First step is to release the CIA info that "proves definitively" that the virus was made in a lab by chinks. He claims the report will be so convincing and have so much proof/evidence behind it that most of the global community will condemn China, although the US will have to "twist some arms" of unwilling partners in the endeavor.

After the fallout of the international community condemning China, the US will ask China how they'll make amends, which A) gives China a chance to bend the knee, which would be a humiliating geopolitical failure for them, as well as B)Undermine Xi's authority and cause chaos in CCP ranks. Furthermore the US will try to break Russia away from China which would put an immense amount of pressure on Xi. Finally, the US will announce a barrage of tarriffs and sanctions against China along with other western allies and the US will most likely succeed in ejecting China from the world trade org as well.

China will go on a counteroffensive, using all of their western assets, some of whom are elected members of congress, to delay action and cause division in the US

Attached: China vs USA.jpg (565x829, 169.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so what does that actually achieve?
wake me up when we've declared all out war on the dog eaters

I'd like to see our strategy against all the corrupt politicians and corporate heads who sold us out to china in the first place.
We can do that second. But it needs to done.

You can't defeat china in anyway shape or form.
Cope mason fags


Also, most of the global community is already mad at china so I don't see what's so earth-shaking about this obvious strategy.

sounds like a larp, though i hope and pray every part of it comes true, we are living in a fucking chink fueled nightmare and they these fucking insects are busy throwing pooches on the fire as we speak

fuck off chang

Attached: fuckingdemons.webm (368x640, 668.04K)

Or option C: Create some awesome street shadows in China that we can visit after they stop glowing.

We will force you to strike first.
We will eradicate you.
Denbts are Due.
The Collector is here.

Attached: 20171011_164114.png (1210x1958, 1.03M)

>Furthermore the US will try to break Russia away from China which would put an immense amount of pressure on Xi.
It's never going to happen because the US is an African country. The Russians have an anti-imperialist legacy from the USSR and have been known to try and rile up blacks with anti-racist agitation propaganda in the US, but there is absolutely zero chance a 75% Russian and Orthodox Christian country is going to rely on a negro country and pin its fortunes to one.

You forgot to mention the part where after China is destroyed, the industrial base will move to Vietnam and Mexico while South Americans, Africans, and Indians are poured en masse by Jews into the USA under the guise of "repopulation" and "manufacturing" (which will never come back).

Attached: Israel-20141110125750294.jpg (743x496, 69.29K)

>most of the global community
nigger you have no fucking clue jsut how deep the globalist kikes pockets are lined by chink money. they will kick fight and scream every step of the way to keep making their money.

The west has a huge problem and that is career politicians, you should not be able to serve for more than 2 years, any more and you are likely to be bribed/blackmailed by corporations and foreign chinks/jews

Faggot they have twisted our thinking so much you know you use those pronouns naturally

You know you're going to die right? Fucking chink.

Right here's a coincidence too

Attached: cruzmissile.jpg (1387x1101, 711.73K)

>the US is an African country
That was 2015.
call me at the end of The Pandemic.

We'll never like china, fuck off ccp.

All I care about is the espionage and economic rape like I have for years. However, I have zero faith in my government to actually fix any of this because like you said so many are on the take and many others are incompetent (Iran nuclear program??? Who gives a fuck?!?)

All seems pretty good. And maybe even some of our elected representatives get dealt with as zombies? Jesus dude, is there supposed to be no down side?!?!

>12 seconds in

Trump's already trying to pivot to India. The problem is never fucking solved, it's just passed on to new places

China had always been defeated in all its history though...

Western assets cant do shit user. They will lose their seats if they side with China.

Attached: Screenshot_20200416-180113_Edge.jpg (757x1408, 364.34K)

It's never going to happen. Russia's future is on turning Europe away from the US and letting that be their hedge against China. US is just too brown. No serious global power would ever bank on Nigeria or Mexico.

[you] are about to be Vaporized at Mach 20.

way too many oligarchs make may way too much money through chinese slave manufacturing for us to ever turn on them. there is no other obvious alternative for outsourcing manufacturing.


Have you checked the Covid Fatalities for racial statistics?
Go do that, then come back and talk shit.

Redpill me on that.
Are whites being culled like they deserve?

>Russia's future is on turning Europe away from the US and letting that be their hedge against China. US is just too brown.
> Implying Europe won't also get BLACKED
