Why has controlling the borders of a nation become an act of xenophobic hatred?
Why has controlling the borders of a nation become an act of xenophobic hatred?
neo liberals thinks they can have infinite 3rd world migration and still have a functioning society
They can either hate people or come up with ANY justification. Hating is cowardly and ignorant, but easier
It sucks that people suffer, but how do they not grasp the basic concept of competition for a finite number of resources? Or do they....and they just figure we have enough to provide for the billions that might want to come here?
Kikes and their useful idiots?
The Goyim are livestock and they do what they're told.
Bioleninism requires importation of dregs whose only path to sufficient social capital is supporting the cathedral.
It's pretty fucked up when you think about it
>useful idoit
This is tier 1 questioning user.
It really is, I mean asking someone to sign the guestbook so to speak is appropriate by any measure
I mean they pretty much tell you to your face
And why does it only pertain to whites?
Yes, but the solution is of a much higher order.
They are so used to having everything so they lost sight of that. These people could only exist in a decadent society such as the west you never see that shit anywhere else in the world..
I want to see these kinds of people be attacked
They're not thinking about the practical realities at all. It's a purely idealistic stance. The only fix to it would be to settle the refugees and immigrants in the houses of these specific people. Only if you attach a real, concrete cost to their idealism will they really think about it.
You are correct but thats going to change real quick now that the ass fell out of civilization
That seems reasonable, they have simply lost touch with really the nature of human civilization, the most vocal are not downtrodden or poor even
The goal of the new world worder is the international comunism. The only thing not tried by commies(everything else failed) is for the whole globe to be entirelly comunist. The thing is that once this is succesfull, the world is fucked, because there will not be any free western country to come anf save your ass. So, there will be a socialist USSR type of communism with big censorship andass killings and sending to gulags for people like us.
It's just another issue to be used as distraction and cause infighting while the oligarchy drains what's left of the country and sells its sovereignty corporations.
I always have a good laugh when the left supports unions, talks massive shit towards the wealthiest Americans, and in the same breath want a constant flow of high skilled and low skilled immigrants because... progress? These policies do not mix.
Well for example I am very much a proponent of a nations right to a secure border(as if that should even have to be said) but actually consider myself a xenophile, with an earnest interest and curiosity about other cultures and such
That is the answer my fren. I guarantee you all the people holding up those signs are upper middle class, live in a big city, and have some gay liberal arts degree.
lol if only you knew how mad it makes me listening to my illegal salvadoran co-workers brag about how the military shut down their border for coronavirus. these people have a major cognitive dissonance going on and cannot be reasoned with.
it's not, it only is for white countries, if you've noticed
they have no problem with africans enforcing their borders
>The US takes in far more immigrants than almost any Western country on the planet
>because they place any restrictions on it at all this means it is a bigoted country and a bigoted policy
I really want these people to die
> White people to Kikes
Because the Democrat party moved away from blacks and toward Hispanics and other immigrant groups. They got people riled up, and they don’t care, because it’s good for votes.
leftist open border politics in conjunction with chinese communists caused the pandemic and all the deaths.
sign is right, BTW.
the human suffering at the on going open sore that is US Mex border is at least majorly the fault of USA.
As Whites, we know that Mexicans are not gonna go "gee, we need to stop our people from doing that".
If USA did the right thing and made crossing border impossible the suffering would end.
If the USA was a strip mall, the local cops and city council would put them out of business for 'encouraging a public nuisance'.
When a shitty motel becomes known as center for drugs and hookers, judges order them to hire security (why judges don't order the pigs to do their job I don't know).
Because they hate whites. If there's some sort of policy that might benefit whites they'll oppose it, but if it's detrimental to whites they'll support it. There isn't much more to it than that
No it isnt.
>"When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”
Its their mythology of the perfect world. One where they dont have to be afraid of nationalist uprisings expelling them.
Its the Andalusian paradise
I think they are true believers who are just woefully misguided by their idealism, often It is espoused that they are part of a "plan" or conspiracy as if they are actors, I don't think that to be the case
Non-whites love government up their asses 24/7 and have no philosophical or moral lens to view the world which weighs against the ass-rape, only thinking transactionally.
In other words, they are the dream voter of every psycho Democrat/lefty.
Corporate linguistic warfare.
Some are truly delusional open border types.
The Democrat party knows very well that their demands are ridiculous, but as long as a Republican is president, they can continue to support the lunacy, knowing they don’t have to act on their claims.
Because orange man bad. Fuck Trump and fuck white people.
>become an act of xenophobic hatred?
its not, only communist & neoliberal prog demons say it is, and they hold no authority over you or anyone else. By even merely suggesting it's a "fact" you are just submitting to them and conceding power to them