High school students getting expelled over a tik tok

>High school students getting expelled over a tik tok
Who was in the wrong here, pol?


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>Posting edgy shit where everyone can see your face and not behind 15 VPNs

They had it coming, school had to do it or they’d be in a massive shit storm

the jews who pressured the school to do so

what's their patreon?

it was literally just a joke tho

HS students should never be expelled for something that happened away from school. What fucking clown world are we in?


Just yet another reason homeschooling is superior

The world is a nasty place

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white trash racists get what they deserve

racism is literally subhuman iq

The school and the fragile niggers who sent a mob after two high schoolers for the crime of posting a video. And all the faggots here who will say "durrrrrr they should have known better they should accept being persecuted like the rest of us!" should be shot

They may get kicked out of school, but they will still graduate and still get jobs and succeed. They're white.

This is actually a really interesting debate to watch, and it's part of a larger issue that society isn't settled on yet.

The quality of the humor is mediocre. It's just a canned opinion shoved into a meme format. Not terrible, but not brilliant either, just a meme.
It's definitely in poor taste. You might make that joke behind closed doors with people who know you, but you wouldn't meet a black person and open with that unless you were autistic or trying to piss them off.

Those two traits in a joke have been around forever, but not mixed with social media. There people have followers that they treat as an in group behind closed doors, but the content is open and anyone could trip over it. They so rarely do because algorithms direct most of the people who would be offended by the content away from it.
So what do you do when the algorithms fail or are subverted via common social activity? You can't improve the filtering any more, that can only get better with advancing information tech.
With Yas Forums's pseudo-anonyminity you can claim to hold the belief that you should call niggers niggers and damn the consequences, but if you abide by that in real life you'll find out that society has very little tolerance for it, and if you persist you won't last very long to keep yelling that opinion.

The left obviously can't toss everyone who says nigger in jail, and the right can't call everyone who's black a nigger without violating a western sense of individuality and fair play (guaranteeing backlash). What do you do when the separation that has allowed the two sides to coexist and tolerate each other breaks down? We don't really know the proper way to act about it, and we're about to watch hundreds of millions of people cooperate and fight over the answer to that question. It's a historical struggle, no matter how it ends.

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they're posting her address on insta now, someone needs to go be a simp and protect her

niggers could beat the shit out of them and only get two days in school suspension.

>They had it coming, school had to do it or they’d be in a massive shit storm
what a fucking cuckold

especially since the girl is a fatty

Sue the school. They can't punish kids for something that happens away from school grounds. Those students look like they were 30 years old though.

If you can't say nigger without a mob of Jews destroying your life you are a slave. It's not about some Western contract or Anti-White shit would face same treatment.

>Mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum muh fugen bix nood cof bin dub ho mugfugga

People who use social media are all wrong.

they posted it in a private group and someone in the group got pissed at the girl and released it
also this vid is two years old apparently

But it was to real for them.



then take your ass to Africa and come back singing that same tune (this is rhetorical because I know you're just a bitch and you won't)

Then should the left be allowed to call white people literal Nazis without anyone getting offended? If not, why not?

you mean the jew that doxed them? her name is known, idk if someone has got her address yet or not

Apparently a lawyer has already contacted the kids involved and is willing to take on the case. Blacks on twitter are now trying to dox the lawyer because they're too stupid to understand the First Amendment issues here
The law is simple. Tinker v. Des Moines clearly says that public schools cannot discriminate against students for their speech, and that case was about speech within the context of being on school grounds. They have absolutely no power to discriminate against social media posts that have nothing to do with school grounds

how are they wrong with anything they said then?

I'm not sure if she was in the friend group or if she saw it after someone else in the freind group already posted it publicly

They were. The video was unbelievably stupid and senseless. And the fact that they posted it online for the world to see was extremely stupid. Its not based, its not redpilled, its stupid, and it makes us look bad.

It should be proportional. There are far more black people who commit crime as a percentage of the population than white people holding negative views about other races. It's a false analogy

This isn't about offense, it is about retribution and witch hunts. That is the problem. They can say that, and kill whites, and fuck white people, etc. with no repercussions whatsoever. But one 'nigger' and your life is ruined. Threatening to harm/rob/kill someone who said nigger is considered OK, as is doxxing them and their families. It is a double standard.
Nigger is the new blasphemy.

>They had it coming, school had to do it or they’d be in a massive shit storm

Get a load of this cuck

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My sides

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I'm trying to put this into context for my millennial boomer brain - it's like if my school somehow found out I called someone a faggot on counter strike and I got expelled for it.... What's it to do with them?

After reading the girl's response to her getting #canceled I'm actually glad this cunt got her life fucked up lmao

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They already do, and nobody cares.

lol what a subhuman. Some women really cannot be trusted.

Oh dear....


One day, people will get truly tired of doxxing and twitter bullshit and will post the n word and other offensive shit on twitter en masse so it's impossible to dox all of them.
None of the people that do this will be female. Women never fucking learn.

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Kek, women in charge of loyalty and having integrity.

she literally just made it worse. The people who think like us now think she's a horrible cunt who shouldn't have apologized or thrown her boyfriend under the bus
and now the word "blacks" is trending on twitter because black twitter thinks even using that word is racist and is doubling down on her

Time for another 9-0 opinion reminding schools they don't rule students' lives off campus.

Based and attractive.

literally said nothing wrong or inaccurate

Considering that schooling is compulsory, no one should legally or logically have the right to force students to be truants.
Truancy is illegal, so forcing students to be truants is clearly illegal, especially is the students in question never signed a contract dictating their behaviors.

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