Dying of an easily avoidable and scientifically proven pandemic to own the libs

>dying of an easily avoidable and scientifically proven pandemic to own the libs

At least they’ll be less of you after this ends

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This may not be the right situation in which to use that saying. Yikes.

>open borders
i sleep
>both political parties controlled by elites who don’t give a fuck about the average white american worker
i sleep
>whites actively attacked and slandered in the media
i sleep
>refugee resettlement
i sleep
>illegals given public benefits
i sleep
>local ruby tuesday closed for a few months

Why can't people in Michigan buy seeds?

Mental slaves. These people dont belive what they belive in.

You had seen Atomwaffen, you had seen Boomerwaffen. But are you ready for Karenwaffen?


I’m glad as hell i got out of this website when I did Jesus Christ

Thats a damn good question.


You are still here.

I’m ready for the bluewaffle ;)
Polska kurwa

Fair enough. I’m writing a report on how fake news and fringe theory has pulled American politics to the right, and I’ve gotten a lotta good stuff. I’m logging off to play kenshi.

I mean this sincerely as someone who was as deeply entrenched in Yas Forums a few years ago: please critically analyze your opinions and find factual basis for them. The day I realized that my hatred of liberals and minorities was rooted in deeper insecurity about myself was the day I became a better person.

Good luck, and godspeed brothers. Regardless of how you do it, I hope you all find happiness

>much science
Probably not going to die of this pandemic. Likelihoods is that this is going to be like the contemporary flu pandemic. Mostly old people die of it. Everyone else recovers. The pointlessness of the panic is then realized and people again allowed a dangerous precedent in regards to government activity to develop.

The fact that libtards like you are chimping out over conservative protests, PROVES you know the corona virus is a nothing hoax.

IF corona was real, and we went outside to our deaths, you would go silent as the grave so we would die.

You and every libtard REEEEEEEing and screaming proves what we all know-- corona is a nothingburger hoax.


Because the libtard governor is a sick disgusting Satanic freak who enjoys making people suffer, and denying people seeds could lead to their deaths when food stores close or run out.

These death-laws should only apply to niggers and Democrats, the idiots who voted for her.


Nigger people have been protesting that shit for years. The media just never covered it because it doesn't suit their agenda.

What's stopping them from buying seeds, user?


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Like straws on a camel's back. This might not be the actual straw, but you'll get there someday.

Shame on you, liar.

>and we went outside to our deaths, you would go silent as the grave so we would die.
Except that you're going to proceed to expose other people to it. The cashier at the grocery store, the doctors and nurses who have to treat you, your liberal teenagers who resent you for being such a cringeworthy Tea Party dumbass, it's not gonna be just you who dies. More's the pity.

>glad as hell i got out of this website when I did

OP is a faggot and a noob.
You'll never leave.
If you want to tell OP what an immense faggot he is without bumping his shit thread, 'sage' goes in the options field.

A perfect juxtaposition of the typical cuckservative american.
Muh rhetorical conservative jingoism and muh chain junk food stores

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Being that it has a .01% mortality for healthy people your an idiot

I hope many of these retards die of the virus. I'll be laughing when it happens.

The tolerant left, everyone.

Stores have "non essential" sections closed off there to prevent people from browsing the stores. Can only purchase what they say is important.

But at the stores in my state, you can brows & get whatever they have limit 2 on shortage items.

wrong. the only “protest” has been voting for trump and they just thought he’d take care of everything. look where we are now lol

If you give up your liberties for security you don't deserve either. fags.

The stores are open. Store workers, care homes, and factories are gaurenteed exposure. And everyone at work has decided its better to work than to not work.

Whites will be fine. But nigs and spics die at a much higher rate. They vote overwhelmingly for commies. Result less diversity which is good for america.

why the fuck doesn't Baskin Robbins have bubblegum ice cream anymore?? 31 fucking flavors and they got rid of one of their best.

now these right here are the liberal braindead who succumbed by the MSM. I know because my mom is one of them, she wont see the writing on the wall until it's right in front of her face.

>muh seeds
I guess the real question here is whether the deaths from famine caused by the seed ban, the unbearable misery of starving families stripped of a livelihood that they're obviously deeply committed to, will actually be greater than that caused by the virus ? It's certainly a tough call to make...