic could happen at any time and they should always wear a mask, until masks become an ingrained part of society. This will lead to the west also developing sociopathic traits and becoming easier to control.
A few people have been trying to fight this from within by leaking advise to not wear a mask. These people will quickly disappear to be replaced with advise that everybody should be wearing a mask at all times.
The disease is not a biological attack, it is a social one.

The flu in history has never killed 70k, per year, not even close.
who the fuck came up with that number?

Infants have a 0.0% chance of dying from coronavirus.
As for the others,
dead weight

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Imagine just believing some figures from a website for goys.
The same (((organizations))) that said
>gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness
>masculinity and gaming are
Get fucked, fags.

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